Đề thi olympic 10-3 lần thứ 3 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Trường THPT Buôn Đôn (Có đáp án)

Choose the option that best fits the blank of the sentence.
1. During the rush hour the traffic in the city centre is terrible.
A. condensation B. congestation C. accumulation D. concebtration
2. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention.............................
A. limit B. duration C. span D. time
3. This is a example of what to do .
A. critical B. pure . C. simple D. prime
4. , the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties.
A. By and large B. Altogether c C.To a degree D. Virtually
5. The little boy was left in of this grandmother during his parents’ absence.
A. charge for B. the charge of C. care for D. care of
doc 10 trang Hải Đông 16/01/2024 1700
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  2. ĐỀ THI VÀ ĐÁP ÁN A. MULTIPLE CHOICE Part 1: PHONOLOGY. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three. 1. A. rhinoceros B. vehicle C. whale D. uninhabitable 2. A. unconcernedly B. ragged C. sacred D. hiccupped 3. A. dairy B. lair C. fair D. gait 4. A. garbage B. massage C. language D. sewage 5. A. cement B. movement C. comment D. momentum Choose the word whose stress pattern is differently from the others of the group. 6. A. Aborigine B. appearance C. emergency D. contribute 7. A. ecotourism B. compromise C. disposal D. neighborhood 8. A. beneficial B. detrimental C. understanding D. magnificent 9. A. diversity B. amphibians C. ecotourist D. courageous 10. A. mysterious B. preferential C. modernity D. historical Key 1D 2D 3D 4B 5D 6A 7C 8D 9C 10B Part 2: VOCABULARY Choose the option that best fits the blank of the sentence. 1. During the rush hour the traffic in the city centre is terrible. A. condensation B. congestation C. accumulation D. concebtration 2. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention A. limit B. duration C. span D. time 3. This is a example of what to do . A. critical B. pure . C. simple D. prime 4. , the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties. A. By and large B. Altogether c C.To a degree D. Virtually 5. The little boy was left in of this grandmother during his parents’ absence. A. charge for B. the charge of C. care for D. care of 6. I am afraid a rise in salary is just now. A. out of sight B. out of control C out of date D. out of question 7. Some people feel that television should give less to sport. A. programs B. coverage C. concern D. involvement 8. She affection from her children but they neglected her shamefully. A. yearned B. craved C. hungered D. desired 9. I’ve got such a headache that I can’t concentrate on the lecture. A. beating B. drumming C. hammering D. throbbing 10. Race relations in this country are unlikely to improve until people overcome their feelings of hostility towards foreigners. A. interior B. internal C. inverted D. innate Key 1B 2C 3D 4A 5B 6D 7B 8B 9A 10D 2
  3. Part 3 : STRUCTURES AND GRAMMAR Choose the best answer ( A, B , C or D ) to complete each of the following sentences. 1. The play was not what we had expected. A. just B. absolutely C. at all D. very 2. I just be kind to her she decides to leave me. A. in case B. so that C. for fear that D. lest 3. The bank is reported in the local newspaper in broad daylight. A. to be robbed B. robbed C. to have been robbed D. having been robbed 4. , I would give a party. A. Were she to come next month B. She were to come next month C. If she comes next month D. Should she come next month 5. The parcel I sent you by now. A. is supposed to arrive B. should arrive C. should have arrived D. would arrive 6. Ludwig Van Beethoven is considered one of the greatest composers . A. to live B. when living C. who ever lived D. while he was lving 7. , he remained optimistic. A. Though badly wounded he was B. Badly wounded as he was C. As he was badly he wounded D. As badly wounded he was 8. ‘If it is a girl , she is going to be called Etheldreda.’ ‘ What name to give girl!’ A. Ø / the B. a / a C. the / the D. the / Ø 9. “ Eric is really upset about losing his job.” – “ Well , once myself , I can understand.” A. having been fired B. Fire C. having fired D. being fired 10. Clothing made of plastic fibers has certain advantages over made of natural fibers like cotton , wool , or silk. A. what B. the one C. that D. which Key 1C 2A 3C 4A 5C 6C 7B 8B 9A 10C Part 4 : PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS Choose the option that best fits the blank of the sentence. 1.The head is proportion with the body. A. out of B. outside C. off D. away from 2. How exactly did you set training the dogs to work well together. A. up B. to C. about D. out 3. It really gets me having to work so much overtime. A. up B. on C. by D. down 4. It seems to be your boss who is fault in this case . A. under B. at C. with D. for 5. The red light goes on outside the studio door to let people know that you are air. A. on the B. by C. in D. through 6. Please and see us some time. You’re always welcome. A. come to B. come about C. come round D. come away 7. The elaborate bridal costumes of the coastal Indians are from mother to daughter. 3
  4. A. taken after B. put by C. parted with D. handed down 8. I’m very tired . Joan invited me to dinner at her house , but I don’t up to it . I shall go to bed early. A. look B. think C. feel D. come 9. Such relaxed days were few and far in her hectic life. A. off B. between C. beyond D. out 10. It’s no good pretending ; you’ve got to reality. A. bargain for B. come up against C. get down to D. face up with Key 1A 2C 3D 4B 5A 6C 7D 8C 9B 10D Part 5 : READING COMPREHENION Passage 1 : Read the passage and choose the best answer for each of the questions below. Since the 20th century , magazines have been a major growth area of popular publishing. Specialist magazines cater to every imaginable field and activity . In the United Kingdom , over 12, 000 periodical , magazines, bulletins , annuals , trade journals and academic journals are published on a regular basic. There are some 40 women’s magazines and over 60 dealing with particular sports , games , hobbies , and pastimes . Although some U.S magazines such The Saturday Evening Post , has succumbed to the competition of television , many continue to have enormous international circulations. The reader’s Digest over 16 million , The national Geographic over 10 million . For many people , magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing education , providing information about history , geography , literature , science , and the arts , as well as guidance on gardening , cooking , home decorating , financial management , psychology , even marriage and family life. Until the rise of television , magazines were the most available form of cheap , convenient entertainment in the English – speaking world. Radio served a similar function , but it was more limited in what it could do . Magazines and television , however , both address the more powerful visual sense. During the third quarter of the 20th century , coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television , many general – interest , especially illustrated magazines went out of business . The shift in attention of a mass audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in this decline , but it is an implicit tribute from television to the older genre that its programs are generally organized in a single formal and content. 1. The word “ it” in both refers to . A. television B. publishing C. entertainment D. radio 2. From the passage , it can be inferred that . A. movies have replaced magazines B. the author is fond of magazines C. almost all magazines are printed in English D. home decorating magazines are dramatic 3. According to the passage , which of the following magazines is no longer printed? A. The Saturday Evening Post B. The Reader’s Digest C. The Nation D. The National Geographic 4. The word “ circulation” in bold is closest in meaning to . A. the number of blood banks selling magazines B. the number of readers of a magazines C. the number of international magazines D. the number of sold copies of a magazine 5. The passage implies that magazines . A. are less visual than radio B. put television out of business C. influence television programs D. have a limited rang of subjects 6. Which of the following does the author describe as limited in what it could do ? A. radio B. magazines C. movies D. television 4
  5. 7. The word “succumbed” in bold means . A. set up for B. brought up for C. taken up by D. given in to 8. The passage mainly discusses . A. the rise and fall of the radio business B. the growth and decline of magazines in the 20th century C. magazines and continuing education D. the decline of international circulation 9. The phrase “ every imaginable field” in bold is closest in meaning to . A. all imaginary fields in stories and poems B. all images in a camera’s field of vision C. all professions that one can think of D. all trade journals about farming and psychology 10. What does the author say about mass audiences? A. They have little influence on communications in the 20th century. B. They have gone out of business C. They get information about gardening and psychology from radio D. They have shifted their attention from magazines to television Key 1D 2B 3A 4D 5C 6A 7D 8B 9C 10D Passage 2 : Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the questions below. Marian Anderson’s brilliant singing career began at the age six when she sang spirituals at the Union Baptist Church in her hometown of Philadelphia. She toured Europe in the 1920s , drawing vast acclaim; however , when she returned to the United Sates she was still barred from performing on the American operatic stage . Strict segregation laws were in force at the time , keeping many black performers out of exclusively white theaters and concert halls . After she was prevented from singing in Washington’s segregated Constitution hall in 1930, Eleanor Roosevelt intervened and arranged for Miss Anderson to perform at the Lincoln Memorial . Marian Anderson’s beautiful contralto voice broke down racial barriers, showing white Americans that blacks had a profound contribution to make to America’s cultural life. Eventually , in 1955, she became the first African – American singer to perform at New York’s Metropolitan Opera . In her many years of touring she had to endure a racism that forced her to enter concert halls and hotels through service entrances . Her grace under this stress showed a moral perseverance that paralleled that of the famous Martin Luther King , Jr. 1.We can conclude from the passage that Martin Anderson first toured Europe instead of the United States because . A. she was paid more in Europe B. she was not allowed to perform in the United States C. there were better operatic facilities in Europe D. it was too expensive to tour in the United States 12. The word “ acclaim” could best be replaced by A. publicity B. fund C. approval D. attention 13. The word “ intervened” could best be replaced by . A. appreciated B. supported C. interrupted D. interfered 14. The significance of Anderson’s Lincoln Memorial performance was that . A. Eleanor Roosevelt arrange it B. her contralto voice was beautiful C. 75,000 people come D. she was a black performer 5
  6. 15. The phrase “broke down racial barriers” means . A. disclosed opportunities B. shattered obstacles C. revealed inaccuracies D. analyzed destinations 16. Where is the best place in the passage to add the following sentence? “ A crowd of 75,000 people came to watch her sing before the Memorial.” A. after the word “ Memorial” B . after the word “ Stage” C. after the word “ Opera” D. after the word “ entrances” 17. The word “ grace” is similar in meaning to . A. awkwardness B. cruelty C. elegance D. saintliness 18. According to the passage , what did Marian Anderson have in common with Martin Luther King, Jr.? A. Moral perseverance B. a clear strong voice C. a performance at the Lincoln Memorial D. singing in church 19. The author’s tone in this passage is . A. instructive B. critical C. respectful D. regretful 20. What does the word “ this” refer to ? A. touring for many years B. racist attitudes toward her C. performing before thousands of people D. being like Martin Luther King , Jr. Passage 2 . 1B 2C 3D 4D 5B 6A 7C 8A 9C 10B Part 6: CLOZE TEST. Read the text below and decide which answer ( A, B , C or D ) best fits each space. Whenever we read about the natural world nowadays, it is generally to be given dire predictions about its imminent destruction. Some scientists go so far as to assert that from now on , the world can no longer be called “ natural” , in so far as future processes of weather , ( 1) and all the interactions of plant and animal life will no longer carry on in their time honored way, unaffected by ( 2) . There will be never such a thing as “ natural weather” again, say such writers , only weather manufactured by global warning . It is hard to know whether to believe such( 3) of doom, possibly because what they are saying seems to terrible to be ( 4) . There are other equally influential scientists who argue that climate , for example , has changed many times over the ( 5) , and that what we are experiencing now many simply be part of an endless cycle of change , rather than a disaster on a global ( 6) . One cannot help wondering these attempt to wish the problem be away simply underline the extent to which western industrialized countries are to blame for upsetting the world’s ( 7) . It is not our fault ; they seem to be saying , because everything is all right , really! Once certain ( 8) which is chilling in its implications , is that there is no longer anywhere on the earth’s ( 9) Whether in the depths of the oceans or in the polar wastes , which is not ( 10) by polluted air or littered , with empty cans and bottles . Now we are having to come to terms with understanding just what means , and it is far from easy. 1. A. change B. atmosphere C. climate D. even 2. A. beings B. man C. people D. humans 3. A. prophets B. champions C. warriors D. giants 4.A.stopped B. true C. guessed D. here 5. A. top B. again C. centuries D. world 6.A. sense B. form C. scale D. existence 7. A. future B. ecology C. balance D. population 8. A. fact B. must C. fault D. and 9. A. planet B. atmosphere C. anywhere D. surface 6
  7. 10. A. full B. stained C. breathing D. only Key 1C 2B 3A 4B 5C 6C 7B 8A 9D 10B Read the following passage and choose the options that best complete the blanks. Sylvia Earle, a (1) botanist and one of the (2) deep – sea explorers, has spent over 6,000 hours, more than seven months, under water. From her earliest years, she took her first plunge into the open sea as a teenage. In the years since then, she has taken part in a (3) of landmark underwater projects, from exploratory expeditions around the world to her celebrated “ Jim dive “ in 1987, which was the deepest solo dive (4) made without cable connecting the diver to a support vessel at the surface of the sea. (5) in a Jim suit, a futuristic suit of plastic and metal armor, which was secured (6) a manned submarine, Sylvia Earle plunged vertically into the Pacific Ocean, at time at the speed of 100 feet per minute (7) reaching the ocean floor, she was released from the submarine and from that point her only connection to the sub was an 18-foot tether. For the next two and a half hours, Earle (8) the seabed, taking notes, collecting (9) , and painting a U.S flag. Consumed by a desire to descend deeper still, in 1981 she became involved in the design and manufacture of deep – sea (10) one of which took her to a depth 3000 feet. This did not end Sylvia Earle’s accomplishments. 1. A. marine B. underwater C. undersea D. submarine 2. A. furthest B. foremost C. greatest D. utmost 3. A. amount B. great deal C. average D. number 4. A. really B. later C. ever D. mostly 5. A. Covered B. Put C. Clothed D. Worn 6. A. to B. with C. from D. against 7. A. In B. On C. At D. For 8. A. walked B. roamed C. dived D. strolled 9. A. specimens B. models C. remains D. debris 10. A. subcontractors B. submariners C. submersions D. submersibles Key 1A 2B 3D 4C 5C 6A 7B 8B 9A 10D B.WRITTEN TEST Part 1: OPEN CLOZE TEST(20 POINTS) CLOZE TEST 1 Fill in each blank with ONE word to make a complete passage). Education is not an end , but it means (1 ) an end . In other words , we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them . Our purpose is to fit them for life. In some modern countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for all ( 2) rich or poor , clever or stupid – one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough. We find in such countries a large number of people with university( 3) who refuse to do what they think “ low” work. In fact , work with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries . But we only have to think a ( 4) to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is ( 5) more important than that of a professor. We can live (6) education , but we die if we have no food . If no one cleaned our streets or ( 7) the rubbish from our house , we should get terrible diseases in our towns. 7
  8. In fact , when we say that all of us must be educated to be fitted for life , it means that we must educated in (8) a way each of us can do whatever work suited to our brains and ability and we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one’s work. (9) such a type of education can be considered valuable ( 10) Society. Key 1. to 2. whether 3. degree 4. moment 5. far / much 6. without 7. collected 8. such 9.Oly 10. to CLOZE TEST 2 Fill in each blank with ONE word to make a complete passage. Unlike ( 1) it may seem , there has now been expert confirmation that wild pumas and lynxes are at ( 2) in parts of Britain , rather than being the figments of some wild imaginations . Previous sighting of such large cats had been put( 3) to exaggeration . After all, the argument went , some people are prone to seeing flying saucers and Loch Ness monsters , particularly when under stories such as ( 4) of the Beast of Exmoor, an animal that is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of sheep over the past ten years. (5) expert have now come up with proof that such stories were in earnest after all. The animals are in all ( 6) pets which have escaped from small zoos, or been abandoned by their owners . Because the keeping of such animals is severely restricted under the (7) of the Dangerous Wild Animal Act of 1976, owners of unlicensed animals might not (8) an escape for fear of prosecution. Britain’s only surviving native species, the wild cat, is confined to Scotland. After examining hair without (9) a puma or lynx, both of which are normally native (10) the Middle East and Asia. Key 1.as 2. large 3. down 4.that 1. But 6. likelihood 7. terms 8. report 9. doubt 10. to Part 2: WORD FORMS ( 20 POINTS) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words. 1. His annoy some members of the committee because he is always expressing his ideas frankly. ( speak) 2. George is very disorganized and not very ( business) 3. She was fully aware of her own (short) 4. Low income and little administrative support make teachers with their profession ( heart) 5. A film about the ancestors is available in the library. (reptile) 6. There are people whose begin from the moment of their death (mortal) 7. It’s undeniable that the of the local incompetent healer was responsible for her sudden death. (diagnose) 8. As the sole of his uncle’s will, he inherited a huge fortune. (benefit) 9. This faulty washing machine should be returned to the manufacturer. (repair) 10. The first time I tried out my new bike I and fell off. ( balance) Key 1. outspokenness 2. businesslike 3. shortcoming(s) 4. disheartened 5.reptilian 6. immortality 7.misdiagnosis 8. beneficiary 9. irreoarably 10. overbalanced 8
  9. Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the words in the box. FLY SPECIAL APPLY GEOLOGY OPERATE AUTOMATIC COMPUTER QUALITY ANALYZE FILL 1. in cybernetics are working on the development of self- learning machines capable of solving problems set by man. These self- learning cybernetic systems can collect data , analyze them and perform certain ( 2) as a result of the ( 3) .What is more , they are able to produce (4) new information. For example, a cybernetic machine for chemists will not only give information on any specific problem but will indicate the way to develop some new substance, say, a new plastic that would be cheap and durable . A good number of these machines are already working in our country , such as a cybernetic system for the iron and steel industry , an electronic system for ( 5) prospecting , a cybernetic designer which designs gas pipelines and automatized the passing of gas along these pipes. ( 6) in our country has reached the stage of developing ( 7) automatized industries . Electronic ( 8) techniques find wide ( 9) in and serve as a basis for the development of modern programme controlled machine tools , the controlling of spaceship ( 10) , weather forecasts and planning work. Key 1. Specialists 2. Operations 3. Analysis 4. Qualitatively 5. Geological 6. Automation 7. Fully 8. Computing 9. Application 1 0. Flights ERROR IDENTIFICATION( 10 POINTS) Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them. Quotations and sayings are part of our language and our way Line 1: ___ of life. As the post Emerson says, we use them by necessity, Line 2: ___ to remind ourselves to look before we leap or avoid crossing Line 3: ___ our bridges before we come to them. We use them in habit, Line 4: ___ often not realize we are doing so, and we all love to use an Line 5: ___ apt quotation to live conversation or score a point in an Line 6: ___ argument. This booklet contains over a thousand quotations, Line7: ___ proverbs and sayings. Altogether, they offer a great deal Line of 8: ___ information, advice, amusement and comfort. Emerson writes “ ILine hate 9: ___ quotations “ so it is undoubtful that he would have used this book Line – 10___ but we hope that you will. That you use it to improve your Line 11: ___ knowledge, as an aid to solve crossword puzzles, to enrich Line 12___ your knowledge, as an aid to solve crossword puzzles, to Line 13: ___ enrich your own speech or simple for idle reading in Line 14___ your spare time, it will put you on touch with some of the Line 15___ cleverest minds of the past and present. Happy reading and happy quoting ! Key 1. Line 2 : says > said 2. Line 4: in > by 3. Line 5: realize > realizing 4. Line 6: live > enliven 5. Line 8: altogether > together 6. Line 9: writes > wrote 7. Line 10 : undoubtful > doubtful 8. Line 11 :that > whether 9. Line 13 : simple > simply 10. Line 14 : on > in 9
  10. Part 4: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION( 20 points) Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings remain unchanged. 1. The government shouldn’t let this situation get worse This state . 2. She is now leading a normal life as a result of all the support the received from social workers. Had . 3. Just thinking about his face at the moment makes me laugh. The very . 4. He declared his disapproval of the behavior of some of his supporters. He let . 5. Everybody wants Pauline as an after – dinner speaker. ( DEMAND) . 6. At first the new computer made me feel a bit afraid ( AWE) . 7. William decided that an actor’s life was not for him ( CUT) . 8. Andrew doesn’t claim to have a lot of musical talent. (PRETENCE) . 9. The film is similar to Shakespeare’s Hamlet in a number of ways. ( RESEMBLANCE) . 10. Alison bought the big house because she wanted to open a hotel. ( VIEW) Alison bought state . Key. 1. This state of affairs shouldn’t be allowed to get worse by the government. 2. Had she not received so much support from social workers , she wouldn’t be leading so much a normal life. 3. The very thought of his face at that moment makes me laugh. 4. He let it be down that he disapproved of the behavior of his supporters. 5. Pauline is in great demand as an after- dinner speaker. 6. At first I was a bit in awe of the new computer. 7. William decided that he was not cut out to be an actor. 8. Andrew makes no pretence of having a lot of musical talent. 9. The film bears/ have some resemblance to Shakespeare’s Hamlet. 10. Alison bought the big house with a view to opening a hotel. 10