Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi quốc gia THPT năm 2019 môn Tiếng Anh

(Bản scan)

Part 3. For questlons 11-15, listen to part of an interview with two psychologists, Jdoseph Bloome and
Amanda Owen, and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D which fits best according to what you hoar.
Write your answers Ín the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
11. When discussing wealth and happiness, Joseph ¡s of the opinion that :

A. material possession has Iittle tơ do with the level of happiness

B. in no way can being wealthy make an individual feel happy

€. being materially disadvantaged prevents people's effort to gain wealth

D. those who think weaith and happiness are the same are unable to be successful
12. What does Amanda say about the effect of material acquisition on people?

Á. It provides them with a feeling of elation following a letdown.

B. Ít is entirely dictated by circumstantial changes rather than their state of mind.

€. lt is dependent on their general mood and partly on a change in circumstances.

D. Ít tends to be more powerful with purchases of greater material values.

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