Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi quốc gia THPT năm 2014 môn Tiếng Anh

(Bản scan)

Part I: For questions 1~5, listen to a conversation between two students about a book and decide

whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Write your answers ín the corresponding

nưmbered boxes.

1... David began to enjoy the book when he understood why the characters kept confficting themselves.

2. Maria believes that the contradiction makes the story absorbing. .

3. Maria wishes to see the place where the book was set but David doesn't.

4. Maria doesn't want to read the story again because it is not original.

5. According to Maria. the author writes the book to show that people have different interpretations of the
same event.

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  • pdfky_thi_chon_hoc_sinh_gioi_quoc_gia_thpt_nam_2014_mon_tieng_a.pdf