Đề thi học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Năm học 2010-2011 - Phòng GD và ĐT Krông Ana (Có đáp án)

I. Give the correct tense of the verb in bracket (3 pts)
1. My school ( build) in 1990
2. Listen to these people, what language they ( speak)
3. She ( ask) me if I came from Vietnam
4. When I (go) to see them last night, they (play) cards; they ( say) they (play) since six o’clock.
doc 8 trang Hải Đông 05/02/2024 1220
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Nội dung text: Đề thi học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Năm học 2010-2011 - Phòng GD và ĐT Krông Ana (Có đáp án)

  1. Phoøng GD&DT Kroâng Ana KYØ THI HOÏC SINH GIOÛI CAÁP HUYEÄN NAÊM 2011  Ñeà thi moân : Tieáng Anh – Lôùp 9 Thôøi gian laøm baøi: 150 phuùt (Thí sinh laøm baøi vaøo ñeà thi) Hoï vaø teân thí sinh : Chöõ kyù GT 1 Chöõ kyù GT 2 Soá phaùch Hoïc sinh tröôøng : Soá baùo danh :  Chöõ kyù GK 1 Chöõ kyù GK 1 Ñieåm A. LISTENING (5 pts) I. Listen to tape and write the words you hear in the blanks (3 pts) FREE TIME On Fridays I come home from the BBC at about (1) . and I just relax. On Friday evenings I don’t go out, but sometimes (2) comes for dinner. He or she brings the wine and I (3) . . I love cooking! We listen to music or we just chat. On Saturday mornings I get up at 9.00 and I go(4) . Then in the evening I sometimes (5) . or the opera with a friend. I love opera. Then we eat in my favorite chinese restaurant. On Sunday Oh, on Sunday mornings I stay in bed late, I don’t get up until 11.00! Sometimes in the afternoon I visit my sister. She (6) . in the country and has (7) . I like playing with my (8) and nephew, but I leave (9) because I go to bed at (10) on Sunday evenings! II. Answer these questions (2 pts) 1. What time does she come home from BBC on Fridays? . 2. Where does she go on Saturday morning? . 3. Where does her sister live? . 1
  2. 4. How many children does her sister have? . 5. What time does she go to bed on Sunday evenings? . B. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (5 pts) I. Give the correct tense of the verb in bracket (3 pts) 1. My school ( build) in 1990 2. Listen to these people, what language they ( speak) . 3. She ( ask) me if I came from Vietnam . 4. When I (go) to see them last night, they (play) cards; they ( say) they (play) since six o’clock. . . 5. Lan bought a new house last year but she ( not sell) her old one yet. . 6. After he( spend) all evening taking the problem over with his best friend, he felt much better about things. . . 7. My father ( lend) money to my brother several times. . 8. If the little boy (eat) all that he will be ill. . 9. Stop( argue) and start (work) . II. Match the first part in column A with the second one in column B to make the conversation. O has been done as an example (2 pts) A B O. How about going to the cinema? a. I know. He could play when he 1. You are looking good today! was five years old. 2. I’ve eaten three plates of chips! b. You should have finished it by 2
  3. 3. He’s a very good chess player. now. 4. Oh dear, have you lost your pen? c. Well, I thought he was wrong. 5. I haven’t done my homework d. That’s a good idea. yet. e. You should be more careful 6. That car nearly knocked me when you cross the road. down. f. Oh, thanks, Bill. You are sweet. 7. Has Hazel broken her leg? g. Actually, I found it last night. 8. It wasn’t good idea to argue with h. You oughtn’t to eat so much! Paul. I. Yes, The doctor said she mustn’t walk for two weeks. O - d 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 C. READING (5 pts) I. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words given in the box. (1) has been done as an example. (2,5pts) Three final extreme own pollute person Our oceans are becoming (1) extremely polluted. Most of this pollution comes from the land which means it comes from (2) . Firstly, there is raw sewage, which is pumped directly into the sea. Many countries, both developed and developing are guilty of doing this. Secondly, ships drop a bout 6 million tons of garbage into the sea each year. (3) , there are oil spills from ships. A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel. This not only causes the(4) in the water but it also kills marine life. Next, there are waste materials from factories without proper regulations, factory (5) let the waste run directly into the river, which then leads to the sea. And (6) . , oil is washed from land. This can be the result of carelessnes or a deliberate dumping of waste. II. fill in each blank ưith one suitable word. (2,5 pts) In my (1) , Japan, we usually invite guests home on weekends in the early evening, about seven o’clock. Before they come, we must tidy the front garden (2) clean the sitting-room. Then we must spray it all (3) water to show that we welcome guests with cleanliness. The guests usually bring presents and when they give you the present they say, “I’m 3
  4. sorry this is (4 ) . a small present”, but in fact they have chosen the present very carefully. When the meal is ready the hostess says “ We have something special for you today” but you are welcome to come this way. You can see that in Japan you should try to be modest and you should not show (5) too much. If you don’t understand our culture you will think this is very strange. D. WRITING (5 pts) I. There is a mistake in each sentence below. Underline the mistake and write the correct sentence. (2 pts) Ex: I am reading a book which it is very interesting. I am reading a book which is very interesting. 1. My mother, that is nearly 60, is coming to live with us. 2. It is not easy to grow up children in a modern world. 3. I think we should go some sightseeing this afternoon. 4. I’ve really got to cut up smoking. 5. Have you have considered to become a professional footballer? II. Rewrite the following sentences so that they do not change the meaning,( Using the words in blanket). (3 pts) 1. This room is too small for two people to live. (enough) 2. “Where have I left my keys, Dung?” Asked Nam. ( Nam asked) Nam asked Dung 3. I was taught English by a very good teacher ( who) 4. Languages are my best subject at school. (better) 5. Parents always make their children wash their hands before meals. (children) Children . 4
  5. 6. Janet asked,” why didn’t you call me” (Janet wanted to know) Janet wanted to know 7. “ Would you like to come with us” they said. ( they asked) They asked 8. The composition was so bad that I couldn’t read it. ( such) 9. The journey is so long that the old man can not stand. (too to) 10. I don’t speak French. My sister doesn’t speak French. ( neither) The end./. Good luck to you! 5
  6. Phoøng GD&DT Kroâng Ana KYØ THI HOÏC SINH GIOÛI CAÁP HUYEÄN NAÊM 2011  Ñaùp aùn moân : Tieáng Anh – Lôùp 9 Thôøi gian laøm baøi: 150 phuùt A. LISTENING (5 pts) I. Listen to tape and write the words you hear in the blanks (3 pts) FREE TIME On Fridays I come home from the BBC at about 2.00 in the afternoon and I just relax. On Friday evenings I don’t go out, but sometimes a friend comes for dinner. He or she brings the wine and I cook the meal. I love cooking! We listen to music or we just chat. On Saturday mornings I get up at 9.00and I go shopping. Then in the evening I sometimes go to the theatre or the opera with a friend. I love opera. Then we eat in my favorite restaurant. On Sunday Oh, on Sunday mornings I stay in bed late, I don’t get up until 11.00! Sometimes in the afternoon I visit my sister. She lives in the country and has two children. I like playing with my niece and nephew, but I leave early because I go to bed at 8.00 on Sunday evenings! II. Answer these questions (2 pts) 1. She comes home at 2.00 in the afternoon 2. She goes shopping 3. She lives in the country 4. She has two children 5. She goes to bed at 8.00 B. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (5 pts) I. Give the correct tense of the verb in bracket (3 pts) 1. My school was built in 1990. 2. Listen to these people, what language are they speaking? 3. She asked me if I came from Vietnam 4. When I went to see them last night, they were playing cards; they said they had been playing since six o’clock. 5. Lan bought a new house last year but she has not sold her old one yet. 6. After he had spent all evening taking the problem over with his best friend, he felt much better about things. 7. My father has lent money to my brother several times. 6
  7. II. Match the first part in column A with the second one in column B to make the conversation. O has been done as an example (2 pts) o - d 1 - f 2 h 3 - a 4 - g 5 - b 6- e 7 - i 8- c C. READING (5 pts) I. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words given in the box. (2.5 pts) 1. Extremely 2. People 3. thirdly 4. Pollution 5. owners 6. finally II. fill in each blank ưith one suitable word. (2.5 pts) 1. country 2. and 3. with 4. such 5. off D. WRITING (5 pts) 1. There is a mistake in each sentence below. Underline the mistake and write the correct sentence (2 pts) 1. My mother, that is nearly 60, is coming to live with us. 1. My mother, who is nearly 60, is coming to live with us. 2. It is not easy to grow up children in a modern world. 2. It is not easy to bring up children in a modern world. 3. I think we should go some sightseeing this afternoon. 3. I think we should do/go sightseeing this afternoon 4. I’ve really got to cut up smoking. 4. I’ve really got to give up/ cut down on smoking. 5. Have you have considered to become a professional footballer? 5. Have you have considered becoming a professional footballer? II. Rewrite the following sentences so that they do not change the meaning,( Using the words in blanket). (3 pts) 1. This room is too small for two people to live. (enough) This room is not big( large) enough for two people to live. 2. “Where have I left my keys, Dung?” Asked Nam. ( where) Nam asked Dung where he had left his key. 3. I was taught English by a very good teacher ( who) The teacher who taught me English was a very good teacher. 4. Languages are my best subject at school. (better) 7
  8. I am better at languages than any other subjects at school. 5. Parents always make their children wash their hands before meals. (children) Children are always made to wash their hands before meals. 6. Janet asked,” why didn’t you call me” (Janet wanted to know) Janet wanted to know why I(we) hadn’t called her. 7. “ Would you like to come with us” they said. ( they asked) Children are always made to wash their hands before meals. 8. The composition was so bad that I couldn’t read it. ( such) It was such a bad composition (that) I couldn’t read it. 9. The journey is so long that the old man can not stand. (too to) The journey is too long for the old man to stand. 10. I don’t speak French. My sister doesn’t speak French. ( neither) I don’t speak French, neither does my sister. The end./. 8