Đề thi thử học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề số 50 - Năm học 2019-2020

Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to best complete the following sentences.
16. She built a high wall round her garden ________.
A. in order that her fruit not be stolen B. to enable people not taking her fruit
C. so that her fruit would be stolen D. to prevent her fruit from being stolen
17. In the last match, Sabella changed his formation at half-time, introducing Fernado Gago in
midfield and Higuain in attack, but in the end it was Messi’s magic that ________ the difference.
A. took B. made C. did D. gave
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  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HSG LỚP 9 CẤP TỈNH ___ NĂM HỌC . ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 50 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) SECTION I: LISTENING (3.0 points) (You will hear twice for each part) Part 1: Questions from 1 to 5. (1 points -0.2/ each) Listen to an interview on the radio, with two schoolmates, who both work on their school magazine. Choose the correct answer A, B or C for each of the following questions. 1. Why did Callum and Gemma’s school first start producing a magazine? A. The headteacher wanted to find a way to improve student’s writing. B. The students asked their head teacher if they could do it. C. The school wanted its students to get some work experience. 2. Callum says that inside the magazine, there are A. interviews with celebrities. B. good-quality photos. C. letters from readers. 3. What does Gemma do on the magazine? A. She gives people a subject to write about. B. She corrects other people’s work. C. She writes a lot of articles. 4. What has Gemma found difficult about working on the magazine? A. keeping to deadlines B. doing interviews with people C. writing about school sport 5. What are Gemma and Callum most proud of on the magazine? A. the cover they produce to put on it B. the stories that students write for it C. the information in it about favourite bands Part 2: Questions from 6 to 15. (1.8 points - 0.2/ each) Listen to the recording twice. Fill in each blank space with no more than two words or numbers. ABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY _ APPLICATION FORM_ Full name: (6) Address: (7) 4 Melford MF4 5JE3 Contact number: (8) Qualifications: (a) A levels (b) (8) (c) computer skills (10) Previous experience: (a) general work in a (11) (3 months) (b) part-time job as a (12) Interests: (a) member of a (13) (b) enjoys (14) (10 years) Page 1
  2. Date available: (15) SECTION II: LEXICO – GRAMMAR (7.0 points) Part 1: Questions from 16 to 35. (3.0 points - 0.15/ each) Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to best complete the following sentences. 16. She built a high wall round her garden ___. A. in order that her fruit not be stolen B. to enable people not taking her fruit C. so that her fruit would be stolen D. to prevent her fruit from being stolen 17. In the last match, Sabella changed his formation at half-time, introducing Fernado Gago in midfield and Higuain in attack, but in the end it was Messi’s magic that ___ the difference. A. took B. made C. did D. gave 18. ___ his advice, I would never have got the job at this company. A. Except B. As for C. Apart from D. But for 19. ___ at the Isthmus of Panama, so animals were able to migrate between North and South America. A. A land bridge existed B. A land bridge C. When a land bridge existed D. With a land bridge 20. “I’m going for an interview for a job this afternoon” – “Good luck! I’ll keep my ___ crossed for you.” A. fingers B. legs C. arms D. hands 21. ___ opening the door, Jerry found his house had been broken into. A. During B. At C. On D. With 22. Carbon dioxide ___ as one of the main contributors to the green house effect. A. has been identified B. has identified C. had been identified D. had identified 23. In 1973, when the tigers appeared to be facing ___, the World Wild Fund for ___ and the Indian Government agreed to set up “Operation Tiger”. A. extinct/ Nature B. extinction/ Nature C. extinction/ Natural D. extinct/ Naturalists 24. Kate didn’t enjoy the roller coaster ride because it was ___ experience of her life. A. the most terrifying B. the most terrified C. most terrified D. far more terrifying 25. Vietnam reached the semi-finals of the AFC U23 Championship 2018 with a penalty shootout win ___ Iraq on Saturday, January 20th, 2018. A. over B. with C. against D. in 26. Working as a volunteer gives her a chance to develop her interpersonal skills, promote friendship, and ___ her own talent. A. discovery B. discovering C. discover D. discovered 27. She ___ to tell where the money was hidden. A. objected B. rejected C. refused D. disagreed 28. Mr. Black: What shall I do when I want to call you? Nurse: “___.” A. You shall find the red button B. Stay here and enjoy yourself C. I’d come every ten minutes D. Press the red button on the left 29. John and Mary are friends. They have just finished lunch in a restaurant. Mary: The food is great. I'll get the bill. John: “___.” A. Yes, speak to you soon. B. No, this is on me. C. It's nothing. D. Don't mention it. 30. Despite being a very good student, she didn’t fulfil her ___ later in life. A. makings B. potential C. capacity D. aptitude Page 2
  3. 31. Nations that live in concord are nations that live together in peace. A. war B. harmony C. conformity D. happiness 32. John lost the ___ bicycle he bought last week and his parents were very angry with him because of his carelessness. A. blue beautiful new Germany B. beautiful new blue German C. new beautiful blue Germany D. beautiful blue new German 33. Despite many recent ___ advances, there are parts where schools are not equipped with computers. A. technologist B. technologically C. technological D. technology 34. It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver ___ in the crash. A. was injured B. injured C. were injured D. had injured 35. After years of being exposed to the sun and rain, the sign had become completely ___. A. unreadable B. misread C. readable D. illegible Part 2: Questions from 36 to 45. (2 points - 0.2/ each) Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence. 36. She was much less student than her sister. (industry) 37. Jim is one of the most members of the committee. (speak) 38. A certain degree of stress seems to be in modern life. (avoid) 39. She won the first prize in the contest due to her . (persuade) 40. We had the phone because we are moving tomorrow. (connect) 41. Film directors usually ask actors to the scene in their mind. (visual) 42. The job was done , and we were extremely displeased. (competence) 43. Phil was sentenced to three years’ for his part in the robbery. (prison) 44. I was late for work this morning because my car had a on the motorway. (break) 45. Gold is more precious than iron. In fact, there is really no comparison. (compare) Part 3: Questions from 46 to 50. (1 point - 0.2/ each) Each of the following sentences has an error. Find the errors and correct them. 46. If you have difficulty for finding my house, try to ask someone for help. 47. Never before has so many people in the United States been interested in soccer. 48. The vase has the same design, but it is different shaped from that one. 49. The closer it gets to December 21, the first day of winter, the short the days become. 50. It was not until the late 1970s when these country people could enjoy the benefits of electricity. Part 4: Questions from 51 to 55. (1 point - 0.2/ each) Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 51. Salaries have not kept up inflation in the last few years. 52. He left the country threat of arrest if he returned. 53. Another conclusion will be drawn the experiment 54. We all know the risks getting a virus if we don’t protect our computer. 55. After Joe’s mother died, he was brought by his grandmother. SECTION III: READING (6.0 POINTS) Part 1. Questions 56 to 65 (2 points - 0.2/ each) Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question. CRITICISM It can (56) ___ a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are. One thing you have to be (57) ___ of is that you will face criticism along the way. The world is full of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you have made up your (58) ___ to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your (59) ___ and let constructive Page 3
  4. criticism have a positive (60) ___ on your work. If someone says you are totally (61) ___ in talent, ignore them. That’s negative criticism. If, however, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for doing so, you should (62) ___ their suggestions carefully. There are many film stars who were once out of (63) ___. There are many famous novelists who made a complete (64) ___ of their first novel - or who didn’t, but had to keep on approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it published. Being successful does depend on luck, to a certain extent. But things are more likely to (65) ___ well if you persevere and stay positive. 56. A. have B. do C. be D. take 57. A. kept in mind B. aware C. clever D. intelligent 58. A. idea B. thought C. decision D. mind 59. A. target B. destination C. objectives D. purpose 60. A. change B. effect C. affect D. result 61. A. incapable B. interested C. short D. lacking 62. A. cautious B. remember C. consider D. reckon 63. A. work B. career C. business D. job 64. A. success B. effort C. mess D. money 65. A. turn out B. get out C. bring out D. carry out Part 2. Questions 66 – 75 (2.0 points - 0.2/ each) Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question. Cooperation is the common endeavor of two more people to perform a task of reach a jointly cherished goad. Like competition and conflict, there are different forms of cooperation, based on group organization and attitudes. In this form, known as primary cooperation, group and individual fuse. The group contains nearly all of each individual's life. The rewards of the group's work are share with each number. There is an interlocking identity of individual, group, and task performed. Means and goals become one, for cooperation itself is valued. While primary cooperation is most often characteristic of preliterate societies, secondary cooperation is characteristic of many modern societies. In secondary cooperation, individuals devote only part of their lives to the group. Cooperation itself is not a value. Most member of the group fell loyalty, but the welfare of the group is not the first consideration. Members perform tasks so that they can separately enjoy the fruits of their cooperation in the form of salary, prestige, or power. Business offices and professional athletic teams are example of secondary cooperation. In the third type, called tertiary cooperation or accommodation, latent conflict underlies the share work. The attitudes of the cooperation parties are purely opportunistic; the organization is loose and fragile. Accommodation involve common means cease to aid achieve antagonistic goals; it breaks when the common means cease to aid each party in reaching its goals. This is not, strictly speaking, cooperation at all, and hence the somewhat contradictory term antagonistic cooperation is sometimes used for this relationship. 66. What is the author's main purpose in the first paragraph of the passage? A. To urge readers to cooperate more often B. To explain how cooperation differs from competition and conflict C. To offer a brief definition of cooperation D. To show the importance of group organization and attitudes. 67. The word "cherished" in line 22 is closest meaning to A. agreed on B. prized C. set up D. defined 68. Which of the following statements about primary cooperation is supported by information in passage? Page 4
  5. A. It was confined to prehistoric times. B. It is usually the first stage of cooperation achieved by a group individuals attempting to cooperate. C. It is an idea that can never be achieved. D. It is most commontly seen among people who have not yet develope reading and writing skills. 69. The word "fuse" in line 44 is closest in meaning to A. evolve B. unite C. explore D. react 70. According to the passage, why do people join groups that practise secondary cooperation? A. To associate with people who have similar backgrounds. B. To get rewards themselves. C. To defeat a common enemy. D. To experience the satisfaction of cooperation. 71. The word "fragile" in line 1616 is closest in meaning to A. easily broken B. inefficient C. involuntary D. poorly planned 72. Which of the following is an example of the third from of cooperation as it is defined in the paragraph? A. Students form a study group so that all of them can improve their grades. B. A new business attempts to take customers away from an established company. C. Two rival political parties temporarily work together to defeat a third party. D. Members of a farming community share work and the food that they grow. 73. As used throughout the passage, the term common is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. Popular B. Shared C. Vulgar D. Ordinary 74. Which of the following is NOT given as a name for the third type of cooperation? A. Latent conflict B. Accommodation C. Tertiary copperation D. Antagonistic cooperation 75. Which of the following best describes the overall organization of the passage? A. The author describes a concept by analyzing its three forms. B. The author compares and contrats two types of human relation. C. The author presents the points of view of three experts on the same topic. D. The author provides a number of concrete examples and then draws a conclusion. Part 3: Questions 76 – 85. (2.0 points- 0.2/ each). Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. When did it all start? Back in my grandparent’s day, fashion didn’t change so fast (76) it does these days. I take the (77) stance as my friend, an experienced economist, who says that it is (78) the pace of the technology that has affected fashion than anything else. If you look (79) , you will be surprised at (80) changes in fashion happened slowly in the past. Product marketing was rather traditional (81) word-of-mouth and magazines, but these days everything is immediately shared and it (82) seem that everyone is in the know. This fast-moving fashion market needs (83) more than traditional ways of marketing and that’s (84) companies are investing massively in interacting with customers through social media. They also have to keep up with the trends and manage (85) products to satisfy customer demand. So does fashion need to slow down? SECTION IV. WRITITNG (4 points) Part 1: Questions 86 – 95. (1 point- 0.2/ each) Page 5
  6. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. 86. Please don’t smoke in the kitchen.  Would you mind 87. Everyone was surprised to see him leave the party early.  To everyone’s 88. Before the Internet was invented, people couldn’t communicate in distance easily.  It was not 89. She gave up working as a reporter because of her bad health.  If her health 90. Student must read history books to complete this course.  It is essential that 91. He told me that it was wrong of me to leave the party so early.  He criticized 92. It is believed that his father died in a car accident.  His father 94. When the Minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment.  On 94. As she grows older, she becomes increasingly cheerful.  The older 95. If you changed your mind, you’d be welcome to join us.  Were Part 2: Questions 96 – 105. (1 point - 0.2/ each) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. 96. The accident took place just after the workers started their work. (started)  Hardly when the accident happened. 97. Although he took a taxi, Jack still arrived late for the conference. (spite)  In , Jack arrived late for the conference. 98. In the end, I felt I had been right to leave the club. (regrets)  In the end, I left the club. 99. It is stupid of you to refuse Richard’s offer of a loan. (idiot)  You are Richard’s offer of a loan. 100. The company didn’t decide to replace this model. (intention)  The company replacing this model. 101. In the next few years, we’ll probably hear a lot more about the environment pollution. (likely)  In the next few years, we a lot more about the environmental pollution. 102. Paula said I had caused the accident. (blamed)  Paula the accident. 103. People claim that he was the best tennis player of his times. (said) He the best tennis player of his times. 104. They left early because they didn’t want to get caught in the traffic. (avoid) They left early in order in the traffic. 105. Why didn’t they tell me about these changes earlier? (should) I about these changes earlier. Page 6