Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi Lớp 9 THCS cấp huyện Vòng 1 năm học 2012-2013 môn Tiếng Anh - UBND huyện Đoan Hùng

PART 2:  II.Listen and answer the questions (10 pts)

1. Where does he come from?


2. Where does he live?


3. What did he do before he retired? 


4. When did he leave school?


5. What is he going to do next year?





III. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest by writing your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (10 pts)

1A. relaxes                            B. watches                  C. misses                     D. lives

2. A. fea                                B. leather                    C. dear                        D. clear

3. A. weather                          B. another                   C. wealthy                   D. although

4. A. garage                            B. luggage                   C. marriage                 D. message

5. A. taxed                              B. laughed                  C. shopped                  D. ragged

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Nội dung text: Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi Lớp 9 THCS cấp huyện Vòng 1 năm học 2012-2013 môn Tiếng Anh - UBND huyện Đoan Hùng

  1. UBND HUYỆN ĐOAN HÙNG ĐỀ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 THCS CẤP HUYỆN PHÒNG GD & ĐT VÒNG 1 - NĂM HỌC 2012 - 2013 Môn: Tiếng Anh ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) (Đề thi có 06 trang) Họ và tên thí sinh: Ngày tháng năm sinh: Trường THCS: Lớp: Số báo danh: Giám thị số 1: Giám thị số 2: Số phách do Chủ tịch HĐ ghi Chú ý: - Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi. - Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu gì kể cả từ điển. • Bài nghe gồm 02 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần. • Mở đầu mỗi phần nghe có tín hiệu nhạc, mỗi phần cách nhau 20 giây. • Thí sinh đọc kỹ hướng dẫn và câu hỏi trước khi nghe. Điểm bằng số: Số phách do Chủ tịch HĐ ghi Điểm bằng chữ: Giám khảo số 1: Giám khảo số 2: SECTION A. LISTENING: PART 1: I. Listen and fill the missing word(s) ( 20 pts) Hello! My name's Marija Kuzma and I (1) from Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia. I'm 20, and I’m (2) medicine at the University of Zagreb. The course (3) six years and it's all in English! It's hard work, but I’m (4) . it a lot. I (5) . at home with my mother, father, and grandmother. I can speak three foreign languages - English, French, and Italian. I (6) Italian because my grandmother's from Italy, and she always (7) to me in Italian when I was very young. I speak English because I (8) to an English-speaking high school. After I (9) , I’m going to (10) . for Médecins sans Frontières in West Africa, because I want to travel and help people. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Page 1
  2. Thí sinh không được ghi vào phần gạch chéo này PART 2: II. Listen and answer the questions (10 pts) 1. Where does he come from? ___ 2. Where does he live? ___ 3. What did he do before he retired? ___ 4. When did he leave school? ___ 5. What is he going to do next year? ___ SECTION B. PHONETICS: III. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest by writing your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (10 pts) 1. A. relaxes B. watches C. misses D. lives 2. A. fear B. leather C. dear D. clear 3. A. weather B. another C. wealthy D. although 4. A. garage B. luggage C. marriage D. message 5. A. taxed B. laughed C. shopped D. ragged Write your answers here: 1 2 3 4 5 Page 2
  3. IV. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word whose main stress is placed differently. (10 pts) 1. A. popular B. position C. horrible D. positive 2. A. cartoon B. western C. teacher D. theatre 3. A. economy B. diplomacy C. informative D. information 4. A.arrest B. purchase C. accept D. forget 5. A. revision B. remember C. dialogue D. adverbial Write your answers here: 1 2 3 4 5 SECTION C. LEXICO- GRAMMAR: V. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (30 pts) 1. We want to give him help, but he turned us down. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little 2. I’ll remember him about the fair when I see him. A. tell B. telling C. to tell D. having told 3. You must put your name and address on this side of the form, and then sign on the side. A. back B. other C. opposite D. under 4. My grandfather is very old and isn’t very good health. A. with B. from C. in D. on 5. Everybody has gone to Mary’s wedding party, .? A.haven’t they B. hasn’t she C. have they D. has she 6. The poor woman with her two children . in a street corner. A. was seen beg B. was seen begging C. were seen begging D. were seen beg 7. The group had two concerts because of the bad weather. A. canceling B. cancel C. be canceled D. canceled 8. There were some troubles, so the policeman advised people indoors. A. stay B. to staying C. for staying D. to stay 9.The guide warned touch these wires because it could be dangerous. A. to us not to B. us not to C. us not D. to us not 10. He has two cars, but works. A. neither of them B. no of them C. either of them D. none them 11. It is knowledge that you should drink more water when you have got flu. A. popular B. widespread C. updated D. common 12. The more the car costs, it goes. A. the faster B. the more fast C. the fastest D. faster 13. I . him to arrive in time for dinner. A. hope for B. attend C. expect D. think 14. There is no in going to school if you are not willing to learn. A. reason B. aim C. purpose D. point 15. Don’t move the books on the shelf. I’d prefer you them where they are. A. leave B. to leave C. left D. will leave Write your answers here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mistake and write your choice (A,B,C or D) in the space provided below. (10 pts) 1. They played so good game of tennis last night that they surprised their audience. A B C D 2. When he saw the teacher looking at him, he stopped to talk. A B C D Page 3
  4. 3. She was waiting nervous in the waiting room for the interview. A B C D 4. The less time you take on the assignment, the less pages you will complete. A B C D 5. I’m looking forward to hear from you. Write soon! A B C D Write your answers here: 1 2 3 4 5 VII. Complete the sentences by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word in italic. (10 pts) 1. The temperature is very at this time of the year. VARY 2. If it doesn’t rain soon, there’ll be a great . of water. SHORT 3. English is a . easy language for the Swedes to learn COMPARE 4. The company is investing $10 million to its factories MODERN 5. The software . you to access the Internet in seconds. ABLE Write your answers here: 1 2 3 4 5 VIII. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs in bracket. (10 pts) 1. People always (1. blame) their circumstances for what they are. 2. We (2. not tell) to go out at nights recently. 3. It is crucial that Calisto (3. stop) using Van Quyen. 4. The director doesn’t allow (4. smoke) in the office. 5. We can improve our speaking skill by (5. practice) speaking frequently English with foreigners. Write your answers here: 1 2 3 4 5 SECTION D. READING: IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. (20 pts) English is the first language of many people in countries outside the United Kingdom. When you (1) speakers of English from around the world, you (2) notice that they do not all speak in the same way. There are also some (3) in the words they use, including the names of (4) objects that are part of everyone’s daily life. But although pronuciation and (5) are not the same everywhere, it is interesting that English speakers (6) opposite sides of the world can understand (7) other quite easily. It does not seem to (8) where they learnt the language. And of course this is one reason why speakers of other languages are keen (9) learning English too. If you know English, you are more (10) to be able to study or work in all sorts of exciting places, such as the United States or Australia. 1. A. recognize B. meet C. find D. attend 2. A. originally B. strangely C. curiously D. immediately 3. A. mistakes B. corrections C. changes D. differences 4. A. common B. popular C. favorite D. general 5. A. reading B. composition C. dictation D. vocabulary 6. A. of B. in C. from D. at 7. A. each B. one C. the D. some 8. A. mine B. care C. matter D. worry 9. A. by B. on C. to D. for 10. A. likely B. probably C. possibly D. luckily Write your answers here: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Page 4
  5. X. Read the following passage and then answer the questions below. (10 pts) Higher education is given in colleges and universities. The average course is four years. Students choose a major and take courses in this subject. After four years they get bachelor’s degree. Then the students may go on to graduate school and, with a year or two of further study, get a master’s degree. After another two or three years of study, they may get a still higher degree as doctor of philosophy. Higher education trains people to become teachers, nurse, engineers or do other professional work. Lawyers and doctors must go to school longer than four years. 1. What degree do students get after four years of higher education? 2. How long does it take a student to obtain a master’s degree? 3. Who must go to school longer than four years? 4. How long is the average course in an American university? 5. How long is a student trained into a teacher? XI. Fill in each numbered blank ONE suitable word. (20 pts) Learning a foreign language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly or (1) the piano. There are important differences, but there (2) a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do such things needs lots (3) practice. It is never enough simply to “know” something. You must be able to “do” things with what (4) know. For example, it is not enough simply to read a book on (5) to fly an aeroplane. A book can give you (6) of information about how to fly, but you only read a book then try to (7) without a great deal of practice first, you will crash and kill (8) . The same is true of (9) the piano. So you think it is enough simply to read about it? Can you play the piano without having lots of (10) first? Write your answers here: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SECTION E. WRITING: XII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (20 pts) 1. As she was violently sick, she couldn’t come to class. Because of 2. I find his handwriting very hard to read. I have 3. Success depends on your hard work. The harder 4. It was such an interesting novel that I read it again and again. The novel 5. The last time she saw her sister was in 1999. She hasn’t 6. Mr Tan is going to decorate our house tomorrow. We 7. He has to pay the bills before the fifth of the month. The bills 8. “ Is your mother cooking in the kitchen now?” Lan said to me. Lan asked 9. They say that Thanh is the best student in his class. Thanh 10. Singapore has reputation for its cleanliness. Singapore is Page 5
  6. XIII. Use the following sets of words or phrases to write a complete letter from Hoa to Lan. Make all the changes and additions if necessary. (20 pts) Dear Helen, 1. I/ sorry/ it take/ so long/ reply / letter. ___ 2. I / just/ come back /trip / the north/ country. ___ 3. I / pleased / know / you come / London / next week. ___ 4. It / seem / long time / since / we / last see / other. ___ 5. I / like / meet / you /and / go out / together. ___ 6. I wonder / you like / go / see / film / play. ___ 7. There / new Harrison Ford film / New Century Cinema. ___ 8. Perhaps /can go / meal / drink / afterwards. ___ 9. Give / ring / later / week / arrange/ more definite. ___ 10. I / look forward/ hear / you soon. Yours, John. ___THE END___ Page 6