Đề thi olympic 10-3 lần thứ 3 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Trường THPT Buôn Đôn (Có đáp án)

Question 1: A. accurate B. account C. accept D. accuse
Question 2: A. groove B. kangaroo C. goose D. flood
Question 3: A. form B. shortcoming C. chore D. sector
Question 4: A. famine B. examine C. determine D. coalmine
Question 5: A. clime B. clinch C. cling D. clinic
doc 15 trang Hải Đông 16/01/2024 2122
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  2. ĐỀ THI VÀ ĐÁP ÁN Part 1: PHONOLOGY SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE (FROM QUESTION 1 TO QUESTION 40) (8 POINTS) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions from 1 to 5. Question 1: A. accurate B. account C. accept D. accuse Question 2: A. groove B. kangaroo C. goose D. flood Question 3: A. form B. shortcoming C. chore D. sector Question 4: A. famine B. examine C. determine D. coalmine Question 5: A. climeB. clinchC. clingD. clinic YOUR ANSWERS: 1 2 3 4 5 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions from 5 to 10. Question 6: A. politician B. geneticsC. artificial D. controversial Question 7: A. optimistic B. unexpected C. environment D. electricity Question 8: A. autumn B. because C. college D. football Question 9: A. dangerous B. examine C. gracefully D. journalist Question 10: A. entertainment B. vegetable C. politician D. energetic YOUR ANSWERS: 6 7 8 9 10 ANSWER KEYS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A D D D A B C B B B PART 2: WORD CHOICE : Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. Question 11: ___ your child’s hunger for knowledge with this CD-ROM version of our encyclopaedia. A. Satisfy B. Quench C. Fulfil D. Meet Question 12: It never ___ Jane’s mind that she would one day be a star. A. was registeredB. crossedC. enteredD. occurred to
  3. Question 13: The weather men say there is a ___ chance of snow this weekend. A. one-one B. two-two C. twenty-twenty D. fifty-fifty Question 14: The youth team really ___ themselves in the semi-final. A. surmounted B. excelled C. beat D. exceeded Question 15: The trades unions called for a 5% pay increase for all public ___ workers. A. section B. area C. zone D. sector Question 16: She went under ___ as a waitress to write an article on tipping. A. mask B. act C. pose D. cover Question 17: This is ___ the most difficult job I’ve ever had to do. A. by chance B. by far C. by heart D. by myself Question 18: A copy of the booklet can be obtained ___ free of change from your nearest chemist’s. A. extremely B. entirely C. greatly D. highly Question 19: Sue always felt that she was to ___ for the burglary because she hadn’t locked the door properly. A. fault B. provoke C. blame D. cause Question 20: My parents always had a happily ___ attitude to my staying out late in the evening. A. cold-blooded B. long-suffering C. easy-going D. thick-skinned ANSWER KEYS: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A B D B D D B B C C PART 3: PHRASAL VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions from 21 to 30. Question 21: If I were you, I wouldn’t risk betting that money ___ this horse. A. for B. on C. to D. in Question 22: The names of the winners were given ___ on the radio. A. up B. in C. away D. out Question 23: Can you ___exactly what it is you’re complaining about? A. pin down B. find out C. turn in D. work out Question 24: I don’t believe that story. I am sure you make it ___. A. from B. of C. out D. up Question 25: We were ___ when we saw how much he had changed. A. barged in B. pulled out C. taken aback D. whipped up Question 26: I was so tired that I ___ on the sofa and went to sleep. A. dropped in B. flaked off C. glazed over D. stretched out Question 27: Van Gogh suffered from depression ___ by overwork and ill- health. A. pull through B. brought on C. taken up D. coming about
  4. Question 28: What will happen if they cannot do the work ___? A. straight away B. straight ahead C. straight along D. straight up Question 29: The examiner made a difficult question, but at last, Mike ___ a good answer. A. came up with B. came up to C. came up against D. came up for Question 30: She was so convincing that we were completely ___ by her story. A. gone through B. held down C. taken in D. told off ANSWER KEYS: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B D A D C D B A A C PART 4: GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES: Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. Question 31: Susan wasn’t in when I arrived. I suppose she ___ I was coming. A. must have forgotten B. must forget C. can’t have forgotten D. may forget Question 32: My new glasses cost me ___ the pair that I bought last month. A. more than three times B. three times as much as C. as much three times as D. more three times than Question 33: We decided to go to the library as soon as we ___ . A. finish what we did B. would finish what we did C. finished what we were doing D. finished what we did Question 34: “ Never say that again, ___ ?” A. won’t you B. will you C. do you D. don’t you Question 35: ___ the book, please return it to me. A. Should you find B. Will you have found C. Will you be finding D. Will you find Question 36: Out ___ when the bell rang. A. did the children run B. do the children run C. ran the children D. run the children Question 37: ___ , business managers plan the tasks that their employees are to carry out. A. Through the organizing process B. They process the organizing C. It is the organizing process D. While the organizing process Question 38: ___, it is one of the most important climatic factors in the formation of desert erosion features. A. Although rainfall in the desert is low B. Why rainfall in the desert is low C. Despite the desert having low rainfall D. Due to rainfall in the desert being low Question 39: About five hundred building and house ___.
  5. the territory. Food supplies, for instance, could be affected by lower crop yields. "Maybe we could afford to import food from elsewhere but you have to keep in mind that the type of changes experienced in southern China will take place elsewhere as well," he said. Sea levels could rise as glaciers melted and the higher temperatures expanded the size of the oceans, threatening much of developed Hong Kong which is built on reclaimed land. Current projections are that sea levels worldwide will rise by 15 to 90 centimetres by 2100, depending on whether action is taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. "Hong Kong has substantial areas built on reclaimed land and sea level rises could impact on that, not only on Chek Lap Kok but the West Kowloon Reclamation and the Central and Western Reclamation - the whole lot," Mr Melville said, adding that sea-walls would be needed. Depleted fresh water supplies would be another problem because increased evaporation would reduce levels. Mr Melville said the general outlook could be helped if Hong Kong used water less wastefully and encouraged energy efficiency to reduce fuel- burning. He also called on the West to help China improve its efficiency. 51. Overall, what sort of picture is painted of the future effects of global warming? A. disastrous B. potentially disastrous C. relatively optimistic D. on balance things are going to be satisfactory 52. What is this passage? A. a report B. a preview of a report C. an article describing a response to a report D. an article previewing a report 53. Mr. David Melville suggests that in the future more food could be imported into Hong Kong. He thinks these measures could be . A. efficient B. sufficient C. insufficient D. inefficient 54. In paragraph 2, negated is closest in meaning to . A. made possible B. made ineffective C. reduced D. paid for 55. In paragraph 7, depleted could be replaced by which of the following? A. reduced B. poor C. decaying D. decimated 56. The main point of paragraph 3 is to describe: A. effects of changes in the climate of China on food production B. future changes in the climate of China C. effects of changes in the climate of China on the growing season D. projected future changes in the climate of China 57. The main point of paragraph 5 is to describe A. global warming B. the effects of global warming C. the causes and projected effects of global warming D. the causes and effects of global warming 58. In paragraph 7, which point is Mr. Melville NOT making ? A. suggesting that there is a potential disaster in Hong Kong B. suggesting that reclamation areas are at risk C. criticizing current safeguards
  6. D. making a call for action 59. How would you describe the Dr. Leemans’ attitude towards China? A. mainly favorable B. critical C. supportive in theory D. admiring 60. In paragraph 5, reliance is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. stress B. emphasis C. dependence D. referendum ANSWERS: 51B 52D 53C 54B 55A 56B 57D 58C 59B 60C PART 6: CLOZE TEST: GUIDED CLOZE 1 Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space. Many people remember being taken to the zoo as a child. They remember especially the excitement of (61)___ seeing animals for the first time, when before they had only read about them in books or seen them on television. However, there is considerable discussion today (62)___ about the future of zoos and what their role should be. Supporters of zoos claim that they have an (63)___ function and represent a good way for people of all ages to learn more about the natural world. Also, zoos provide (64) ___ for important research and frequently (65)___ scientists to help save those animals (66)___ are becoming increasingly rare in the wild. Opponents, (67)___, criticise zoos for a number of reasons. Firstly, they say that it is cruel to keep animals in cages. Even in the best zoos, animals may (68)___ because the places in which they have to live are both restricted and artificial. This can cause them to experience stress and can affect their health. Secondly, they believe that money would be (69) ___ spent on protecting animals in their natural environment. Finally, opponents point out that most people nowadays can see well - made nature documentaries on television and that this is much more (70) ___ experience than going to a zoo. 61. A. positively B. genuinely C. truly D. actually 62. A. at B. about C. with D. of 63. A. educating B. education C. educate D. educational 64. A. reasons B. ways C. opportunities D. methods 65. A. let B. arrange C. make D. allow 66. A. what B. who C. they D. which
  7. 67. A. otherwise B. besides C. however D. moreover 68. A. injure B. hurt C. suffer D. fail 69. A. better B. more C. further D. rather 70. A. valuables B. valuation C. value D. valuable ANSWERS: 61D 62B 63D 64C 65D 66D 67C 68C 69A 70D GUIDED CLOZE 2 Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space. The warming of the Pacific Ocean has created weather patterns (71) ___ strongly affect the world. When the water is warm, the (72) ___ of rainfall in Indonesia and the surrounding regions decreases. Australia could (73) ___ experience a drought in many parts. On (74) ___ hand, Chile (which borders the Pacific Ocean) is preparing for (75) ___ rainstorms. In Pakistan and northwestern India, the weather pattern makes the rainy season weaker and makes the area much drier. This happening is called El Nino and is used (76) ___ weather forecasters to make long- range weather predictions. They also know that El Nino will (77) ___ unusually heavy rains to the southwestern part of the United States and make the central part of the country drier at the same time. According to research, weather forecasters (78) ___ know about the coming weather with certainty. Now everything has become completely different. El Nino itself used to be (79) ___. It would occur every two to seven years. But now, this weather pattern is becoming more frequent. We cannot say when and how often tornadoes or cyclones occur. Scientists are unsure of the reason for this (80) ___ on a global scale either. 71. A. that B. when C. what D. whether 72. A. deal B. figure C. number D. amount 73. A. however B. even C. ever D. nevertheless 74. A. the other B. another C. other D. others 75. A. angry B. strict C. severe D. cruel 76. A. by B. to C. at D. on 77. A. bring B. fetch C. carry D. take 78. A. used to B. get used to C. used to be D. are used to 79. A. incredible B. predictable C. remarkable D. notable 80. A. shift B. transfer C. change D. Transformation ANSWERS: 71A 72D 73B 74A 75C 76A 77C 78A 79B 80A B. WRITTEN TEST I. CLOZE TEST : Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE WORD for each space. OPEN CLOZE 1 About two hundred years ago man lived in greater harmony with his environment because industry was not much developed. Today the situation is quite (81) ___.
  8. People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment, because of modern industry and the need for more and more energy. Newspapers and magazines write (82) ___water pollution, air pollution and land pollution. Why is there so much (83) ___ about pollution. After all, people have been polluting the world around them for thousands and thousands of years. But in the past, there were not many people and (84) ___of room in the world so they could move to another place when their settlements became dirty. Now, however, many parts of the world are (85)___, people live in big cities and much of our waste, especially waste from factories, electric (86) ___ stations, the chemical industry and heavy industry is very dangerous. Fish die in the lakes, rivers and seas; forest trees die (87)___. Much of this dangerous waste goes into the air and is carried by the wind for great distances. The earth is (88) ___home . We must take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations. This means (89) ___our environment clean. The importance of this task is pointed out by ecologists, the scientists who study the (90)___ between living things and the environment. However, each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean. YOUR ANSWERS: 81___ 82___ 83___ 84___ 85___ 86___ 87___ 88___ 89___ 90___ ANSWERS: 81. DIFFERENT 82. ABOUT 83. DISCUSSION 84. LOTS 85. CROWDED 86. POWER 87. TOO 88. OUR 89. KEEPING 90. RELATION 2/ OPEN CLOZE 2: The computer has brought nothing (91)___problems to the world of the twentieth century. Chief among the problems has (92)___the dehumanization of society. People are no (93)___ human. Each of us is a series of numbers, numbers to be fed into computers. There are our credit card numbers, our bank account (94)___ , our social security numbers, our telephone and electricity numbers - the computer number game is endless. What happens to these computerized numbers ? They are distributed to a network of government agencies and business (95)___can use them to invade our privacy. The Internal Revenue Service stores millions of facts about every citizen. Credit agencies exchange (96)___ on the spending and saving practices of nearly every American adult. Mailing lists are (97)___ available by computers to dozens of organizations, public and private, who bombard us with unwanted mail. Just let the computer which stores (98)___ concerning our accounts, let us say with a credit card company, make an error and it is almost impossible to correct it. The result is an avalanche of bills, threads, and loss of credit standing. The computer has thrown thousands of people out of (99)___ . The gamut of computer- generated unemployed runs from highly skilled technicians to typists.
  9. These are some of the reasons why I feel that the (100)___ of the computer has been detrimental to the quality of our life in the twentieth century. YOUR ANSWERS: 1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___ 10. ___ ANSWERS 91. but 92. Been 93 longer 94. numbers 95. which 96. information 97. made 98. data 99. work 100. advent II. WORD FORMATION: PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses. 101. Small children are very in their behaviour. They just copy what they see. (IMITATE) 102. He works for a(n) company for investment. (ADVISE) 103. The of the good relationship between the two countries was brought up in the conference.(MAINTAIN) 104. Barbara is very about birds. She knows a lot about them. (KNOW) 105. We had the phone because we are moving tomorrow.(CONNECT) 1. The accused the government of an evasion of responsibility.(OPPOSE) 2. Two members of the expedition died from (EXHAUST) 3. Carol's new catering business turned out to be very ( BENEFIT) 4. The weather .changes for the worse whenever we go on holiday. (VARY) 5. We have already made progress towards solving the problem. (SUBSTANCE) YOUR ANSWERS 101.___ 102___ 103.___ 104.___ 105___ 106.___ 107. ___ 108.___ 109___ 110.___ ANSWERS: 101. imitative 102. Advisory 103. Maintenance 104. Knowledgeable 105. Disconnected 106. opposition 107. Exhaustion 108. beneficial 109. invariably 110. substantial PART 2: Complete the passage with the appropriate forms from the words given in the box. ORDINARY DISTANT APPEAR EXCITE GRANCE SKILL PLEASE SUDDEN PRISON WAKE
  10. In the center of the room, clamped to an upright easel, stood the fulllength portrait of a young man of (111) personal beauty and in front of it, some little (112) away, was sitting the artist himself, Basil Hallward, whose(113) .some year ago caused, at the time, such public(114) , and gave rise to so many strangers conjectures. As the painter look at the(115) and comedy form he had so(116) mirrored in his art, a smile of(117) passed across his face, and seemed about to linger there. But he(118) started up, and, closing his eyes, placed his fingers upon the lids, as though he sought to(119) . Within his brain some curious dream from which he feared he might(120) ANSWERS: 111. extraordinary 112. Distance 113. Disappearance 114. Excitement 115. Gracious 116. Skillfully 117. Pleasure 118. Suddenly 119. Imprisoned 120. awake III. ERROR CORRECTION: The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them. THE SAHARA MARATHON One of the most amazed marathon race Example: amazed -> mamazing in the world is the Marathon of Sands. It in takes places every April in the 121. Sahara Desert in the south of Morocco, a part of the world when temperatures 122. can reach fifty degrees centigrade. The standard length of the marathon is 42.5 kilometres but this one is 240 kilometres long and spends seven days to complete. It began in 1986 and now 123. attracts about two hundred _runner, the majority of their ages range from seventeen to forty-seven. About half of 124. them come France and the rest to all over the world. From Britain it costs £2,500 to enter , this includes return air 125. fares. The race is rapidly getting more and more popular despite, and perhaps 126. because of, the harsh conditions that runners must endure. They have to carry food and something else they 127. need for seven days in a rucksack weighing no more than twelve kilograms. In addition to this, they are 128. given a litres and a half of water every ten kilometres. Incredibly, near all the runners finish the course. One man, Ibrahim EI Joual, took part in every race from 1980 to 2004. Runners do 129. suffer terrible physical hardships. Sometimes they lose toenails and skin peels on their foot. However, doctors
  11. are always on hand to deal with minor injuries and to make sure that runners do not push themselves too far. 130. MISTAKES CORRECTIONS 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 ANSWERS: MISTAKES CORRECTIONS 121. places Place 122. when Where 123. spend Take 124. their Whose 125. to From 126. this Which 127. and Or 128. something anything
  12. 129. near Nearly 130. foot feet IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given. 131. The keeper had no sooner opened the cage door than the lion attacked him. Hardly ___. 132. No other city in Vietnam is so large as Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City is ___. 133. They produce a lot of paper, so they need a lot of wood pulp. The more ___. 134. We spent our childhood in that beautiful mountain resort, and we always remember it. We always ___. 135. She insisted that she should be called Joyce. She insisted on ___. 136. Whatever difficulties Anna had, she still attended university. (SHINE) . 137. I can imagine how worried Barbara's husband was. (MUST) . 138. These things must be done, so make sure that they are. (SEE) . 139. Nobody does her any harm. (FINGER) . 140. The price of the house has been reduce as much as possible because the owner needs some money. (BONE) . ANSWERS: 131. Hardly had the keeper opened the cage door when the lion attacked him. 132. HCM City is larger than any other city in Vietnam. 133. The more paper they produce, the more wood pulp they need. 134. We always remember spending our childhood in that beautiful mountain resort. 135. She insisted on being called Joyce 136. Anna still attended university (come) rain or shine. 137. Barbara's husband must have been very worried. 138. You must see to it that these things are done. 139. Nobody has laid a finger on her. 140. The house has been cut to the bone because the owner needs some money. THE END