Đề thi chọn đội tuyển học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh năm học 2019-2020 môn Tiếng Anh THPT - Part 1

Question 09-10: Choose a letter (A, B, C, or D) that correctly answer questions 09 and 10.

09. What has Kirsty done regarding to the loss of her credit card?

A. informed the police but not the credit card company.

B. informed the credit card company but not the police.

C. informed both the police and the credit card company.

D. informed neither the police nor the credit card company.

10. What must Kirsty do after the call regarding to her lost handbag?

A. Call back after one hour and a half.

B. Just wait for a call back

C. Call back after one hour and a half if she has heard nothing.

D. Call back the next day if she has heard nothing. 

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  1. SỞ GD&ĐT KÌ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HSG CẤP TỈNH NĂM HỌC 2019-2020 TRƯỜNG THPT ĐỀ THI MÔN: TIẾNG ANH – THPT Thời gian thi: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi gồm 05 trang) PART A: LISTENING Listen and complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer. Question 01-05: PAN ASIAN AIRWAYS - LOST PROPERTY REPORT FORM First name Kirsty Surname Allen Address (01)___ Windham Road, Richmond Postcode (02)___ Home. Tel 020 8927 7651 Mobile. Tel (03)___ Flight number (04)___ Seat number (05)___ From: New York To: London Heathrow Question 06-08: Choose THREE letters from A to F What items did Kirsty’s bag contain? A. 17 pounds B. Pens C. Her passport D. A book E. 200 dollars F. Her house keys Question 09-10: Choose a letter (A, B, C, or D) that correctly answer questions 09 and 10. 09. What has Kirsty done regarding to the loss of her credit card? A. informed the police but not the credit card company. B. informed the credit card company but not the police. C. informed both the police and the credit card company. D. informed neither the police nor the credit card company. 10. What must Kirsty do after the call regarding to her lost handbag? A. Call back after one hour and a half. B. Just wait for a call back C. Call back after one hour and a half if she has heard nothing. D. Call back the next day if she has heard nothing. PART B: PHONETICS Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words. 11. A. television B. education C. entertainment D. information 12. A. conversation B. isolation C. traditional D. situation 13. A. capital B. activity C. different D. opera 14. A. affect B. effective C. expand D. charity 15. A. family B. probably C. animal D. minority KÌ THI CHỌN HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG – ĐỀ THI MÔN TIẾNG ANH KHỐI THPT Trang 1/5
  2. PART C: GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences. 16. John is talking to his friends about the village___ he visited last week. A. which B. where C. what D. when 17. It was such a sunny day that none of us___ to do any work. A. want B. wanted C. wants D. wanting 18. ___ in 2005, his novel was the best-seller at that time. A. Written B. Writing C. Write D. Wrote 19. The second-hand car Patrick bought was almost new___ it was made in the 1990s. A. although B. however C. because D. or 20. Most people know that a___ diet and regular exercises are very important. A. balanced B. useful C. daily D. poor 21. If you want to benefit from regular exercise, you___ also eat healthy foods. A. should B. will C. could D. can 22. Do you know___? A. where does he come from B. where he comes from C. where is he come from D. where is he from 23. The waiter is talking to a man in a restaurant. - Waiter: “___” - Man: “No, I’m full already.” A. Would you like something for dessert? B. Excuse me. Where is your seat? C. Excuse me. Is this seat free? D. Have you booked in advance? 24. A lady has just thanked a gentleman for giving her a lift. - Lady: “It was so kind of you to give me a lift.” - Gentleman: “___” A. Don’t mention it- it was a pleasure. B. No, you’ve got to be kidding. C. There is no doubt about that. D. I couldn’t agree with you more. 25. The job offer was so good that Janet shouldn’t have turned it___. A. off B. down C. out D. away II. Fill in each blank with a suitable PREPOSITION or PARTICLE. 26. Raise the gun to your shoulder, aim___ the target, and try not to kill anyone. 27. Small children should be watched___ carefully. 28. Would you give up your country cottage___ a town flat? 29. He’ll inherit the money when he comes___ age. 30. The performance on the first night came___ pretty. III. Fill in each of the following sentences with the correct form of the word in CAPITAL to complete each sentence. 31. She has one of the biggest___ in Britain. COLLECT 32. The judge told him it was___ to drink and drive, and banned him for RESPONSIBLE a year. 33. The keys were locked inside the car. ___, a side window was open. LUCKY 34. Three firms are in___ for the same contract. COMPETE 35. It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird. It has been listed as one of DANGER the___ species. 36. The government is spending a lot of money in the attempt to fight LITERATE against___. 37. These shoes look quite smart but they’re terribly___. COMFORT 38. Burning coal is an___ way of heating a house. Gas is much cheaper. ECONOMY KÌ THI CHỌN HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG – ĐỀ THI MÔN TIẾNG ANH KHỐI THPT Trang 2/5
  3. 39. They had a large___ over the other party at the last election. MAJOR 40. Is inflation___ of economic decline? SYMPTOM PART D: READING (30pts) I. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer. The ruined temples of Angkor are perhaps one of the most impressive Seven Wonders of the World. Located in modern day Cambodia near Lake Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in Asia, Angkor was the seat of power for the Khmer Empire from the ninth to the most impressive ones in the world, rivaling the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Why this mighty civilization died out is a question that archeologists are now only beginning to ponder. The answer, it turns out, may be linked with the availability of fresh water. One possible explanation for the downfall of the Khmer Empire has to do with the inhabitants’ irrigation system. The temple and palaces of Angkor were constructed around a series of artificial reservoirs and canals which were annually flooded to capacity by the Mekong River. Once filled, they were used to irrigate the surrounding rice patties and farmland during the course of the year. Farmers were completely dependent upon the water for their crucial rice crop. Without consistent irrigation, the farmers would have been unable to maintain functional crop production. Scientists speculate that toward the end of the Khmer Empire the hydraulic systems of the reservoirs and canals broke down. The construction of hundreds of sandstone temples and palaces required an enormous amount of physical labor. In addition, as the capital of the Khmer Empire, Angkor contained upwards of one hundred thousand people who resided in and around Angkor. In order to feed so many people, the local farmers were driven to grow food quicker and more efficiently. After centuries of continual use, the irrigation system was pushed beyond its capacity. Soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and the loss of water led to decrease in the food supply. With less food available, the people of Angkor slowly began to migrate to other parts of Cambodia thus leaving the marvelous city of Angkor to be swallowed by the jungle. Therefore, it is speculated that the Khmer Empire may have fallen victim to its own decrepit infrastructures. 41. What is the passage mainly about? A. A possible explanation for the decline of a civilization. B. Modern day agricultural procedures in Cambodia. C. The essential role water plays in farming. D. Religious temples of the ancient Khmer Empire. 42. What does the passage preceding most likely discuss? A. Architecture of ancient Asian civilization. B. The form of government practiced by the Khmer Empire. C. Religious practices of the people of Angkor. D. The other six wonders of the world. 43. According to the passage, Lake Tonle Sap in Cambodia___. A. is an enormous fresh body of water in Asia B. is one of the Seven Wonders of the World C. was unable to supply enough fish for the people of Angkor D. became polluted due to a population explosion 44. The word ‘seat’ in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to___. A. battle B. chief C. location D. summit 45. Why does the author mention the hydraulic systems of the reservoirs? A. They supplied irrigation from the Indian Ocean. B. They were destroyed by nearby warrior tribes. KÌ THI CHỌN HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG – ĐỀ THI MÔN TIẾNG ANH KHỐI THPT Trang 3/5
  4. C. They became non-functional due to overuse. D. They helped transport the sandstones for constructing temples. 46. The word ‘reservoirs’ in the second paragraph could best be replaced by___. A. dams B. lakes C. rivers D. wells 47. The word ‘they’ in the second paragraph refers to___. A. reservoirs and canals B. temples and places C. rice patties D. farmland 48. It can be inferred from the passage that the inhabitants of the Khmer Empire___. A. depended upon rice as their main source of food B. lost their food source due to excess rainfall C. were intentionally starved by the farmers D. supplemented their diets with meat hunted in the nearby jungles 49. All of the following are mentioned as events that can affect food supply EXCEPT___. A. reduction of nutrients B. loss of water supply C. erosion of soil D. contamination of soil 50. The word ‘decrepit’ in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to___. A. beneficial B. incomplete C. disorganized D. deteriorated II. Read the following passage choose the correct word for each of the blanks. Easter is a holiday in late March or early April, the first Sunday after the first full moon after 21 March. Many people (51)___ it with their family or have a short holiday/ vacation. It is also an important Christian festival. Easter Sunday, the day of the Resurrection, is the end of Lent (52)___ the most important date in the Christian year. Many people who do not go to church at other times go on Easter Sunday. It was once (53)___ for people to wear new clothes to church on this day. Women (54)___ new hats, called Easter bonnets. Today, people sometimes make elaborately decorated Easter bonnets for fun. A few people send Easter cards with religious symbols on them or pictures of small chickens, lambs, rabbits and spring flowers, all traditionally associated (55)___ Easter. 51. A. take B. spend C. use D. expend 52. A. for B. as C. and D. nor 53. A. familiar B. ordinary C. common D. regular 54. A. puts on B. take on C. bore D. wore 55. A. toward B. from C. to D. with III. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. How easy is (56)___ to understand another person’s character? My friend Jack was once a rather annoying person. He was always getting (57)___ trouble because he was so disobedient. In class he was very talkative and never stopped (58)___ jokes. The teachers all told him (59)___ was impolite because he interrupted them. When I met him, he was very unfriendly and didn’t want to talk to me (60)___ all. People told me he stole things and that he was dishonest. His school work was terrible. He didn’t take any pride in his writing, he never (61)___ enough time doing his homework, and that he was not at all conscientious. One day he (62)___ a gang of boys attacking an old man. Jack hated violence and he fought them all (63)___ they ran away. He was (64)___ a medal for bravery. After that people changed their (65)___ about him. KÌ THI CHỌN HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG – ĐỀ THI MÔN TIẾNG ANH KHỐI THPT Trang 4/5
  5. PART E: WRITING I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to the original one. 66. I can visit my classmates at the weekend → I am allowed ___. 67. They started learning English ten years ago. → They have ___. 68. They think that it is a good idea for me to do voluntary work. → They think that I ___. 69. Anna couldn’t understand her boyfriend’s sense of humour. → It was Anna’s boyfriend sense of humour___. 70. Because he didn’t study hard, he failed the exam. → Had___. III. Essay writing. Writing an essay of about 200 to 250 words to talk about the causes and effects of global warming and give your own possible solutions to it. ___THE END___ Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm. Họ và tên thí sinh: . . . . .; Số báo danh KÌ THI CHỌN HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG – ĐỀ THI MÔN TIẾNG ANH KHỐI THPT Trang 5/5