Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi tỉnh năm học 2007-2008 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Bảng A - SGD&ĐT Nghệ An (Có đáp án)

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1.         A. caused                      B. increased                  C. practiced                   D. promised

2.        A. think                         B. signature                   C. exist                         D. circle

3.         A. stay                          B. lake                          C. climate                     D. vacation

4.         A. caught                      B. taught                       C. daughter                   D. laughter

5.         A. hour                          B. hospitable                 C. heir                           D. honest


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


II. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others.

6.         A. energy                      B. window                     C. exercise                    D. energetic

7.         A. answer                      B. begin                        C. refuse                       D. complain

8.         A. character                   B. annoy                       C. generous                   D. orphanage

9.         A. design                       B. modern                     C. purpose                    D. cotton

10.        A. about                        B. around                      C. between                    D. under

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Nội dung text: Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi tỉnh năm học 2007-2008 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Bảng A - SGD&ĐT Nghệ An (Có đáp án)

  1. Së GD&§T NghÖ An K× thi chän häc sinh giái tØnh N¨m häc 2007-2008 §Ò chÝnh thøc M«n thi: tiÕng anh líp 9 – b¶ng a (§Ò thi cã 04 trang) Thêi gian: 150 phót (kh«ng kÓ thêi gian giao ®Ò) Hä và tªn thÝ sinh: Sè b¸o danh Ngày th¸ng n¨m sinh: Sè ph¸ch Häc sinh tr­êng: Hä tªn, ch÷ ký gi¸m thÞ 1: Hä tªn, ch÷ ký gi¸m thÞ 2: ChØ dÉn: 1. §Ò thi gåm 04 trang. ThÝ sinh kiÓm tra sè trang tr­íc khi lµm bµi. 2. ThÝ sinh lµm bµi trùc tiÕp vµo ®Ò thi (ghi c©u tr¶ lêi vµo c¸c « ®­îc ®¸nh sè phÝa d­íi ®Ò cña mçi phÇn). 3. ThÝ sinh gi÷ g×n cÈn thËn bµi lµm. 4. NÕu thÝ sinh lµm sai, dïng th­íc g¹ch, kh«ng dïng bót tÈy mµu tr¾ng. ThÝ sinh chØ ®­îc dïng bót mét mµu xanh hoÆc ®en ®Ó lµm bµi. Kh«ng dïng mùc mµu ®á. 5. Gi¸m thÞ kh«ng gi¶i thÝch g× thªm. 6. ThÝ sinh kh«ng ®­îc sö dông bÊt cø tµi liÖu nµo kÓ c¶ tõ ®iÓn.
  2. Së GD&§T NghÖ An K× thi chän häc sinh giái tØnh N¨m häc 2007-2008 §Ò chÝnh thøc M«n thi: tiÕng anh líp 9 - b¶ng a (§Ò thi cã 04 trang) Thêi gian: 150 phót (kh«ng kÓ thêi gian giao ®Ò) §iÓm Hä tªn, ch÷ kÝ gi¸m kh¶o Sè ph¸ch B»ng sè : 1 B»ng ch÷. 2 Section A: phonetics I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. caused B. increased C. practiced D. promised 2. A. think B. signature C. exist D. circle 3. A. stay B. lake C. climate D. vacation 4. A. caught B. taught C. daughter D. laughter 5. A. hour B. hospitable C. heir D. honest 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others. 6. A. energy B. window C. exercise D. energetic 7. A. answer B. begin C. refuse D. complain 8. A. character B. annoy C. generous D. orphanage 9. A. design B. modern C. purpose D. cotton 10. A. about B. around C. between D. under 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Section B: vocabulary and grammar I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. 11. She was looking ___ her missing dog when I arrived. A. after B. for C. up D. forward to 12. Nobody was injured in the accident, ___? A. was he B. weren’t they C. were they D. wasn’t she 13. We’ve ___ of time to catch the bus so there’s no need to rush. A very much B enough C great deal D plenty 14. We spent ___ day sunbathing with our family. A. whole B. all the C. the whole D. whole of the 15. Fresh vegetables are usually ___ in vitamins. A. full B. many C. much D. rich 16. The reason I left is ___ I was bored. A. why B. that C. while D. for 17. I’m sure she will do all she can ___ us. A. for helping B. help C. to help D. to helping 18. There are ___ many people in the room that I can't move. A. so B. such C. very D. too 19. He wants you to ___ a good hotel. A. introduce B. direct C. recommend D. tell 20. My brother is really kind, everybody takes ___ of him. Së GD&§T NghÖ An K× thi chän HSG tØnh 2007-2008. M«n: TiÕng Anh - Líp 9 - B¶ng A Page 1 of 4
  3. A. profit B. value C. example D. advantage 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. II. Complete the paragraph by using the correct form of the words in brackets. A STRANGE OBJECT IN THE FIELD There is a considerable public concern in Shaston following the (21-discover) ___ on Wednes day evening of a metal (22-contain) ___ filled with (23-poison) ___ liquid. The object was fou nd by a local (24-reside) ___ when he was walking with his lovely dog in a field behind a newly- built chemical factory. As yet, the factory has been (25-able) ___ to provide any (26- explain) ___ as to show how the object came to be in the field. A spokesperson stated that a full investigation was taking place and that security procedures were being reviewed. People living in the (27-neighbor) ___ are (28-extreme) ___ angry, as a year ago the y withdrew their objections to the (29- decide) ___ to build the factory here after the company had st ated that no dangerous (30-chemistry) ___ would be produced on this site. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. III. Each of the lines in the following passage has a mistake. Find and correct it. 31. In order to request telephone service in the United States, either call nor visit your local 32. telephone store. A sales representative will be glad showing you samples of the designs and colors 33. available. Simple choose the design and color that you prefer, and leave your name, and address 34. and employer’s name with the sales representative. Students with scholarships should provide his 35. sponsor’s name instead with employer’s name. 36. A fifty dollars security deposit must be paid prior to telephone installation, and may be paid by 37. cheque, cash or mastercard. In the date that your telephone is to be installed, a responsible 38. person such as an apartment manager, must be at home to lock the door for the serviceman. Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction 31. 35. 32. 36. 33. 37. 34. 38. section c : reading and speaking I. Read the passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. LIFE OF A MAN Thomas is now in his sixties, and is one of the many homeless people who live on the streets; he b uys a newspaper most days. Today, with his fellow tramps, he reads about yesterday’s student demonstrat ion. Like many of the tramps that live under the bridge in New York, Thomas was not always so poor. A long time ago he was in the Navy, and like many who have been to sea for a long time, he has stayed slim and fit. Despite the strict organization on board ship, he loved the life, and had the opportunity to see man y countries. He visited Poland and Russia; in South Africa he realized what he valued in each country was the people he met. He was always astonished and delighted by the ways in which the people he met differ ed from one country to another. Some day, he hopes, everyone will see the world as he does. Së GD&§T NghÖ An K× thi chän HSG tØnh 2007-2008. M«n: TiÕng Anh - Líp 9 - B¶ng A Page 2 of 4
  4. After many happy years in Navy, he had to retire. The good things in life always come to an end. Hi s mother and father had long since died and he’d lost touch with his other relatives. He came to New York and became an industrial designer. He was happy, although it wasn’t the same as the sea. He never want ed to get married and have children. And then there was the period of darkness. He smiles sadly. He shrugs his shoulders and looks at h is hands. There are tears in the corners of his eyes. This is something that he cannot bring himself to talk a bout. “It all went wrong”, he whispers. He was silent for a minute; then recovered. He began to talk more loudly. “Look at me now- it make s me angry. And what about the President? He’s been in power for years, and look what he’s done for us. Nothing! I’m still out on the streets and live the life of a tramp.” 39. It would appear that Thomas ___ A. has organized a protest recently. B. takes an interest in important events. C. has no contact with other homeless people. D. is not as poor as he used to be. 40. When Thomas was in the Navy, he ___ A. only visited three countries. B. enjoyed the strict life on board ship. C. was very well paid for the job he did. D. liked meeting people from different countries. 41. Thomas changed his job because he ___ A. was too old to stay in the Navy. B. wanted to start a family. C. wanted to be near his relatives in New York. D. did not enjoy the work any more. 42. Thomas lost his job and became a tramp because ___ A. he did not have any family. B. he was tired of doing normal job. C. of reasons he does not want to discuss D. of the death of his parents. 43. The text states that Thomas thinks the President ___ A. should not allow home people to stay on the streets. B. should increase pensions for old people. C. has not had enough time to change things. D. should have done more to help people like him. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. II. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order to make a meaningful dialogue. A. Will you accept cheque? B. No, sir. But can you enroll me as a member? C. Yes, sir. I suppose I need your help. D. Do you want just to consult the book here, or are you thinking of borrowing it? E. Certainly. Here is an application form. You have to pay a deposit of 20 dollars. F. We lend books only to members. Are you a member? G. Can I help you? H. No, I am afraid we can’t accept cheque. I. I want to borrow books. J. What a pity. I am short of cash. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. III. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word Walking in the country I enjoy walking. It's good exercise and it takes me (54) ___ of the town and into the country. I t hink that’s (55) ___ I have a dog. She needs to (56) ___ out and so I have a reason to go for a walk. I go every Sunday and it doesn't (57) ___ to me if it's cold, windy and raining or a beautiful s unny day. I just love to get away from people and be (58) ___ for a few hours. I always go home at t Së GD&§T NghÖ An K× thi chän HSG tØnh 2007-2008. M«n: TiÕng Anh - Líp 9 - B¶ng A Page 3 of 4
  5. he same time every Sunday (59) ___ walk over the hills to a little village in the country. The walk isn' t very (60) ___, only about an hour, but it's quite hard work because I have to walk up the hill and do wn the other side. (61) ___ I get to the village, I go to the pub for a beer and (62) ___ food. A fter lunch, I walk back long a different path and arrive home in time (63) ___ tea. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. Section D: writing I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one. 64. The book was less expensive than I had expected. The book didn’t 65. Man has never had such efficient servants as computers. Computers . 66. The fire will go out if he doesn’t put more wood on. Unless . 67 “I am myself a stranger here.” said the woman. The woman said 68. I am sure she was very beautiful when she was young. She must . II. Write about 150 to 200 words to give your own opinion on the following topic: “Physical exercises are very useful to our health” Së GD&§T NghÖ An K× thi chän HSG tØnh 2007-2008. M«n: TiÕng Anh - Líp 9 - B¶ng A Page 4 of 4
  6. __the end__ Së GD&§T NghÖ An K× thi chän häc sinh giái tØnh N¨m häc 2007-2008 H­íng dÉn chÊm vµ biÓu ®iÓm ®Ò chÝnh thøc M«n: tiÕng anh líp 9 - b¶ng a Section A: phonetics I. Choose (1p for 1 correct answer X 5 = 5 points) 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B II. Identify . ( 1p for 1 correct answer X 5 = 5 points ) 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D Section B: vocabulary and grammar I Choose . (1p for 1 correct answer X 10= 10 points) 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. D II. Complete . (1p for 1 correct answer X 10 = 10 points) 21. discovery 22. container 23. poisonous 24. resident 25. unable 26. explanation 27. neighborhood 28. extremely 29. decision 30. chemicals III. Each of the . (1p for 1 correct answer X 8 = 8 points) Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction 31 nor or 35 with of 32 showing to show 36 dollars dollar 33 Simple Simply 37 In On 34 his their 38 lock unlock Section c : reading and speaking I. Read the text (1p for 1 correct answer X 5 = 5 points) 39. B 40. D 41. A 42. C 43. D II. Rearrange the. . (1p for 1 correct answer X 10 = 10 points) 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 G C D I F B E A H J III. Fill in each . (1p for 1 correct answer X 10 = 10 points) Së GD&§T NghÖ An K× thi chän HSG tØnh 2007-2008. M«n: TiÕng Anh - Líp 9 - B¶ng A Page 5 of 4
  7. 54. out 55. why 56. go 57. matter 58. free 59. and 60. long 61. When 62. some 63. for Section D: writing I. Finish the second . (1p for 1 correct answer X 5 = 5 points) 64. The book didn’t cost as much as I had expected 65. Computers are the most efficient servants man has ever had. 66. Unless he puts more wood on, the fire will go out. 67. The woman said (that) she was herself a stranger there. 68. She must have been very beautiful when she was young. II. Write about 150 to 200 words to . (12 points) TOTAL: 80 / 4 = 20 points Së GD&§T NghÖ An K× thi chän HSG tØnh 2007-2008. M«n: TiÕng Anh - Líp 9 - B¶ng A Page 6 of 4