Đề thi Olympic 10-3 lần 3 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 năm 2018 - Trường THPT Trần Quốc Toản

Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. private B. stimulate C. certificate D. appropriate
2. A. species B. commercial C. sociable D. celebration
3. A. horses B. increases C. houses D. places
4. A. service B. advice C. device D. sacrifice
5. A. hatred B. prepared C. blessed D. wicked

doc 10 trang Hải Đông 23/01/2024 2041
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  2. A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (40 PTS) I. PHONOLOGY (05 PTS) Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. private B. stimulate C. certificate D. appropriate 2. A. species B. commercial C. sociable D. celebration 3. A. horses B. increases C. houses D. places 4. A. service B. advice C. device D. sacrifice 5. A. hatred B. prepared C. blessed D. wicked Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from that of the others in each line. 6. A. courteous B. original C. devastating D. vulnerable 7. A. documentary B. ecological C. agriculture D. influential 8. A. extinct B. limit C. effort D. visit 9. A. temperature B. atmosphere C. necessary D. industrial 10. A. alternative B. development C. geothermal D. experience ANSWER: 1B 2D 3C 4A 5B 6B 7C 8A 9D 10C II. VOCABULARY (05 PTS) Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 11. I want to send her a greetings card and a ___ of red roses on her birthday. A. bar B. heap C. pair D. bunch 12. Chemistry is my ___ subject at school. A. favourite B. popular C. liking D. wanted 13. Identical twins are ___ in many ways and are difficult to tell apart. A. like B. alike C. likely D. unlike 14. After years of neglect there was a huge ___ program to return the city to its former glory. A. restoration B. preservation C. conservation D. safeguarding 15. My brother left his job last week because he did not have any ___ to travel. A. position B. chance C. ability D. location 16. "How can you live in this messy room? Go and ___ it up at once." A. dust B. sweep C. tidy D. do 17. As far as I’m ___ it’s quite all right for you to leave early. A. regarded B. thought C. concerned D. considered 18. Now that my summer vacation has just begun, I feel free as ___. A. a bird B. a cat C. a dog D. a pig 19. All his companies had been successful and he was known to be ___ rich. A. absolutely B. completely C. extremely D. thoroughly 20. Many people appeal to the government to pass laws to stop factories from ___ toxic chemicals into the sea. A. discharging B. dismissing C. obtaining D. producing ANSWER: 11D 12A 13B 14A 15B 16C 17C 18A 19C 20A III. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES (05 PTS) Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 21. This factory produced ___ motorbikes in 2008 as in the year 2006. A. twice as many B. as twice as many C. as twice many D. as many as twice 22. Only after food has been dried or canned ___. A. it should be stored for future use. B. that it should be stored for future use. C. should it be stored for future use. D. should it store for future use. 23. Because they aren't answering the phone, they ___ their house. A. need have left B. can’t have left C. must have left D. should have left
  3. 24. An early analysis of the results ___ that the Socialists have won. A. are showing B. is shown C. show D. shows 25. By the time you receive this letter, I ___ for China. A. will have left B. have left C. would have left D. will leave 26. Having passed the entrance exam, ___. A. the university gave him a scholarship B. his parents allowed him to go away for a holiday C. his parents were very pleased with him D. he was allowed to go away for a holiday 27. My parents were very angry about ___. A. me to lose my watch B. my having lost my watch C. I lost my new watch D. me to have lost my new watch 28. ___ are a form of carbon has been known since the late 18th century. A. That diamonds B. Diamonds, which C. Diamonds D. Because diamonds 29. ___ is helping to break new ground in drug research. A. Computers are being used more B. The increasing use of the computer C. If an increase in the use of the computers D. Being used more, computers 30. David was deported on account of his expired visa. He ___ it renewed. A. must have had B. should have had C. needn’t have had D. mightn’t have had ANSWER: 21A 22C 23C 24D 25A 26D 27B 28A 29B 30B IV. PHRASAL VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS (05 PTS) Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 31. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have ___ any solutions. A. put up with B. come up with C. looked up to D. got along with 32. His wife’s death was a shock and it took him a long time to ___. A. get over B. go over C. turn down D. make out 33. She became impatient because she couldn’t ___ her husband’s behaviour any more. A. get along with B. catch up with C. put up with D. keep up with 34. When they die, plants ___ gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. A. give off B. go off C. take off D. put off 35. As a student, you should ___ your teachers. A. look down on B. look up to C. get away with D. run out of 36. Some rare animals and plants are ___ dange of becoming extinct because of habitat destruction. A. on B. in C. with D. at 37. The problem is too difficult. It is ___ my understanding. A. away from B. beyond C. above D. under 38. I would like to subscribe ___ the Tuoi Tre daily for a year and have it delivered to my house before 6.00. A. with B. from C. for D. to 39. He was so far away, we really couldn't ___ what he was saying. A. put out B. talk over C. make out D. give out 40. We have no objection ___ raising money to help disadvantaged children. A. to B. for C. with D. at ANSWER: 31B 32A 33C 34A 35B 36B 37B 38D 39C 40A V. READING COMPREHENSION (10 PTS) PASSAGE 1: Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question. Most people think that lions only come from Africa. This is understandable because in fact most lions do come from there but this has not always been the case. If we went back ten thousand years, we would find that there were lions roaming vast sections of the globe. However now, unfortunately only a very small section of the lion's former habitat remains.
  4. A. provide an overview of the existence of the Asiatic lions B. describe the developmental history of the Gir Sanctuary C. persuade readers to protect the Asiatic lions D. explain why the Gir Sanctuary is the best habitat for the Asiatic lions ANSWER: 41B 42D 43C 44D 45B 46B 47C 48B 49B 50A PASSAGE 2: Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question. When the first white men came to America, they found vast amounts of natural resources of tremendous value. Forests covered a large part of nation; later gas, oil and minerals were found in unbelievable amounts. There was a great abundance of very fertile soil. Forests, prairies, streams, and rivers abounded with wildlife. There resources were so vast that it seemed that they could never be used up. So forests were destroyed to make way for farmland. Grasslands and pairies were plowed and harrowed. Minerals and oil were used in great quantities to supply a young industrial nation. Almost every river became the scene of factories, mills, and pover companies. Mammals and bird were slaughtered for food and sport. Within a short time, the results were obvious. Floods caused millions of dollars worth of damage yearly. The very fertile soil washed away and blew up in great clouds. The seemingly inexhaustible oil and minerals showed signs of depletion. Rivers were filled with silt from eroding farms and wastes from factories. Many of the rivers were made unfit for fish. Several species of birds disappeared and some mammals seemed on the verge of going. Future timber shortages were predicted. In short, Americans soon came to realize that some sort of conservation program must be set up if future as well as present Americans were to share in the resources that are the heritage of every American. 51. The title that best expresses the main theme or subject of this selection is ___. A. What the first white men found in America B. The loss of top soil. C. The story of America’s natural resources D. The cause of timber shortage 52. It seemed to the early American settlers that ___. A. fertile soil was scarce B. the natural resources were inexhaustible C. forests should not be cut D. there was a shortage of minerals 53. The use of America’s natural resources by the early settlers was ___. A. careless B. scientific C. unbelievable D. predicted 54. Much of the fertile soil of America has ___. A. sunk deep into the earth B. been covered by lakes C. been eroded by wind and water D. become the scene of factories 55. According to the passage, all the followings are true EXCEPT ___. A. The early American settlers used a lot of minerals and oil. B. They killed animals for food and sport. C. They grew different kinds of plants in prairies. D. They plowed and harrowed grassland and prairies 56. The word “abounded with” in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by ___. A. were abundant in B. were rich with C. were rare with D. were not pentiful of 57. The word “silt” in paragraph 2 is clost in meaning to ___. A. dust B. mud C. soil D. land 58. One reason why many of our rivers are no longer suitable living places for fish is that ___ . A. too many fish have been caught B. a conversation program has been set up C. floods have caused much damage D. factories have dumped waste into rivers 59. Some species of bird and mammals seemed ___. A. to die B. to be killed C. to become extinct D. to be slaughtered 60. Americans soon came to realized that ___. A. they should stop killing animals for food B. they must give up exploiting minerals C. they shouldn’t reclaim land D. they must establish a conversation program ANSWER: 51C 52B 53A 54C 55C 56A 57B 58D 59C 60D
  5. VI. GUIDED CLOZES (10 PTS) CLOZE TEST 1: Read the passage and choose the best answer. What is meant by the term economic resources? (61)___ general, these are all the natural, man- made, and human resources that go into the production of goods and services. Economic resources can be broken down into (62)___ general categories: property resource – land and capital, and human resources – labor and entrepreneurial skills. What do economists mean by land? Much (63)___ the non-economist, land refers to all the natural resources (64)___ are usable in the production process: arable land, forests, mineral and oil deposits, and (65)___ on. What about capital? Capital goods are all the man-made aids to producing, storing, transporting, and distributing goods and (66)___. Capital goods differ from consumer goods in that (67)___ satisfy wants directly, while the former do so indirectly by facilitating the production of consumer goods. It should be noted that capital as defined here does not (68)___ to money. Money, as such, produces nothing. The term labor refers to the physical and mental talents of humans used to produce goods and services (with the exception of a certain set of human talents, entrepreneurial skills, which will be considered separately (69)___ their special significance). Thus the services of a factory worker or an office worker, a ballet (70)___ or an astronaut all fall under the general heading of labor. 61. A. In B. At C. On D. From 62. A. some B. many C. two D. six 63. A. more as B. as more C. more than D. as than 64. A. these B. who C. what D. that 65. A. such B. go C. come D. so 66. A. crops B. services C. machines D. money 67. A. the latter B. lately C. the latest D. later 68. A. speak B. refer C. come D. go 69. A. because B. because of C. in spite of D. though 70. A. director B. dancer C. performance D. writer ANSWER: 61A 62C 63C 64D 65D 66B 67A 68B 69B 70B CLOZE TEST 2: Read the passage and choose the best answer. Before the (71)___ of the postage stamp, it was difficult (72)___ a letter to another country. The sender paid for the letter to travel in his or her own country. Then the person in other country paid for that part of the trip. If the letter (73)___ several coutries, the problem was worse. Rowland Hill, a British teacher, had the idea of a postage stamp with glue on the back. The British post office made the first stamps (74)___ 1840. They were the Penny Black and the Twopence Blue. A person bought a stamp and put it on a letter. The post office (75)___ the letter. When people received letters, they didn't have to pay anything. The letters were prepaid. Postage stamps became (76)___ in Great Britain immediately. Other countries started making their own postage stamps very (77)___. There were still problems with international mail. Some countries (78)___ want to accept letters with stamps from another country. Finally, in 1874 a German organized the Universal Postal System. Each country in the UPS agree to accept letters with prepaid postage from the other members. Today the offices of the UPS are in Switzerland, (79)___ country in the world is a member of this organization. It takes care of any international mail problems. Today post offices in the every country sell beautiful stamps. (80)___ stamps is one of the most popular hobbies in the world, and every stamp collector knows about the Penny Black and the Twopence Blue. 71. A. discovery B. invention C. founder D. disappearance 72. A. send B. sending C. sent D. to send 73. A. went B. travelled C. crossed D. arrived 74. A. in B. on C. at D. for 75. A. changed B. exchanged C. received D. delivered 76. A. popular B. worldwide C. speedy D. secure
  6. 77. A. quickly B. slowly C. politely D. rudely 78. A. are not B. did not C. were not D. do not 79. A. every almost B. very almost C. almost D. almost every 80. A. Collection B. Collecting C. Collector D. Collect ANSWER: 71B 72D 73C 74A 75D 76A 77A 78B 79D 80B B. WRITTEN TEST I. OPEN CLOZE TEST (20 PTS) Read the passage and find the most suitable word to fill in each blank to complete the passage. PASSAGE 1 Health is (81)___ we tend to ignore when we have it. When our body is doing well, we are hardly (82)___ of it. But illness can come, even (83)___ we are young. In fact, childhood has been a very susceptible time. Many diseases attack children in particular, and people know very little (84)___ to cure them once they struck. The result was that many children died. About a century ago, (85)___, scientists found out about germs, and then everything changed. The cause of many diseases (86)___ found, and cures were developed. As this medical discovery spread, the world became (87)___ safer for children. The result is (88)___ whereas a hundred years ago, the average man lived for 35 years, nowadays, in many areas of the world, people can expect to live for 75 years. And what do we (89)___ by the year 2020? Undoubtedly, medical science will continue to develop. Some people will be (90)___ to avoid medical problems that are unavoidable today. ANSWER: 81. something 82. aware 83. when 84. how 85. however 86. was 87. much 88. that 89. expect 90. able PASSAGE 2 Parents (91)___ children show a special interest in a particular sport have a difficult decision to (92)___ about their children’s career. Should they allow (93)___ children to train to become top sportsmen and women? For many children it means starting very young and school work, going out with friends and other interests (94)___ to take second place. It’s very difficult to explain to a young child why he or she has to train for five hours a day, even at the weekend, when (95)___ of his or her friends are playing. Another problem is of course money. In many countries money for training is available from the government (96)___ the very best young sportsmen and women. If this help cannot be given, it (97)___ that it is the parents that have to find the time and the money to support their child’s development - and sports clothes, transport to competitions, special equipment etc. can all be very expensive. Many parents (98)___ understandably worried that it is dangerous to start serious training in a sport at an early age. Some doctors agree that young muscles may be damaged by training before they are properly developed. Professional trainers, (99)___, believe that it is only by starting young that you can reach the top as a successful sports person. What is clear is that very (100)___ people reach the top and both parents and children should be prepared for failure even after many years of training. ANSWER: 91. whose 92. make 93. their/ the 94. have 95. most 96. for 97. means 98. are 99. however 100. few II. WORD FORM (20 PTS) Part 1: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word at the end of the sentence. 101. Burning coal is an ___ way of heating a house. Gas is much cheeper. (ECONOMY) 102. In some places the weather changes so quickly that it’s very ___. (PREDICT) 103. The police are interested in the sudden ___ of a valuable painting. (APPEAR) 104. Please follow certain ___ requirements when going to common places. (COURTESY) 105. A certain degree of stress seems to be ___ in modern life. (AVOID) 106. It is forbidden to hunt that kind of bird. it has been listed one of the ___ species. (DANGER) 107. The negotiations are at a ___ with neither side willing to make concessions. (STAND)
  7. 108. She got angry but later she apologized for her ___. (PATIENT) 109. We have a bed ready in the spare room in case visitors arrived ___. (EXPECT) 110. The thing I hate about Peter is his ___. (RELY) ANSWER: 101. uneconomical 102. unpredictable 103. disappearance 104. courteous 105. unavoidable 106. endangered 107. standstill 108. impatience 109. unexpectedly 110. unreliability Part 2: Read the text and then fill in the blank with the correct form of the word chosen from the box. poison freeze equip reason lonely assist hot ordinary difficult friend Clive Baker will shortly be setting off on a 50,000 km run, hoping to add his name to the very small and select list of people who have performed the (111)___ act of running all the way round the world. On the run he will experience extremes of temperature, from the (112)___ Russian winter to the burning African summer. As if that is not bad enough, he has no back-up team for (113)___ and will be running alone, carrying all his (114)___ on his back. When interviewed, however, Mr Baker suggested the real problem would lie elsewhere. “My biggest fear is not the physical challenge, but (115)___ ” Mr Baker said. “I’m as sociable as anyone and I’m very hopful that, despite the (116)___ that lie ahead, I will still be able to form many (117)___ on the way.” On a trial of 2,00 km run under the blazing (118)___ of the Afican sun, he came across wild baboons and (119)___ snakes, but such dangers have not put him off. His trial run proved that a target of 60 kilometres a day was (120)___. “I have made upmy mind to do it and I will,” he said. ANSWER: 111. extraordinary 112. freezing/ frozen 113. assistance 114. equipment 115. loneliness 116. difficulties 117. friendships 118. heat 119. poisonous 120. reasonable III. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (10 PTS) There are ten mistakesin the following paragraph. Identify and correct them. Line 1 According to airline industry statistics, almost 90 percent of airline accidents are Line 2 survivable or partial survivable. But passengers can increase their chances of survival by Line 3 learning and follow certain tips. Experts say that you should read and listen to safety instructions Line 4 before taking-off and ask questions if you have uncertainties. You should fasten your seat belt Line 5 low on your hips and as tightly as possible. Of course, you should also know how the release Line 6 mechanism of your belt operates. During take-off and landings you are advising to keep your Line 7 feet flat on the floor. Before take-off you should locate the nearest exit and an alternative exit Line 8 and count the rows of seat between you and the exits so that you can find it in the dark if Line 9 necessary. Line 10 In the event that you are forewarn of the possible accident, you should put your hands on Line 11 your ankles and keeping your head down until the plane come to complete stop. If smoke is Line 12 present in the cabin, you should keep your head low and cover your face with napkins, towels, or Line 13 clothing. If possible, wet these for added protection against smoke inhalation. To evacuate as Line 14 quickly as possible, follow crew command and did not take personal belongings with you. Do Line 15 not jump on escape slides before they were fully inflated and when you jump, do so with your Line 16 arms and legs extended in front of you. When you get to the ground, you should move away Line 17 from the plane as quick as possible, and never smoke near the wreckage.
  8. Sentences Mistakes Correction Sentences Mistakes Correction 121: line 126: line 122: line 127: line 123: line 128: line 124: line 129: line 125: line 130: line ANSWER: Sentences Mistakes Correction Sentences Mistakes Correction 121: line 2 partial partially 126: line 10 forwarn forwarned 122: line 3 follow following 127: line 11 keeping keep 123: line 4 taking-off take-off 128: line 14 did do 124: line 6 advising advised 129: line 15 were are 125: line 8 it them 130: line 17 quick quickly IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 PTS) Part 1: Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 131. “Our factory has never dumped waste into the local river,” the spokesman said. The spokesman denied ___ 132. Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission. Without ___ 133. The only way you can become a good athlete is to train hard every day. Only by ___ 134. Our twenty-five wedding anniversary is at the end of next year. By the end of next year we ___ 135. My friend is very short-tempered. My friend loses ___ ANSWER: 131. The spokesman denied that their/ his factory had ever dumped waste into the local river. 132. Without absolute secrecy, the mission wouldn’t have been a success/ wouldn’t have been successful. 133. Only by training hard every day can you become a good athlete. 134. By the end of next year we will have been married for twenty five years. 135. My friend loses his/her temper easily. Part 2: Use the word given in the brackets and make any necessary additions to complete a new sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do NOT change the form of the given word. 136. The children tried their best to please their father. EFFORT ___ 137. I knew I had met him before, but I can’t remember his name. TONGUE ___ 138. What you do in your spare time doesn’t concern me. BUSINESS ___ 139. The president arranged for me to use his car whenever I liked. DISPOSAL ___ 140. His behaviour was rather a shock to me. ABACK ___ ANSWER: 136. The children made every effort to please their children.
  9. 137. I knew I had met him before, but his name is on the tip of my tongue. 138. What you do in your spare time is none of my business. 139. The president put/ placed his car at my disposal. 140. I was taken aback by his behaviour./ His behaviour took me aback. THE END