Đề thi chọn đội tuyển học sinh giỏi Lớp 9 môn Anh Văn - Năm học 2019-2020 (Có đáp án)

Nowadayspeopledepend on unlimited energy to powertheir everyday lives. A wide (1) of
energy-run devices and modern conveniences are (2) for granted, and although it mayseem that
we will never be in (3) of living without those conveniences, the fact is that many (4) of
energy are dwindling rapidly. Scientist are constantly (5) for new sources of power to keep
modern society (6) . Whether future populations will continue to (7) the benefits of
abundantenergywill depend on the (8) of this search.
Coal, oil, and natural gas supply modern civilization with most of (9) power. However, not
only (10) supplies of these fuels limited, but they are a major source of pollution. If the energy
(11) of the future areto be met without seriously (12) the environment,existing alternative
energy sources must be improved or (13) explored and developed. These (14) nuclear,
water, solar, wind, and geothermal power, as well as energy from new nonpolluting types of fuels. Each
ofthese (15) , however,has advantages and disadvantages.
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  1. DE THI CHQN DQI TUYEN HQC SINH GH;,)I LOP 9 A W MON THI: ANH VAN Ngay thi: Thir Bay 04/0112020 Tho; gian lam bai: 120 phut (khong ki phiit dJ) NAM HQC: 2019-2020 PART ONE. LISTENING (10 pts) SECTION I. Listen to the recording carefully and write down the missing words on your answer sheet. Whales are large, intelligent mammals that live in oceans. They are not fish. They breathe air through (1) into lungs. Whales have sleek, (2) that move easily through the water. They live their entire lives in the water and are the only mammals that have (3) in the open oceans. Like all mammals, whales are (4) , which means they maintain a high (5) and have mammary glands to (6) . Whales also have some hair although much less than land mammals. The largest whale is the blue whale, which grows to be about (7) - the height of a nine-story building. It is larger than any of the dinosaurs, making it the largest animal that (8) on Earth. Whales hunted for their meat and the oil that could be (9) them. The oil was used to make wax for candles and as fuel in lamps. During the 17th and 18th centuries, some species of whales were hunted (10) _ for their oil. SECTION II. Listen to the recording. For questions 11 - 15, choose the option (A, B, C, or D) which best completes the blank space or best answers the question. 11. What shop did the robbers break into? A. a butcher's B. a chemist's C. a grocer's D. a boutique 12. What were the men armed with? A. explosives B. rifles C. machine guns D. shot-guns 13. Which of the following is NOT true about the incident? A. The men were chased across a field. B. One police officer was hurt. C. The men tried to escape in a car. D. The men were arrested. 14. How many breeds of dog were there at the show? A. 120 B. 144 C. 14 D.10,000 15. The champion dog may earn a lot of money in _ A. other dog competitions B. dog fashion shows C. dog racing D. breeding and advertising SECTION III. Listen to the recording. Give brief answers to the questions. 16. What does Ushi do in her work now? 17. Why is Ushi unusual? 18. What is the second reason for people living long in Okinawa? 19. What does Ushi eat for breakfast? 20. Who does Ushi spend the afternoon with? PART TWO. Multiple choice (20 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, S, C, or OJ that best completes the sentence. 1. You're late again! You your house early enough to avoid the traffic. A. must have left B. needn't have left C. should have left D. oughtn't to have left 2. Their house is from school. A. far B. long C. lengthy D. a long way 3. Had it not been for her patient assistance, we the assignment. A. couldn't have finished B. didn't finish C. wouldn't have been finished D. needn't have finished 4. It's pointless that stubborn guy. A. persuading B. of you persuading C. that you persuade D. to persuade 5. You can win this important match you don't make silly mistakes. A. in case B. if only C. unless D. as long as 6. The little boy did nothing but during the party. A. crying B. cry C. to cry D. for crying 7. Consumers are getting more and more _ A. environment awareness B. aware environmental C. environmental aware D. environmentally aware 8. Either the cook or the waiters responsible for the broken plates. A. were B. was C. has been D. are being 9. Come to my farewell party, ? A. do you B. don't you C. should you D. would you
  2. 10. past a water pipe when it fell intp another yet again. Of A Hardly the bird flew B. No sooner had the bird flown C Barely had the bird flown D. Under no circumstances did the bird fly 11 We are totally in of our father A. awe B. respect C. admiration D. affection 12 That young lady has a(n) for m ing people feel really special. A. ability B. way C. knack D. ingenuity 13. You should employ a more tary than the one you currently have. A. deficient C. sufficient D. efficient 14. Several passengers received minor tnjuri s when the train unexpectedly came to a _ A delay B stand C brake 0 halt 15. These stiff trainers take weeks to t A. look through B. put up wi C. take to D. break in 16. I can't understand why she always the kids. A. gets down on B. falls bac on C. comes down with D. cuts down on 17. There are a few which will help ou in painting a room. A. eyes in the back of your head B. cuts and pastes C tricks of the trade D. kicks in the teeth 18. Scientists warn that global warming will A. a comedy of errors B. the bord crossing C. the red light D. a point of no return 19. _ A: "Would you mind turning off the TV t?" B:" A. Of course! Iwill. B. Oh, nothing more to say. C. Another time perhaps! D. I'd rather you did it yourself! l B: II 20. _ A: "Shall we go out for a walk?" A. A piece of cake! B. Might as ell! C. Not at all! D. Let me do it! PART THREE. Word Forms (10 pts) e the c rre t form of th tv r be evaluated based on various factors. 1. A for B thus C so D then 2. A reluctant B offensive C complacent D objective 3. A length B term C measure D degree
  3. 4. A matter Braise Crise o account 5. A costs B bucks C expenses o spendings 6. A disappearance B finding C emergence D development 7. A aiming B running C initiating Devolving 8. A stagnant B dynamic C depressing o perilous 9. A variation B range C coverage o curve 10. A impact B root C motive o obstacle 11. A prospect B choice C counseling o advancement 12. A connotations B passions C visions 0 notions 13. A stage B platform C arena 0 ring 14. A look B cascade C embark 0 call 15. A coaching B facilitating C handling 0 exploiting Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word. PASSAGEB Nowadays people depend on unlimited energy to power their everyday lives. A wide (1) of energy-run devices and modern conveniences are (2) for granted, and although it may seem that we will never be in (3) of living without those conveniences, the fact is that many (4) of energy are dwindling rapidly. Scientist are constantly (5) for new sources of power to keep modern society (6) . Whether future populations will continue to (7) the benefits of abundant energy will depend on the (8) of this search. Coal, oil, and natural gas supply modern civilization with most of (9) power. However, not only (10) supplies of these fuels limited, but they are a major source of pollution. If the energy (11) of the future are to be met without seriously (12) the environment, existing alternative energy sources must be improved or (13) explored and developed. These (14) nuclear, water, solar, wind, and geothermal power, as well as energy from new nonpolluting types of fuels. Each of these (15) , however, has advantages and disadvantages. PART FIVE. Reading Comprehension (10 pts) Choose the Item (A, S, C or DJthat best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. The development of jazz can be seen as part of the larger continuum of American popular music, especially dance music. In the twenties, jazz became the hottest new thing in dance music, much as ragtime had at the turn of the century, and as would rhythm and blues in the fifties, rock in the fifties, and disco in the seventies. But two characteristics distinguish jazz from other dance music. The first is improvisation, the changing of a musical phrase according to the player's inspiration. Like all artists, jazz musicians strive for an individual style, and the improvised or paraphrased is a jazz musician's main opportunity to display his or her individuality. In early jazz, musicians often improvised melodies collectively, thus creating a kind of polyphony. There was little soloing as such, although some New Orleans players, particularly cornet player Buddy Bolden, achieved local fame for their ability to improvise a solo. Later the idea of the chorus-long or multichorus solo took hold. Louis Armstrong's instrumental brilliance, demonstrated through extended solos, was a major influence in this development. Even in the early twenties, however, some jazz bands had featured soloists. Similarly, show orchestras and carnival bands often included one or two such "get-off' musicians. Unimproved, completely structured jazz does exist, but the ability of the best jazz musicians to create music of great cohesion and beauty during performance has been a hallmark of the music and its major source of inspiration and change. The second distinguishing characteristic of jazz is a rhythmic drive that was initially called "hot" and later "swing". In playing hot, a musician consciously departs from strict meter to create a relaxed sense of phrasing that also emphasizes the underlying rhythms. ("Rough" tone and use of moderate vibrato also contributed to a hot sound.) Not all jazz is hot, however, many early bands played unadorned published arrangements of popular songs. Still, the proclivity to play hot distinguished the jazz musician from other instrumentalists. 1. The passage answers which of the following questions? A. Which early jazz musicians most Influenced rhythm and blues music? B. What are the differences between jazz and other forms of music? C. Why is dancing closely related to popular music in the United States? D. What instruments comprised a typical jazz band of the 1920's?
  4. 2. Which of tne following preceded jazz as • popular music for dancing? A Disco B. Rock C. Rhythm and blues D. Ragtime 3. According to the passage, jazz musicians are able to demonstrate their individual artistry mainly by? A creating musical variations while perfctming B. preparing musical arrangements C reading music with great skill D. being able to play all types of popular music 4.Which of the following was the function o~"get-oW' musicians (line 14)? A Assist the other band members in pa~ing up after a performance B. Teach dance routines created for ne~ music C. Lead the band I D. Provide solo performances in a band pr orchestra 5. The word cohesion in the passage is cl~sest in meaning to A. sorrow B. fame I C. unity D. vibration 6. The word initially in the passage is clos,st in meaning to A at first B. shortly' C. alphabetically D. in fact 7. The word consciously in the passage i~ closest in meaning to A carelessly B. easily I C. periodically D. purposely 8. The word unadorned in passage is Clo~st in meaning to A. lovely B. plain C. disorganized D. inexpensive 9. Which of the following terms is defined i+ the passage? A. "improvisation" (line 5) B. "polyphon " (line 8) C. "comet player" (line 9) D. "multichorus" (line 11) 10. The topic of the passage is developed rimarily by means of A. dividing the discussion into two majo areas B. presenting contrasting points of view C. providing biographies of famous mus ian D. describing historical events in sequence PART SIX: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 points) 1. The singer's popularity suffered as a re (effect) ~Thescandal ~ __ 2. Customs officials are stopping more tra lers than usual this week. (searched) ~ An increased 1 3. The teachers agreed to introduce the nEfwmethod. (bring) ~Therewas ~ 4. Those stores will probably accept a ere it card instead of cash. (alternative) ~ltis 4_ 5. They say he has been to prison several times. (reputed) ~He ~ 6. They decided not to go by boat becaus they thought they would be seasick. (fear) ~ + 7. I have two brothers; they do not work a . a teacher. (whom) ~lhave 4_ 8. Right after the teacher finished the que ion, Katie gave an excellent answer. (came) 7No ~ 9. They are archrivals, but they are friendl to each other. (way) 7 In spite 40 10. You should do anything to reduce smc:J<ing. (lengths) ~Itis __ THE END OF THE TEST
  5. DApANVAH~&NGDANCHAM PART ONE. LISTENING(10 pts) SECTION I. (0.5 pt each correct answer) (1) blowholes (2) streamlined bodies (3) adapted to life (4) warm-blooded (5) body temperature (6) feed their calves (7) 29 meters long (8) ever existed (9) extracted from (10) almost to extinction SECTION II. (0.5 pt each correct answer) 11. B. a chemist's 12. D. shot-guns 13. B. One police officer was hurt. 14. B. 144 15. D. breeding and advertising SECTION III. (0.5 pt each correct answer) 16. She puts I putting onions in bags 17. She's 103 years old. 18. (the) clean environment 19. vegetables and soup 20. (her) daughter, grandchildren, and friends PART TWO. Multiple choice (20 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 1. C 11. A 2.0 12.C 3. A 13.0 4.0 14.0 15.D 5.0 16. A 6. B 17. C 7.0 18.0 8. A 19. D 9. D 20.B 10. C PART THREE. Word Forms (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 1. imagery 6. pictorially 2. forced 7. foul-smelling 3. immobilizes 8. husbandry 4. impairment 9. idealistic 5. photogenic 1O. earliest
  6. PART FOUR. CLOZE TESTS (30 pts) PASSAGE A (1 pt each correct answer) 1. B thus 9. B range 2. 0 objective 10. A impact 3. C measure 11. C counseling 4. A matter 12. 0 notions 5. B bucks 13. B platform 6. C emergence 14. C embark 7. 0 evolving 15. A coaching 8. B dynamic PASSAGE B (1 pt each correct answer) (1) range I variety (9) its (2) taken (10) are (3) danger (11) demands (4) suppliers (12) harming' damaging (5) searching (13) further (6) running (14) include (7) enjoy (15) alternatives (8) success PART FIVE. Reading Comprehension (1 pt each correct answer) 1. B 6. A 2.0 7.0 3.A 8.B 4.0 9.A 5. C 10. A PART SIX: SENTENCETRANSFORMATION (20 points) (2 pts each correct answer) 1. The scandal had a bad / an advfirse effect on the singer's popularity. 2. An increased number of trave/ensare being searched by customs officers this week. 3. There was an agreement amon~ the teachers to bring in the new method. 4. It is possible / probable / likely ."at those stores will accept a credit card as an alternative to cash. 5. He is reputed to have been to ,),ison several times. 6. They decided not to go by boa~for fear of getting seasick / that they should / would be seasick. 7. I have two brothers, neither of $thom work(s) as a teacher. 8. No sooner had the teacher fini$hed / did the teacher finish the question than Katie came up with an excellent answer. 9. In spite of being archrivals, they treat each other / one another in a friendly way. 10. It is advisable that you (should) go to any lengths to reduce smoking. THE END