Đề thi thử học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề số 45 - Năm học 2019-2020

19. _______ the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe.
A. When B. Since C. After which D. Unless
20. _______, he felt so unhappy and lonely.
A. In spite of his being wealth B. Rich as was he
C. Rich as he was D. Despite his wealthy
21. _______you to change your mind about handing in your notice, we would be happy for you
to stay with us.
A. If B. Unless C. Should D. Were
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Nội dung text: Đề thi thử học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề số 45 - Năm học 2019-2020

  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HSG LỚP 9 CẤP TỈNH ___ NĂM HỌC . ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 45 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) SECTION I: LISTENING (3.0 points) (You will hear twice for each part) Part 1: Questions from 1 to 6. (1 point -0.2/ each) Listen to the recording, about the role of man, and women in family. Answer True or False for eah of the following statement. Statements T/F 1. Men’s and women’s roles in the family have become similar. 2. Both men and women now work to contribute to the family finances. 3. According to 'equally shared parenting', both men and women have equal chances for recreation. 4. According to 'equally shared parenting', the husband’s career is less important than the wife’s. 5. Families following 'equally shared parenting' are happier. Part 2: Questions from 6 to 15. (2 points - 0.2/ each) Listen to the recording twice. Fill in each blank with no more than two words. Well, I guess sometimes you may feel (6) by your bad grades and get tired of things like books, blackboards, cassettes and CD players. No worries. I’ll show you how to learn English easily and (7) just with your fingertips. Have you heard of Triple ‘E’? It means Easy Effective English. How can learning English be easy but effective? The (8) is so simple: use electronic devices to access and (9) of online English language materials. There are many good websites on the Internet. All you need to do is type some key words and click on the search engine button. Instantly, you see hundreds of (10) on the screen and open the ones you like. Many sites (11) lessons, activities and quizzes for English learners of all ages and levels. There are pictures, games and (12) , which arc useful for learning vocabulary and grammar. Do you want to improve your listening, speaking and (13) ? Practise online with native speakers. Choose the sites where you can record your own voice and listen to yourself. Everything is so fast and (14) . Just one click away. Obviously, technology has made learning English easy and efficient and increased your chance of (15) . SECTION II: LEXICO – GRAMMAR (7.0 points) Part 1: Questions from 16 to 35. (3.0 points - 0.15/ each) Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to best complete the following sentences. 16. There were over 30, 000 ___ at the match. A. spectators B. viewers C. witnesses D. watchers 17. When the manager went to Canada on business his ___ took over all his duties. A. caretaker B. officer C. deputy D. commander 18. He stood on one leg, ___ against the wall while he took off his shoes. A. stopping B. staying C. leaning D. supporting Page 1 of 6
  2. 19. ___ the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe. A. When B. Since C. After which D. Unless 20. ___, he felt so unhappy and lonely. A. In spite of his being wealth B. Rich as was he C. Rich as he was D. Despite his wealthy 21. ___you to change your mind about handing in your notice, we would be happy for you to stay with us. A. If B. Unless C. Should D. Were 22. She set ___some money each month for her holiday. A. aside B. back C. up D. about 23. - Michael: “You must be Jane's sister. Glad to meet you.” - Brian: “___” A. I am, either B. So I am. I'm glad C. What do you do D. Me too 24. The boys___ that he had had anything to do with the break-in. A. refused B. denied C. objected D. reject 25. - Peter: “___?” - Helen: “About ten miles before we met him.” A. How fast did he drive B. How long did he drive C. How often did he drive D. How far did he drive 26. Do you have ___ to take that bicycle? A. allowance B. exception C. willingness D. permission 27. I gave the waiter a $50 note and waited for my___. A. change B. supply C. cash D. cost 28. People can become very ___ when they are stuck in traffic for a long time. A. nervous B. bad-tempered C. stressful D. pressed 29. I know we had an argument, but now I'd quite like to___. A. look down B. make up C. fall out D. bring up 30. Dogs make very___pets. They'll always stay by your side. A. mental B. private C. loyal D. digital 31. They___have seen the play last night as they went to a football match instead. A. could B. must C. might D. can't 32. ___, they decided not to go to Australia for their holidays but went to America instead. A. At the end B. At least C. In the end D. In the least 33. Albert Einstein’s contributions to scientific theory___ those of Galileo and Newton. A. was important than B. were more important C. was the most important D. were as important as 34. Manh asked me___ that film the night before. A. that I saw B. had I seen C. if I had seen D. if had I seen 35. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think we are___. A. followed B. being followed C. following D. being following Part 2: Questions from 36 to 45. (2 points - 0.2/ each) Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence. 36. The first thing he discovered was that Newley had not died (accident) 37. This makes even the most honest of answers seem and (decide) uncertain. 38. Advertisements acount for three fourths of the of the (come) Page 2 of 6
  3. newspaper. 39. It’s very of you to bring your umbrella today. (sence) 40. There were some guests at the opening ceremony. (distinguish) 41. The shelves were fastened and fell to the floor. (secure) 42. They complained about the physical and psychological of (treat) prisoners. 43. A list of events for the autumn is being prepared. (come) 44. This faulty wasting machine should be returned to the (repair) manufacturer. 45. The meeting has been arranged for 3.00 pm next Saturday. (provide) Part 3: Questions from 46 to 50. (1 point - 0.2/ each) Each of the following sentences has an error. Find the errors and correct them. 46. There are many ways to preserve fruit, for example freezing, canning and dry. 47. Almost everyone fails passing the driver’s test on the first try. 48. The average spoken sentence in conversational English takes 2.5 seconds to completing. 49. Adult eagles let their offspring building nests near their original nesting area. 50. If a person doesn’t have an attorney, the court would appoint one. Part 4: Questions from 51 to 55. (1 point - 0.2/ each) Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 51. The suspect is being kept observation. 52. I’m angry him for telling lies about me. 53. I'm not good at English. Please speak Vietnamese. 54. The students are excited going on a holiday in China. 55. I had difficulty understanding why the machine would not start. SECTION III: READING (6.0 POINTS) Part 1. Questions 56 to 65 (2 points - 0.2/ each) Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question. Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (56) ___ human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world (57) ___ on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so just to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the (58) ___ resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (59) ___ built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (60) ___. We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (61) ___ the planet's ability to support people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are (62) ___ increasingly heavy demands on it. The Earth's (63) ___ resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (64) ___ us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use the resources, they will (65) ___ indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively, they will soon run out and everyone will suffer. 56. A. Although B. Yet C. Still D. Despite 57. A. continues B. repeats C. follows D. carries 58. A. individual B. alone C. very D. solitary Page 3 of 6
  4. 59. A. neither B. sooner C. rather D. either 60. A. utterly B. completely C. quite D. greatly 61. A. result B. reaction C. development D. product 62. A. making B. doing C. having D. taking 63. A. living B. real C. natural D. genuine 64. A. maintain B. stay C. hold D. keep 65. A. remain B. go C. last D. stand Part 2. Questions 66 – 75 (2.0 points - 0.2/ each) Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question. Because the low latitudes of the Earth, the areas near the equator, receive more heat than the latitude near the poles, and because the nature of heart is to expand and move, Heat is transported from the tropics to the middle and high latitudes. Some of this heat is moved by winds and some by ocean currents, and some gets stored in the atmosphere in the form of latent heat. The term “latent hear” refers to the energy that has to be used to convert liquid water to water vapor. We know that if we warm a pan of water on a stove, it will evaporate, or turn into vapor, faster than if it is allowed to sit at room temperature. We also know that if we hang wet clothes outside in the summertime they will dry faster than in winter, when temperatures are colder. The energy used in both cases to change liquid water to water vapor is supplied by heat – supplied by the stove in the first case and by the Sun in the latter case. This energy is not lost. It is stored in water vapor in the atmosphere as latent heat. Eventually, the water stored as vapor in the atmosphere will condense to liquid again, and the energy will be release to the atmosphere. In the atmosphere, a large portion of the Sun’s incoming energy is used to evaporate water, primarily in the tropical oceans. Scientists have tried to quantify this proportion of the Sun’s energy. By analyzing temperature, water vapor, and wind data around the globe, they have estimated the quantity to be about 90 watts per square meter, or nearly 30 percent of the Sun’s energy. Once this latent heat is stored within the atmosphere, it can be transported, primarily to higher latitudes, by prevailing, large-scale winds. Or it can be transported vertically to higher levels in the atmosphere, where it forms clouds and subsequent storms, which then release the energy back to the atmosphere. 66. The passage mainly discussed how heat ___. A. is transformed and transported in the Earth’s atmosphere B. is transported by ocean currents C. can be measured and analyzed by scientists D. moves about the Earth’s equator 67. The passage mentions that the tropics differ from the Earth’s polar regions in which of the following ways? A. The height of cloud formation in the atmosphere B. The amount of heat they receive from the Sun C. The strength of their large scale winds D. The strength of their oceanic currents 68. The word “convert” in line 5 is closest in meaning to ___. A. mix B. change C. adapt D. reduce 69. Why does the author mention “the stove” in line 9? Page 4 of 6
  5. A. To describe the heat of the Sun B. To illustrate how water vapor is stored C. To show how energy is stored D. To give an example of a heat source 70. According to the passage, most ocean water evaporation occurs especially ___. A. around the higher latitudes B. in the tropics C. because of large-scale winds D. because of strong ocean currents 71. According to the passage, 30 percent of the Sun’s incoming energy ___. A. is stored in clouds in the lower latitudes B. is transported by ocean currents C. never leaves the upper atmosphere D. gets stored as latent heat 72. The word “it” in line 17 refers to ___. A. square meter B. the Sun’s energy C. latent heat D. the atmosphere 73. The word “primarily” in line 17 is closest in meaning to ___. A. chiefly B. originally C. basically D. clearly 74. The word “prevailing” in line 18 is closest in meaning to ___. A. essential B. dominant C. circular D. closest 75. All of the following words are defined in the passage EXCEPT ___. A. low latitudes (line 1) B. latent heat (line 4) C. evaporate (line 6) D. atmosphere (line 13) Part 3: Questions 76 – 85. (2.0 points- 0.2/ each). Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Doctors have reported that vitamins are substances required for the proper functioning of the body. In this century, thirteen vitamins have been (76) . A lack of any vitamins in a person’s body can cause (77) . In some cases, an excess of vitamins can also (78) to illness. For example, sailors in the past were prone to suffer from scurvy that is a disease resulting (79) the lack of vitamin C. It causes bleeding of the gum, loss of teeth and skin rashes. Sailors suffer from scurvy because they did not eat fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables (80) vitamin C which is necessary for good (81) . Vitamin B complex is composed of eight different vitamins. A lack of any of these vitamins will lead to different (82) . For instance, a person who has too little vitamin B1 will suffer from beriberi, a disease that (83) heart problems and mental disorders. A lack of vitamin B2 results in eye and skin problems while deficiency of vitamin B6 causes problems of the nervous system. Too little vitamin B12 will cause anemia. The knowledge that vitamin deficiencies caused certain diseases led doctors to cure people suffering from these illnesses by giving them doses of the (84) vitamins. Today, vitamins are available in the form of pills and can easily be (85) at any pharmacy. SECTION IV. WRITITNG (4 points) Part 1: Questions 86 – 95. (2 points- 0.2/ each) Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. 86. “If I were you, I wouldn’t accept his marriage proposal”, said Nam to Lan.  Nam advised 87. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.  The man 88. Don’t run away with the idea that this work is easy. Page 5 of 6
  6.  Don’t draw 89. They do not clean the windows so the room looks rather dark.  Were the windows 90. I would prefer you to wear something more formal to work.  I’d rather 91. Lan did not reach home until midnight.  It was 92. We were very much surprised to learn that Brian had become a monk.  Much to 93. I’m sure you were proud of your son’s success.  You must 94. You must concentrate on your work more.  You must 95. The trip was so amazing that we will never forget.  It's too Part 2: Questions 96 – 105. (2 points - 0.2/ each) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. 96. I can’t often afford to spend my holiday abroad. (seldom)  I’m to spend my holiday abroad. 97. The two young men introduced a virus into the computer system. (alleged)  The two young men a virus into the computer system. 98. As a boy, he was a regular churchgoer. (used)  As a boy, he regularly 99. People claim that she is the best tennis player of our times. (said)  He is tennis player of our times. 100. What really depresses me is this continual wet weather. (gets)  What really is this continual wet weather 101. They continued to suggest that I was lying. (persisted)  They that I was lying. 102. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us. (beyond)  The story 103. He didn’t explain for what he was doing that evening. (gave)  He what he was doing that evening. 104. The teacher explained the rules clearly to the children. (gave)  The teacher the rules to the children. 105. She is determined to get this piece of work finished today. (has)  She get this piece of work finished today. Page 6 of 6