Đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề 8

24. There are some one following us. I think we .........................................in this area.
A. are following B. are followed C. follow D. are being followed
25. Walt Disney ....................... the character of Mickey Mouse
A. was created B. is created C. creates D. created .
26. Would you like to go to the cinema? –No, thanks. I’d…………stay at home.
A. better B. like C. rather D. prefer
27. Did they ask you what examinations you’ve……………..?
A. succeeded B. passed C. overcome D. obtained
docx 7 trang Hải Đông 20/02/2024 660
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  1. A. Vocabulary I. Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D 1. To jog means to A. work hard B. run fast C. run slowly D. work carefully 2. To quit means to A. give up B. start C. begin D. sleep 3. To reduce means to A. increase B decrease C. destroy D. rise 4. To assist means to A. hire B. like C. hate D. help 5. I am looking forward to you some day . A. seeing B. saw C. see D. sees 6. The opposite of failure is A. success B. difficulty C. pride D. harm 7. The opposite of enemy is A. army B. friend C. dog D. cat 8. The opposite of agree is A. fly B. dream C. refuse D. grow 9. What is she doing? A. Nothing B. Doing C. Feeding D. Sweeping 10. Ba is sociable but his brother is quite A. outgoing B. shy C. generous D. kind II. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of words with the capital words at the beginning at sentences. 11. All between Paris and Hanoi have been cancelled due to fog FLY . 12. There is plenty of for young people in this city. ENTERTAIN . 13. It’s to complain; you won’t get your money back. USE 14. During his the family used to live in the country side. CHILD . 15. He is such (a/an ) .person that no one likes him. HELP B. Grammar and Structure I. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank 16. My friend the answer to the question now. A. is known B. know C. is knowing D. knows 17. I think I’ll buy this pair of shoes. They me really well. A. fit B. are fitting C. have fit D. are fitted 18. I’ll tell my uncle all the news when I him. A. will see B. am going to see C. see D. shall see 19. I’ve got my key. I found it when I for something else.
  2. A. looked B. have looked C. looking D. was looking 20. “All these photographs with a very cheap camera,” he said. A. have taken B. take C. were taken D. were taking 21. I wondered the tickets were on sale yet. A. what B. whether C. when D. where 22. Dinner will be ready soon. Can you please the table? A. lay B. put C. make D. take 23. Our neighbors are very on camping holidays. A. interested B. fond C. eager D. keen 24. There are some one following us. I think we in this area. A. are following B. are followed C. follow D. are being followed 25. Walt Disney the character of Mickey Mouse A. was created B. is created C. creates D. created . 26. Would you like to go to the cinema? –No, thanks. I’d stay at home. A. better B. like C. rather D. prefer 27. Did they ask you what examinations you’ve ? A. succeeded B. passed C. overcome D. obtained 28. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is any other lake in the world. A. larger than B. largest C. the largest D. the larger than 29. Most people prefer money to .it. A. spend- earn B. spending- earn C. to spend – earningD. spending- earning 30. Our teacher made us .harder. A. working B. to work C. work D. works 31. The plane will in a few minutes. A. take off B. land C. group D. both A&B 32.The teacher told the student A. what to do that B. how to do that C. which to do that D. by how to do that 33. He is used to .in public. A. the speaking B. be speaking C. speak D. speaking 34. Do you think I should practice English every day?- Yes, if you want to improve it. A. on listening B. to listen C. listened D. listening 35. I am not old enough . the car. A. driving B. drive C. drove D. to drive II. Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting 36. Peter, I’d would like you to meet some very special people A B C D 37. It is greatly to be with you on such a lovely day ABCD 38. Would you mind to go to the local bookshop to get me some papers? A B C D
  3. 39. I think I prefer country life more than city life A B C D 40. Thanks for invite me to the water - fetching contest of your school ABCD
  4. III. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the passive form Wiki Website “Wiki” means “quick” in Hawaian. The word is used to describe websites that (41. write) by people who use the site. Anyone who visits a wiki website can add or change the information on the page. The first wiki website (42. create) by Ward Cunningham in 1995. Since then, wiki guidebooks , wiki dictionaries and wiki encyclopedias .(43. publish) on the Internet. The most popular online encyclopedia is “wikipedia” . Over 22 million entries .(44. add) since it started, and it is now the most detailed encyclopedia in the world. According to the create or of Wikipedia, the work (45. do) by 20. 000 people who regularly edit the pages. The amazing thing is that the information is completely free. 41 .42 43 . 44 45 . C. Speaking I. Matching the question in column A with the suitable answer in column B A B 46. What do you think this machine is for? A. Yes, sir 47. Would you mind if I opened the door? B. Tall, thin, short curly hair 48. Would you like to go through the C. I have no idea. departure lounge? D. Too quiet. 49. What does the countryside look like? E. Please go ahead 50. What does he look like? 46 47 48 49 50 II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: 51. A. worked B. naked C. looked D. attacked 52. A. engineer B. excited C. experiment D. exhibition 53. A. teammate B. speaker C. bean D. overhead 54. A. furious B. purpose C. surf D. turn 55. A. deny B. deposit C. benefit D. respond D. Reading I. Fill in the blanks with suitable word
  5. celebration, custom, gather, gifts, midnight, particularly, symbolize, ring, bring, display In Scotland, the biggest (56) of the year is “Hogmanay”. “Hogmanay” is the Scottish word for New Year’s Eve. On 31st December in Edinburgh, there is an enormous firework (57) at the castle and they play live music in the park. Thousands of people .(58) in the streets , coffees and bars. Then at 12 o’clock, church bells .(59) all over the city. After midnight people go “first footing” . This is a Scottish (60) that dates back hundreds of years. “First footing” is visiting your neighbours after (61) on New Year’s Eve. The visitors must step into the house with their right foot step first, to (62) good luck. Traditionally, the visitors bring three .(63) : a piece of coal, a piece of “short bread” ( a Scottish biscuit) and a little whisky. The gifts .(64) warmth, food and happiness. If the first person who visits your home after midnight is a man with dark hair, that is .(65) lucky. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 II. Read the passage and choose the best answer in the blanket. For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea quite terrifying, (66) . flying is no more dangerous (67) any other form of travel and some experts say it is considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accident occurs (68) taking off and landing when (69) decisions are vitally important. The people (70) job it is to look (71) the passengers, the stewards and stewardesses play an important part in helping passengers to (72) safe and comfortable. Indeed for many passengers being (73) such care of is all part of the total experience. (74) other form of travel involves waiting for people in quite the same (75) . with food, drink, newspapers, magazines, music, and even video films. 66. A. although B. too C. and D. because 67. A. than B. as C. then D. with 68. A. while B. during C. for D. through 69. A. leader’s B. chief’s C. driver’s D. pilot’s 70. A. whose B. which C. their D. that 71. A. for B. up C. after D. round 72. A. feel B. rest C. experience D. lie 73. A. given B. kept C. shown D. taken 74. A. Any B. No C. All D. Not 75. A. sort B. kind C. way D. part
  6. E. Writing I. Use the words given to make meaningful sentences. 76. Early this morning/ children/ decide/ go/ a run. 77. Life/ country / definitely / changing / the better. 78. The date / meeting/ will/ have to/ change/ tomorrow. 79. Tom / have / shower / telephone / rang. 80. Last year / we /spend / week / My Son / and / I not want / leave. 81. Watching / television / consider / most / popular / kind / entertainment / nowadays. 82. After /many / experiments / finally / first / successful /flight/ make / by / Wright brothers. 83. My grandfather / used / tell / stories / until / we / fall / asleep. 84. I / used / collect / shells / when / be / kid. 85. My uncle / move / Ho Chi Minh City/ 1987/ and / live / there / then. II. Rewrite the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first 86. Tom works hard as a student Tom 87. It is good exercise to run a mile a day Running 88. It’s a great pleasure to be with you. Being . 89. We didn’t see her at all. She 90. Tom is not as tall as Peter Peter . 91. Her father asked her if she would go to the cinema with her friend Her father asked her: “ ” 92. The step- mother doesn’t treat the little girl in a normal way. The little girl 93. Do you mind my smoking?
  7. Do you mind 94. No one works harder than Barbara. Barbara 95. He told his customer : “ Please bring it back if it doesn’t fit well” He told 96. The last time we saw him was in 1988. We haven’t 97. Peter spent 3 hours on repairing his computer. It took 98. You will not be accepted if you don’t finish your home work. Unless 99. “Don’t swim out too far, boys ’’ I said I warned 100. They arrived late because the traffic was terrible. Because of .