Đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề 64

b) Fill in the blanks with "Of " if necessary.
1. All ...........cars have weels.
2. None .............this money is mine.
3. Some ...........people get angry very easily.
4. Some ...........the people I met at the party were very interesting.
5. I have lived in HaNoi most ............my life.
6. Many ...........people watch too much TV
7. Are any ..............those letters for me?
8. Most ........days I get up before 7 o'clock.
docx 3 trang Hải Đông 20/02/2024 320
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  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 64 Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses 1. I cant help (feel) sorry for the hungry children. If only there (be) peace in the world. 2. An eyewitness described how ten people (kill) in the fire. 3. Iam sure the letter wont arrive in time unless it (send) by air 4. Since his death she (not have) the heart to wear it, but she (not like) to sell it. 5. The thief (arrest) as he (leave) the bank. 6. The uneaten breakfast was still on the table. She (call) away in a hurry. 7. I (work) in this office for ten years by Christmas. 8. The vase (break) when it (move) to the other room. Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences 1. That kind of does that pie have? (pleasant) 2. I`d love to come to your party but, , I have to go somewhere else (fortune) 3. Travelling in big cities becoming more everyday (trouble) 4. is a very serious problem in many countries (employ) 5. he is so ! No wonder he has no friends. ( agree) 6. We are selling these toys at a very price (compete) 7. Nowadays numbers of people are taking up jogging (increase) 8. He is active in spite of his old age. ( wonder) 9. He spoke English fluently but with some mistakes ( grammar) 10. They are living in a countryside. (mountain Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word Speech is one of the most important 1 of communicating. It consists of far more than just making noises. To talk and also to be 2 by other people, we have to speak a language, that is , we have to use combinations of 3 that everyone agrees stand for particular object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language. Learning a language properly is very 4 The basic 5 of English is not very large, and only about 2000 words are needed to speak it quite 6 But the more words you know, the more idea you can 7 and the more presise you can be about their exact meaning. Words are the 8 thing we use incommunicating what we want to say. The way we 9 the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and 10 whether we are pleased or angry, for instance.
  2. Question 4: a) Choose the correct word in brackets to complete each sentence. 1. He had so ( many/ a lot of/ much) things to do. 2. The mixture looks rather dry. May be you should add (a few/ a little / little) water. 3. We're having a big party. We've invited ( a lot of / many / much) friends. 4. I feel really tired. I havent got ( many/ much/ a lot of) energy. 5. He quickly put ( a few / a little/ few )things into a bag. 6. Could I try ( a little / a few / little wine? 7. Come on! We havent got (many/ much / a lot of) time? 8. The school year has just begun. The children havent had ( much/ many / a lot of) lessons yet. b) Fill in the blanks with "Of " if necessary. 1. All cars have weels. 2. None this money is mine. 3. Some people get angry very easily. 4. Some the people I met at the party were very interesting. 5. I have lived in HaNoi most my life. 6. Many people watch too much TV 7. Are any those letters for me? 8. Most days I get up before 7 o'clock. Question 5: a/ Put the parts of the sentences below into the correct order. 1. letter/ has/ the/ given / a / come/ and/ me/ postman/ just. 2. get/ the/ comes/ train/ the / to/ we/ station/ will / before. 3. that/ needs/ I work/ to / Ann/ think / harder. 4. as / you / tell /I / do. 5. it/ do/ him/ let/ alone. 6. tie / don’t / my / on / sit. 7. off/ stop / next / the / get / at. 8. him / knows / ask / the / if / professor/ he. b/ correct mistakes in the following sentences 1. They had rather have their clothes ioned by a maid 2. There have been little rain this summer 3. I am very happy to work by these machines 4. She talks as if she knows everything Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues 1 . It's extremely difficult for us to make ends meet these days. We find 2. The only thing they didn’t steal was the television They stole 3. Patience is the key to success in life.
  3. As long as you are 4. The heat was such that I nearly fainted. It was 5.Everyone heard about the accident before I did I was 6. We 've run out of tea. There 7. Are you against working on Sunday? Do you object ? 8. I have to write six letters today. There are 9. people always laugh at his funny face. He doesn't like it. He dislikes 10. I seldom come there at night. Seldom