Đề thi olympic 10-3 lần thứ 3 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Trường THPT Trường Chinh (Có đáp án)

Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the others. (5 points)
1. A. terrible B. sentimental C. terrific D. memory
Đáp án câu 1: C. terrific
2. A. developed B. destroyed C. closed D. conquered
Đáp án câu 2: B. destroyed
3. A. lays B. stays C. says D. Plays
Đáp án câu 3: C. says
doc 14 trang Hải Đông 16/01/2024 2781
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  2. A. MULTIPLE CHOICE I. PHONOLOGY Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the others. (5 points) 1. A. terrible B. sentimental C. terrific D. memory Đáp án câu 1: C. terrific 2. A. developed B. destroyed C. closed D. conquered Đáp án câu 2: B. destroyed 3. A. lays B. stays C. says D. Plays Đáp án câu 3: C. says 4. A. chorus B. cherish C. chaos D. character Đáp án câu 4: B. cherish 5. A. island B. existent C. whistle D. distant Đáp án câu 5: A. island Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three. (5 points) 6. A. competitive B. philosophy C. abbriviate D. documentary Đáp án câu 6: D. documentary 7. A. economic B. hilarious C. collaborate D. monotonous Đáp án câu 7: A. economic 8. A. reshuffle B. abdominal C. administrative D. officialese Đáp án câu 8: D. officialese 9. A. preferential B. demontrative C. controversial D. influenza Đáp án câu 9: B. demontrative 10. A. comment B. humane C. unique D. cement Đáp án câu 10: A. comment II. WORDS CHOICE Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. 11. These tax cuts will give industry ___ . A. a supportive hand B. a helping hand C. an assisting hand D. a supported hand Đáp án câu 11: B. a helping hand 12. After three days lost in the mountains, all the climbers arrived home ___ . A. safe and good B. clear and sound C. safe and sound D. safe and well Đáp án câu 12: C. safe and sound 13. He has put his car entirely at our___for the holiday. A. usage B. disposal C. pleasure D. disposition Đáp án câu 13: B. disposal
  3. 14. A few years ago, a fire ___much of an overcrowded part of the city. A. battled B. devastated C. mopped D. developed Đáp án câu 14: B. devastated 15. After graduation, sshe found ___ with a local finance company. A. career B. workplace C. servive D. employment Đáp án câu 15: A. career 16. Our professor ___said we should turn in the assignment on Friday. A. specific B. specification C. specifying D. specifically Đáp án câu 16: D. specifically 17. The rhinoceros, whose numbers have dropped alarmingly recently, has been declared a/an ___ species. A. danger B.endanger C. endangered D. dangerous Đáp án câu 17: C. endangered 18. She love tennis and could watch it till the ___ came home. A. she B. everyone C. horses D. cows Đáp án câu 18: D. cows 19. Janet has to travel a lot in her new job. She is on the ___ all the time. A. field B. mood C. way D. go Đáp án câu 19: C. way 20. Everything could be done by ___. A. a nod and bow B. a nod and wink C. a wink and a nod D. a nod and a wink Đáp án câu 20: D. a nod and a wink III. STRUCTURES AND GRAMMAR 21. ___, I would give a party. A. Were she to come B. Were she coming C. Were she come D. She were coming Đáp án câu 21: A. Were she to come 22. “Did he make any comments?” “Yes, he said it was imperative that we ___on time tomorrow.” A. had been B. were C. have been D. be Đáp án câu 22: D. be 23. Tennessee has about 140 newspapers, ___ 25 are issused daily. A. about which B. which are about C. of which about D. which is about Đáp án câu 23: C. of which about 24. He helped her, but it was not necessary. He ___ her. A. didn’t need to help B. needn’t help C. didn’t need held D. needn’t have helped Đáp án câu 24: D. needn’t have helped
  4. 25. Meggie is not really looking forward to this weekend, when she ___ a family reunion. A. has attended B. had been attending C. will have to attend D. would be able to attend Đáp án câu 25: C. will have to attend 26. ___ as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it was created. A. Ranking B. To be ranked C. Being ranked D. In order to be ranking Đáp án câu 26: B. To be ranked 27. Mrs Lincon has ___ that she is unable to get a job. A. such small education B. so little education C. a such little education D. a so small education Đáp án câu 27: B. so little education 28. Your ideas, ___, seem unusual to me. A. as hers B. like hers C. similar as her D. different than hers Đáp án câu 28: B. like hers 29. The film is ___ released at the end of next year. A. on the verge of being B. about to be C. due to be D. on the point of being Đáp án câu 29: C. due to be 30. ___ broken into while we were away on holiday. A. We had our house B. Thieves had our house C. It was our house D. They have Đáp án câu 30: A. We had our house IV. PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS 31. All building work must be carried out ___ safety regulations. A. with reference to B. with obedience to C. in compliance with D. on behalf of Đáp án câu 31: C. in compliance with 32. He’s such a naughty child: it’s amazing that his mother lets him ___ away with. A. get B. make C. do D. go Đáp án câu 32: A. get 33. The Press thought the football manager would be depressed by his dismissal but he just ___. A. ran it down B. called it off C. turned it down D. laughed it off Đáp án câu 33: D. laughed it off 34. He still hankers ___ a brilliant job in a nice office in the new building in Nguyen
  5. Đáp án câu 47: D. sought novels techniques in form and content. 48. According to the passage, the changes in jazz music in the 1970s came from A. another harmonious scale. B. another musical trend C. ambitious aspirations. D. sound amplifications. Đáp án câu 48: B. another musical trend 49. In paragraph 2, the word “compelled” is closest meaning to A. forced B. challenged C. obligated D. censored Đáp án câu 49: C. obligated 50. Which of the following best describes the organisation of the passage? A. Chronological innovations in jazz music B. Definitions of diverse jazz styles C. A classificaton of prominent jazz musicians D. Descriptions and examples to illustrate jazz rhythms Đáp án câu 50: A. Chronological innovations in jazz music PASSAGE 2 Since the world has become industialised, there has been an increase in the number of animal species that have either become extinct or have neared extinction. Bengal tigers, for example, which once roared the jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300 and by the year 2025, their population is estimated to be down to zero. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not interested in material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is part of what is causing the problem of extinction. Animals like the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are a valuable part of the world’s ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival, and the survival of our planet. Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in order to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They, then charge admission to help defray the cost of maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend on world organisations for support. With the money they get, they can invest equipments and patrols to protect the animals. Another solution that is an attempt to stem the tide of animal extinction is an international boycott of products made from endangered species. This seems fairly effective, but will not by itself, prevent animals from being hunted and killed. 51. What is the main topic of the passage? A. The Bengal tiger B. International boycotts C. Endangered species D. Problems with industrialisation Đáp án câu 51: C. Endangered species 52. Which of the following closest in meaning the word “alarming” in the first paragraph? A. dangerous B. serious C. gripping D. distressing Đáp án câu 52: D. distressing 53. The word “callousness” in the first paragraph could be best be replaced by which of the
  6. following? A. indirectness B. independence C. incompetence D. insensitivity Đáp án câu 53: D. insensitivity 54. The above passage is divided into paragraphs in order to contrast ___. A. a problem and a solution B. a comparison and a contrast C. a statement and an illustration D. a specific and general information Đáp án câu 50: A. a problem and a solution 55. What does the word “This” in the first paragraph refer to? A. Endangered species that are decreasing B. Bengal tigers that are decreasing C. Poachers who seek personal gratification D. Sourcess that may not be accurate Đáp án câu 55: C. Poachers who seek personal gratification 56. Where in the passage does the author discuss a cause of extinction? A. Since the word down to zero. B. What is alarming personal gratification. C. Countries around for support. D. With the money .endangered species. Đáp án câu 56: B. What is alarming personal gratification. 57. Which of the following could best replaced the word “allocated” in the second paragraph? A. set aside B. combined C. organised D. taken off Đáp án câu 57: A. set aside 58. The word “defray” in the second paragraph is closest meaning to which of the following? A. lower B. raise C. make a payment on D. make an investment toward Đáp án câu 58: C. make a payment on 59. The author uses the phrase “stem the tide” in the second paragraph to mean ___. A. touch B. stop C. tax D. save Đáp án câu 59: B. stop 60. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude? A. forgiving B. concerned C. vindictive D. surprised Đáp án câu 60: B. concerned VI. CLOZE TEST Cloze test 1 In the past people suffered (61) ___ a disease called scurvy. Their gums bled, their skin became rough, their wounds did not (62) ___ and their muscles
  7. wasted away. The (63) ___ of these symptoms was a lack of vitamin C; people ate preserved meats and foods and could not get fresh vegetables and fruits. The best (64) ___ of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, cantaloupes, strawberries, and fresh vegetables. These fruits must be fresh because vitamin C is destroyed by heat, storage, or exposure (65) ___ air. Although today more people (66) ___ vitamin C pills than any other supplement, some people still have scurvy, (67) ___ some of the elderly, alcoholics, and the chronically ill. Research shows that vitamin C reduces the (68) ___ of colds and can help prevent cancer. There is also evidence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, (69) ___ wound healing, helps prevent gum disease, and helps protect us from pollutants such as cigarette smoke. Some recent research also shows that vitamin C has a positive effect on some mental (70) ___ and increases life span. 61. A. from B. with C. by D. at 62. A. close B. recover C. heal D. get well 63. A. reason B. cause C. origin D. signs 64. A. store B. resources C. provider D. sources 65. A. to B. towards C. in D. by 66. A. consume B. drink C. take D. have 67. A. containing B. including C. consisting D. like 68. A. severity B. seriousness C. gravity D. importance 69. A. hastens B. hurries up C. quickens D. speeds 70. A. chaos B. confusions C. disorders D. disturbances Answers: 61. A 62. C 63. B 64. D 65. A 66. C 67. B 68. A 69. D 70. C CLOZE TEST 2 The Mysterious Isle In the early morning of 23 January, 2009, the most powerful storm for a decade hit western France. With wind speeds in (71) ___ of 120 miles per hour, it flattened forests, (72) ___ down power lines and caused massive destruction to buildings and roads. But it also left behind an extraordinary creation. Seven miles out to sea at the (73) ___ where the Atlantic Ocean meets the estuary of the River Gironde, a small island had (74) ___ out of water. Locals soon gave it the name The Mysterious Isle. What was so remarkable, (75) ___ its sudden apparition, was the fact that the island (76) ___ intact in what is often quite a hostile sea environment. It could well become a permanent feature. Scientists (77) ___ realised that the island's appearance (78) ___ a unique opportunity to study the creation and development of a new ecosystem. Within months, it had been colonised by seabirds, insects and vegetation. Unfortunately, however, they were not alone in (79) ___ the island attractive. It became increasingly difficult to (80) ___ the site from human visitors. In its first year, day trippers came in powered dinghies, a parachute club used it as a landing strip, a rave party was even held there one night. 71. A. surplus B. advance C. excess D. put
  8. 72. A. fetched B. brought C. carried D. sent 73. A. scene B. mark C. stage D. point 74. A. risen B. growth C. lifted D. surfaced 75. A. in spite of B. instead of C. apart from D. on account of 76. A. prolonged B. remained C. resided D. preserved 77. A. quickly B. briskly C. hastily D. speedily 78. A. delivered B. awarded C. proposed D. offered 79. A. regarding B. finding C. seeking D. deciding 80. A. prevent B. preserve C. protect D. prohibit Answers: 71. C 72. B 73. D 74. A 75. C 76. B 77. A 78. D 79. B 80. C B. WRITTEN TEST I. OPEN CLOZE TEST Cloze test 1 LAUGHING IS GOOD FOR YOU - SERIOUSLY It is a sad fact that adults laugh far less than children, sometimes by (1) ___ much as a couple of hundred times a day. Just take a look at people’s faces on the way to work or in the office: you’ll be lucky to see a smile, let (2) ___ hear a laugh. This is a shame – especially in (3) ___ of the fact that scientists have proved that laughing is good for you. “When you laugh,” says psycologist David Cohen, “it produces the feel-good hormones, endorphins, countering the effects of (4) ___ and inhancing the immune system.” There are many reason why we might laugh (5) ___ in adult life: perhaps we are too work-obessed, or too embarrased to let our emotions show. Some psycologists simply believe that children have more naïve responses, and as adult we naturally grow (6) ___ of spontaneous reactions. Luckily, however, it is possible to relearn the art of laughter. In India, “laughter of clinics” have been growing (7) ___popularity over the last few years, according to the efforts od Dr Madan Kataria, whose work has won (8) ___ a devoted following. Dr Kataria believes that his laughing techniques can help to strengthen the immune system and lower stress levels, (9) ___ other things. He teaches his patients different laughs or giggles to relax specific parts of the body. In 1988, when Dr Kataria organised a World Laughter Day at Bombay racetract, 10,000 people (10) ___ up. Answers: 1. as 2. alone 3. view 4. stress 5. less 6. out 7. in 8. him 9. among 10 . turned CLOZE TEST 2 JACK’S REAL CHARACTER How easy is (1) ___ to understand another person’s character? My friend Jack was once a rather annoying person. He was always getting (2) ___trouble because he was so disobedient. In class he was very talkative and never stopped (3) ___jokes. The teachers all told him (4) ___was impolite because he interrupted (5) ___. When I
  9. met him, he was very unfriendly and didn’t want to talk to me (6) ___all. People told me he stole things and that he was dishonest. His school work was terrible. He didn’t take any pride in his writing, he never (7) ___enough time doing his homework, and that he was not at all conscientious. One day he saw a gang of boys attacking (8) ___old man. Jack hated violence and he fought them all (9)___ they ran away. He was awarded a medal for bravery. After that people changed their (10) ___about him. Answers: 1. it 2. into 3. making 4. he 5. them 6. at 7. spent 8. an 9. until 10. minds II. WORD FORMS Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets. 1. If you make a good ___ at the interview, you will get the job. (IMPRESS) 2. My history teacher has a vast ___ of past events. (KNOW) 3. It's totally___ that you stayed home when you were sick. (UNDERSTAND) 4. My father's death left me with a great___ in my heart. (EMPTY) 5. The groom may ___the bride only when their vows have been exchanged. (VEIL) 6. There was no ___ signs that the house was inhabited. (OUT) 7. Be careful. You may be ___ to put all your eggs in one basket. (ADVICE) 8. We had no ___ other than to leave the dog with a neighbour. (ALTERNATE) 9. Julie has succeeded in making herself ___ to Mr. Parker. She does everything for him. (DISPENSE) 10. The road is said to be ___ due to flooding. (PASS) Answers: 1. impression 2. knowledge 3.understandable 4. emptiness 5. unveil 6. outward 7. ill-advised 8. alternative 9. indispensable 10. impassable Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space. AN IMPORTANT ENGLISH TOWN The site of the town of Winchester was a natural place for a (1. SETTLE) ___, at the point where a river cut through the chalk of the (2. SOUTH) ___ hillsides. A simple camp at St Catherine’s Hill was the (3. EARLY) ___ known use of the site. This was followed by an Iron Age hill-fort, but this was left (4. INHABIT) ___ by 100 BC. It was the Romans who finally established the town and (5. ROUND) ___ it with a defensive wall for the protection of their people and trade. With the (6. BUILD)___ of its first cathedral in the seventh century, the town became an important (7. RELIGION) ___ centre. Later King Alfred, who had (8. SUCCESS) ___ pushed back the invading Danes, moved his palace to Winchester. The town then experienced rapid (9. DEVELOP) ___, and its (10. CENTRE)___ role in English history was underlined in 1066 when the conquering Normans, like Alfred, made Winchester their capital.
  10. Answers: 1. settlement 2. southern 3.earliest 4. uninhabited 5. surrounded 6. building 7. religious 8. successfully 9. development 10. central III. ERROR IDENTIFICATION There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. I dentify the mistakes and correct them. People commonly complain that they never have time enough to accomplish tasks. The hours and minutes seem slipping away before many planned chores get done. According to time management experts, the main reason for this is that most people fail to set priorities about how to do first. They get tied down of trivial, time consuming matters and never complete the important ones. One simple solution often used by those at the top is to keep lits of tasks being accomplished daily. These lists order jobs from most essential to least essential and checked regularly through the day to assess progress. Not only this is an effective way to manage time, but also it serves giving individuals a much-deserved sense of satisfaction over their achievments. People not keep lists often face the end of the work day with uncertainty over the significance of their accomplishments, which over time can contribute with serious problems in mental and physical health. Answers: 1. time enough → enough time 6. checked regularly → are checked regularly 2. seem slipping away →seem to slip away 7. Not only this is → not only is this 3. how to do → what to do 8. it serves giving → it serves to give 4. of trivial →by trivial 9. People not keep →People who do not keep 5. being accomplished → to be accomplished 10. contribute with → contribute to IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION 1. Don’t you regret not learning to swim? → Don’t you ___? Đáp án câu 1: Don’t you wish you had leaned/learnt to swim? 2. The bread was too stale to eat. → The bread ___. Đáp án câu 2: The bread was not enogh fresh toa eat. 3. After fighting the fire for 12 hours the firemen succeeded in putting it out. → The firemen managed ___. Đáp án câu 3: The firemen managed to put the fire out after fighting it for 12 hours. 4. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister. → Had it not ___. Đáp án câu 4: Had it not been for the death of the Prime Minister, the bill would have been passed. 5. Bill changed his ways when he came out of prison. (LEAF)
  11. → Bill ___ Đáp án câu 5: Bill has turned over a new leaf sine he came out of the prison. 6. I think you misunderstood, Kevin. (STICK) → I think ___, Kevin. Đáp án câu 6: I think you have got the wrong end of the stick, Kevin. 7. Don’t tell your colleagues anything about this. (BREATHE) → ___ Đáp án câu 7: Don’t breathe a word of this to your colleagues. 8. Please excuse Jane’s poor typing: she’s only been learning for a month. (ALLOWANCES) → ___ Đáp án câu 8: Please make allowances for Jane’s poor typing: she’s only been learning for a month. 9. In general, we must pass this examination. → By and ___ Đáp án câu 9: By and large, we must pass this examination. 10. You don’t take on more than one can handle. → You don’t bite off ___ Đáp án câu 10: You don’t bite off more than you can chew.