Đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề 58

1. Being ..............., my mother forbids me to wear short skirts or sleeveless shirts (tradition)
2. Make sure that you ...........the electricity before you start mending this light switch ( connect)
3. After the explosion, only two people were left ....... (live)
4. Her husband's death made her life ........... (mean)

docx 3 trang Hải Đông 20/02/2024 340
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  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 58 Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses 1. He doesn't like (treat) as if he (be) a child. 2. It won’t be safe to use these stairs until they (repair) 3. What do you think the children (do) when we get home? 4. I will ring the bell one more. if he (not answer),I think he must( go) out 5. I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have) a party. 6. I’d rather (live) in Ancient Greece than Ancient Rome 7. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours. 8. I shall never forget (see) her for the first time. Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences 1. What a very old man he is! (learn) 2. That's the most film I've seen. (fright) 3. This bottle contains a poison (die) 4. The old hotel we used to stay at has been (modern) 5. Conservationists belive that we should preserve the rainforests in the world. ( tropic) 6. The little village is very quiet and at night. (peace) 7. Being , my mother forbids me to wear short skirts or sleeveless shirts (tradition) 8. Make sure that you the electricity before you start mending this light switch ( connect) 9. After the explosion, only two people were left (live) 10. Her husband's death made her life (mean) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word Cartoon films have very 1 limits. If you can draw something, you can 2 it move on the cinema screen. The use 3 new ideas and advanced computer programs means that cartoons are becoming exciting again for people of 4 ages. By the 5 of the 1970s, the cinema world had decided that, cartoons were only for children. But soon 6 , one or two directors had some orginal new ideas. They proved that it was possible to make films in which both adults and children could 7 the fun.
  2. However, not 8 cartoon film was successful. The Black Cauldron, for example, failed, mainly because it was too 9 for children and too childish for adults. Directors learnt from this 10 , and the film companies began to make large amounts of money again. Question 4: a) Combine these pair of sentences into one. 1. I've lost my ticket. It cost five pounds. 2. I gave you some money. Where is it? 3. She told a story. I didn’t believe it. 4. Do you know that girl? Tom is talking to her. 5. The man is a famous doctor. His son is my classmate. 6. Hoankiem lake is a historical place. Its water is always blue. b/ What do these things imply? a or b? 1. We're supposed to go a. We might not go b. We're definitely going 2. I really appreciate your staying. a. You've decided to stay b. You might stay. 3. Would you mind if I opened the window? a. You have opened the window already. b. You havent opened the window yet. 4. I have a report to write. a. I 'm going to write a report. b. Someone else already wrote the report. Question 5: a/ Put the words in order so as to make up correct sentences. 1. you / blackboard/ want/ clean/ I / to /the. 2. your/ a/ has/ collection / been/ brother / given/ of/ postcards/ beautiful/ 3. on / September / begins / 1st / year/ the / school / new / usually 4. remembered/ Vietnam/ he/ to / trip/ his. b) Put in like or as. 1. I'm afraid I can't meet you on Sunday we arranged. 2. I wish I had a car yours. 3. his father, Minh has a very good voice. 4. Suddenly there was a terrible noise. It was a bomb exploding. 5. I think I preferred this room it was, before we decorated it. 6. We met John last night. He was very cheerful, always. Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues 1. I asked the receptionist to wake me up at 6.30 the following morning. " Please '' 2. He is a man of extreme honesty. He is an
  3. 3.It was a mistake of me to spend a lot of money on clothe I shouldn’t 4.The car was so rusty that it couldn’t be repaired The car was too 5. People did not discover AIDS until 1981. Not until 6.There were many people on the way. We couldn't drive on . There were so 7.Phong wishes he hadn't bought that cheap television set. Phong regrets 8. Hard work is the secret of passing your exam So long as 9.He was a fool to say that It is 10.Living in the city is exciting Some people find