Đề thi học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Phòng GD và ĐT Krông Ana (Kèm đáp án)

1. Mary usually arrives at the office at 9 o’clock, but………. the storm, shewas two hours late.
A. because of B. because C. although D. despite
2. The US president Barack Obama ………….. an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is of great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership.
A.delivered B. paid C. offered D. gave
3. When I came back I realized that mycamera_______
A. havedisappeared B.disappeared
C. hadbeen disappeared D. haddisappeared
docx 6 trang Hải Đông 05/02/2024 1141
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  1. LISTENING Part 1: There are five questions in this part. For each question, there are three pictures and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C. 1. Which dish did Mark cook in the competition? 2. Where is the girl’s book now? 3. Who lives with Josh in his house? 4. What will the girl take with her on holiday? 5. What time will the train to Manchester leave? Part 2: You will hear a man called Ben, from a young peoples’ organisation, telling a youth group about the course they can do on Saturdays. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. SATURDAY COURSE Name of Ben’s organisation: Nature Aim of the course: Discovering (1) . Closest course location for this group: (2) Length of the course: (3) weeks 1
  2. Example of activities you will do: - Learn how to climb. - Cut up wood - Make a (4) - Design a (5) to take home. II. PHONETICS (2 pts) A. Circle the letter preceding the word whose underlined part differently pronounced from those in each group: (1 pt) 1. A. ancient B. face C. page D. angle 2. A. heritage B. shortage C. teenage D. luggage 3. A. appear B. weather C. bread D. headache 4. A. television B. elephant C. section D. Swedish 5. A. needed B. crookedC. interested D. worked 6. A. express B. exciting C. expensive D. exhibition 7. A. attacks B. repeats C. roofs D. trays 8. A. contribute B. studio C. calculation D. conclusion 9. A. tough B. cousin C. encounter D. enough 10. A. concentrate B. convention C. conceal D. confide B. Circle the letter preceding the word whose main stress pronounced differently from those of the rest (1 pt) 1. A. transmit B. device C. saucepan D. nearby 2. A. discover B. injure C. highlight D. country 3. A. access B. schedule C. canoe D. discount 4. A. industry B. tornadoC. natural D. injury 5. A. geography B. electronic C. scientific D. preparation 6. A. rescue B. humourC. postpone D. promise 7. A. maintain B. contact C. accesible D. anxiety 8. A. Egyptian B. oceanic C. documentary D. volunteer 9. A. commercial B. convenient C. necessary D.employee 10. A. domesticate B. committee C. satisfactory D. eliminate III. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (6,0 pts) A. Circle the letter preceding the word or phrase to complete each sentence below (3,0 pts) 1. This library card will give you free access the internet 8 hours a day. A. from B. on C. to D. in 2. There are many in our library. A. interesting American old history books B. old American interesting history books. C. interesting old American history books D. American interesting old history books 3. There are many people lives have been spoilt by that factory. A. whom B. who C. whose D. when 4. “I think Jane is at home”_ “No, she be at home, for she phoned me from the airport just ten minutes ago.” A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. won’t 5. People in the countryside live than those in the city. A. more happy B. more happily C. happier D. less happy 6. All three TV channels provide extensive . of sporting events. A. broadcast B. network C. coverage D. vision 7. I’d rather you ___anything about it for the time being. A. didn’t do B. not do C. don’t do D. won’t do 8. Bill has a very good idea for the next class party. A. looked up to B. come up with C. gone in for D. made up of 9. He was that we turned off the TV set immediately. A. so bad singer B. such bad singer C. such bad a singer D. so bad a singer 10. Madrid is famous its pulls A. as B. with C. for D. of 2
  3. 11. He is a little bit in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say. A. disabled B. deaf C. diseased D. dead 12. People are advised to smoking because of its harm to their health. A. cut down B. cut down on C. cut off D. cut in 13. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a .day. A.windy B. foggy C. snowy D. rainy 14. around us gives us vital information about our environment A. The sounds are heard B. Hearing the sounds C. That the hearing of sound D. Whatever the sounds are heard 15. Mary usually arrives at the office at 9 o’clock, but . the storm, shewas two hours late. A. because of B. because C. although D. despite 16. The US president Barack Obama an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is of great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership. A.delivered B. paid C. offered D. gave 17. When I came back I realized that mycamera___ A. havedisappeared B.disappeared C. hadbeen disappeared D. haddisappeared 18. George took of the fine weather to work in his garden. A. chance B. interest C. advantage D. Charge 19.The water company will have to .off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are carried out. A. hold B. run C. set D. cut 19. Why don’t you buy oranges when they are much than apples? A. less expensive B. not expensive C. as expensive D. lesser expensive 20. Not until 2008 .across the river. A. the first bridge was built B. the first building of a bridge was C. built the first bridge D. was the first bridge built 21. He will spend at least one year working abroad he can find out how things operate overseas. A.because B. as so C. so that D. as long as 22. “More coffee? Anybody?” – “ ” A. I’d love to B. I don’t agree, I’m afraid C. It’s right, I think D. Yes,please 23. Take care of , Lan! A. herself B. himself C. myself D. yourself 24. Many scientists have claimed that like music are often good at mathematics. A. children B. children who C. children whom D. whose children 25. He is to lift this heavy package of cotton. A. not strong enough B. enough strong C. strong not enough D. not enough strong 26.Laura said she on the assignment since the day before. A. have worked B. worked C. had worked D. works 27. He to the doctor after the accident, but he continued to play instead. A. must have gone B. should have gone C. couldn’t go D. didn’t have to go 28. I don’t really winter sport very much. A. deal with B. face up to C. get round to D. go in for 30. Would you mind if I a photo ? A. take B. took C. would take D. am going to take B. Circle the letter placed under the word or phrase which is not correct (1,0 pt) 1. Everyone was exciting as the prince wanted to choose his wife from the village. A B C D 2. When living in the countryside, Tom used to going swimming with his friends. A B C D 3. The book writing by Jack London is very popularin the world. A B C D 3
  4. 4. Made up of more than 150 member countries, the organization known as the United A B Nations were established after World War II to preserve international peace and security. C D 5. The students seemed verynervouslybefore the final exam. A B C D C. Fill each gap in each sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters 1. He works for UNESCO in a purely role. ADVICE 2. Our school set up a project to . the library system. COMPUTER 3. All the dancers wore costumes. TRADITION 4. Farmers are always faced with brought about by typhoons, floods or droughts. DESTROY 5. ., I won’t be able to attend the meeting. FORTUNATE 6. The shoes were nice, but they were COMFORT 7.He received the award in of his success over the past year. RECOGNIZE 8. People do not like her because she is HONEST 9.This course is for .who have never learned English. BEGIN 10. She has few friends because she is so . SOCIETY IV. READING (5 pts) A. Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. (2 pts) As computers have become powerful tools for the rapid and economic production of pictures, computer graphics has emerged as one of the most rapidly growing fields in computer science. It is used routinely in such diverse areas as business, industry, art, government, education, research, training, and medicine. One of the initial uses of computer graphics, and ultimately its greatest use, has been as an aid to design, generally to refer to as computer- aided design (CAD). One of its greatest advantages is that designers can see how an object will look after construction and make changes freely and much more quickly than with hand drafting. For three-dimensional rendering of machine parts, engineers now rely heavily on CAD. Automobile, spacecraft, aerospace, and ship designers use CAD techniques to design vehicles and test their performance. Building designs are also created with computer graphics system. Architects can design a building layout, create a three-dimensional model, and even go for a simulated ‘walk’ through the rooms or around the outside of the building. Business graphics is another rapidly growing area of computer graphics, where it is used to create graphs, charts, and cost models to summarize financial, statistical, mathematical, scientific, and economic data. As an educational aid, computer graphics can be used to create weather maps and cartographic materials. Computer art also has creative and commercial art applications, where it is used in advertising, publishing, and film productions, particularly for computer animation, which is achieved by a sequential process. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Routine uses of computers B. Computer graphics applications C. The rapidly growing field of computer science D. Computers as the architects of the future 2. The word ‘it’ refers to___ A. computer graphics B. computer science C. fields D. computers 3 The paragraph following this passage would most likely be about ___. A. computer animation B. flight training C. cost models D. applications of CAD in medicine 4. According to the passage, architects use CAD to ___ A. inspect buildings B. create graphs C. make cartographic materials D. create three-dimensional models 5. The word “ initial” used in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. last B. final C. first D. major 4
  5. 6. According to the passage, engineers use CAD for ___ A. a simulated ‘walk’ through model rooms B. rendering machine parts C. making cost models D. advertising 7. The word ‘applications’ means ___ A. jobs B. creativity C. uses D. layers 8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a use of computer graphics in business? A. Charts B. Cost models C. Graphs D. Hires 9. The author’s tone in this passage is___ A. sarcastic B. neutral C. pessimistic D. doubtful 10. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ___ relies heavily on computer graphics A. making cartoons B. growing crops C. producing drugs D. playing sports B. Read the passage carefully and fill in each blank with one suitable word (2 pts) The worry about salt is that it may (1) . high blood pressure. Chemically, salt (2) .of sodium and chloride ions, both of (3) .are common in the human (4) and are important for many physiological and biochemical (5) We not only need salt, we eat salt, but too (6) may still be bad for us. Although the idea of a (7) between salt and high blood pressure (8) back to 2000 BC, there is still no scientific (9) as to whether this so or not. One reason for this (10) .to agree is that individual salt intake varies enormously from day to day, and so reliable measures of intake are hard to come by. C.Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. Circle your choice (1 pts) For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea quite terrifying, although flying is no more dangerous (1)___ any other form of travel and some experts say it is considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accident occur (2)___ take-off and landing when a pilot’s decisions are vitally important. The people (3)___ job it is to look after the passengers – the stewards and stewardesses- play an important part in helping passengers to feel safe and comfortable. Indeed for many passengers being (4)___ such care of is all part of the total experience. (5)___other form of travel involves waiting on people in quite the same way, with food, drink, newspapers, magazines, music, and even video films. 1. A. than B. as C. then D. with 2. A. while B. during C. for D. through 3. A. whose B. which C. their D. that 4. A. given B. kept C. shown D. taken 5. A. Any B. No C. All D. Not V. WRITING (4,0 pts) A. Rewrite each of the second sentences in such a way that it means the same as the first 1. It often took my mom half an hour to get to work by underground every morning last month. → My mom spent 2. Handicapped people find shopping in supermarkets difficult. → It is 3. The boys prefer playing soccer to staying indoors. → The boys would rather 4. I last saw him when I was a student. → I haven’t 5. “Do many tourists visit Viet Nam this year, Hanh?’’ Susan asked: → Susan asked Hanh 6. She cleaned the house. Then she went to the market. → After 7. This is the tallest building in the town. → No . 5
  6. 8. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it. → The water wasn’t 9. Mary played the piano very softly because she didn’t want to wake up her parents. → In order 10. “It’s nice of you to give me the present. Thank you.” said Alice. →Alice thanked . B. Rewrite each of the second sentences in such a way that it means the same as the first 1. My uncle / move / Ho Chi Minh City/ 1987/ and / live / there / then. . 2. Watching / television / consider / most / popular / kind / entertainment / nowadays. 3. We / be / close friends/ long time/ because / we / have / many things/ common. . 4. The increase/ population/ lead/overcrowding/ many cities/since 2001. . 5. Mary/ enjoys/ listen/ music/ she/ free time. . THE END 6