Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi vòng tỉnh Lớp 9 năm học 2015-2016 môn Tiếng Anh - SGD&ĐT Kiên Giang (Có đáp án)

(Bản scan)

- Yes, my friends went in August last year. They
paid four hundred and fify pounds each year.
The most Ï can pay is three hundred and eighty

- When's the cheapest time to go?

- Well, I*d prefer a lake in the mountains.

- Octobers too latec for me, so IÍl go m

- }es, I like to go on a sailing holiday this
Summer in ltaly.

- No. Ï wanted to go to Sweden last year, but I
didn°t have enough money.

pdf 14 trang thanhnam 21/03/2023 4382
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  • pdfde_thi_chon_hoc_sinh_gioi_vong_tinh_lop_9_nam_hoc_2015_2016.pdf