Đề kiểm tra học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 18 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.
1. a. collect b. cough c. think d. certain

2. a. girl b. game c. gym d. give

3. a. colour b. face c. city d. recycle

4. a. global b. geography c. green d. big

5. a. charitable b. character c. headache d. school

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  1. Phòng GD-ĐT ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG NĂM HỌC 2021 -2022 Trường THCS Môn: Tiếng Anh 6 Thời gian : 120 phút (Kể cả giao đề) 1. Listen to Professor Galton talking about the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. Fill each of the gaps in the notes with ONE word. You will listen TWICE. Advantages Disadvantages 1. Solar energy is ___ and inexhaustible. 4. Solar power can only be used in ___ weather 2. Solar power does not cause ___. or on daytime. 3. Solar energy can be used to create ___ in 5. The ___ cost is high. remote areas. 2. Listen to a member of the Green Club talking about their new programme. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F. You will listen TWICE. Question 1. The speaker is from Green Club. T F Question 2. One of the programmes is called “Your Carbon Footprints”. T F Question 3. The survey questions check how big students’ footprints are. T F Question 4. Only 10% of the students are really environmentally friendly. T F Question 5. This programme helps students respect more the world around. T F Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently. 1. a. collect b. cough c. think d. certain 2. a. girl b. game c. gym d. give 3. a. colour b. face c. city d. recycle 4. a. global b. geography c. green d. big 5. a. charitable b. character c. headache d. school IV. Underline the correct answers. 1. I saw/ have seen that film this morning. 2. We went/ have gone to the movies three times last month. 3. Did you ever do/ Have you ever done volunteer work? 4. I had/ have had five tests this semester. 5. Linus did/ has done his homework before he went to sleep. 6. This is my grandparents’ house. They lived/ have lived here more than 50 years ago. 7. She bought/ has bought a new mobile phone two days ago. 8. Did you see/ Have you seen Peter at the party last night? 9. I read/ have read this book twice and I still find it very uninteresting. 10. They didn’t play/ haven’t played very well yesterday. They lost the match. V. Put the verbs into the correct tense, past simple or present perfect. 1. ___ (you/ visit) to the United States ? - No, but I ___ (be) to England and France.
  2. 2. When we were in Canada, we ___ (go) skiing almost every day. 3. When ___ (you/ meet) your wife? - 3 years ago. 4. Peter ___ (not phone) yet. I’m still waiting. 5. I ___ (know) Helen when we were at school together. 6. My uncle ___ (live) in Berlin in 1999. 7. We ___ (not see) Beth at Mike’s house yesterday morning. 8. Do you like this picture? My uncle ___ (paint) it. 9. Mr. Dass ___ (leave) for New York late last night. 10. Mr and Mrs Grey (start)___ teaching French here five years ago. VI. Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d. 1. We ___ very busy last week. a. was b. am c. were d. will be 2. I ___ her recently. The last time we met was at a party. a. have seen b. haven’t seen c. didn’t see d. saw 3. In 2012, they ___ their project for street children. a. start b. are starting c. started d. have started 4. We ___ very early this morning. a. will leave b. leave c. have left d. left 5. She ___ because she’s late for her class. a. runs b. ran c. is running d. has ran 6. I ___ that book already. It’s really fantastic. a. read b. have read c. am reading d. will read 7. He ___ you as soon as he’s on the bus. a. will call b. calls c. called d. is calling 8. Sometimes I ___ up the streets of my neighborhood for volunteer service. a. clean b. am cleaning c. have cleaned d. will clean 9. I live in New York, but I ___ the Statue of Liberty. a. never visit b. have never visited c. never visited d. will never visit 10. I ___ my favourite song when I turned on the radio yesterday. a. hear b. heard c. am hearing d. will hear VII. Join each pair of sentences using because, as or since. 1. He stopped the car. The traffic lights turned red. (because) ___ 2. Jane didn’t join our programme. She had to take a summer course. (as) ___ 3. He behaved very rudely. Everyone dislike him. (since) ___
  3. 4. They like doing something useful. They do volunteer work. (because) ___ 5. I won’t be able to attend the meeting. I’ll be on holiday with my family. (since) ___ 6. It was raining heavily. We decided to stay home and watch TV. (as) ___ 7. He wants to get fit. He’s training hard. (because) ___ 8. Sally was ill. She didn’t go to school yesterday. (since) ___ VIII. Answer each question using ‘because’ and the words in brackets. 0. Why was Judy absent from school? (be sick) She was absent from school because she was sick. 1. Why did Sam go to the dentist’s? (have a toothache) He ___ 2. Why didn’t you take part in volunteer programs? (not have enough time) I ___ 3. Why doesn’t Mike want to go and see the film? (last week) He ___ 4. Why is Sharon popular in school? (be honest and polite) She ___ 5. Why did the teacher scold Alex? (not complete his homework) She ___ 6. Why did you go home late last night? (miss the last bus) I ___ IX. Complete the sentences with and, but, so, or, because. 1. Olivia was very happy ___ she passed her examination. 2. He didn’t study ___ he failed the history exam. 3. My mother usually gets home at 5 o’clock ___then she cooks dinner. 4. I was late for class tills morning ___ the bus was late. 5. We went to Jane’s house ___ she was out. 6. We can go to the pool ___ we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer. 7. She is studying very hard ___ she wants to be a doctor. 8. Carol studied hard for the maths test ___ she couldn’t get a good mark. 9. The floor was wet and slippery ___ Mason almost fell. 10. Mike ate healthy food ___ did regular exercises to keep fit. X. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
  4. 1. Tom Holden worked ___ a volunteer at a charity in 2010. 2. They provided housing and other supports ___ homeless people. 3. Some volunteers enjoy helping elderly people living ___ nursing homes. 4. She donated thousands of pounds ___ children’s charities. 5. The benefits ___ volunteering are enormous to you, and your community. 6. You can volunteer to help cook and serve a meal ___ a homeless shelter. 7. UNICEF has launched a campaign to help children ___ need. 8. They provided street children ___ food and books. XI. Arrange the words to make sentences. 1. way/ others/ community/ a/ help/ service/ is/ great/ to/. ___ 2. they/community/people/ because/ volunteer/ want/ improve/ to/ their/. ___ 3. encouraged/ books/ people/ street children/ we/ to/ donate/ and clothes/ to ___ 4. what/ to/ help/ we/ can/ do/ the environment/ clean/? ___ 5. work/ done/ you/ ever/ have/ volunteer/ any? ___ 6. free time/ Joe/ doing/ work/ spent/ most/ at/ his/ local hospital/ a/ of/ volunteer. ___ XII.Write the second sentence that it has the same meaning as the first one. Use the word in brackets. 1. I’m leaving now because I don’t want to miss the train. (so) → I’m ___ 2. The last time I saw my uncle was two years ago. (last) → I __ ___ 3. Let me reach my office and then I will talk to him. (when) → I ___ 4. Why don’t we donate our old books, toys and clothes to charity? (suggests) → Mom ___ 5. Jane stayed behind after the class in order to talk to the teacher. (because) → Jane ___ 6. This is not important for them to work until midnight.(have) → They don't ___ 7. How long are you a member of Volunteers In Asia? (join) → When ___
  5. 8. We suggested people recycle glass, cans and paper. (encouraged) → We ___
  6. ĐÁP ÁN ĐÁP ÁN MÔN : TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 PART A : LISTENING I.Listen and fill one word in each gap to complete the table for their ideas. 1. free 2.pollution 3.electricity 4.sunny 5.ínstakkation II.Listen again and write True (T) or False (F). 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5.T III. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. a IV. 1. saw 2. went 3. Do you edo 4. had5. did 6.lived 7.bought 8. Did you see 9. read 10. didn’t play V.1. Did you visit - visited 2. went 3. did you meet 4. didn’t phone 5. knew 6. lived 7. didn’t see 8.painted 9.left 10. started VI. 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. b VII.1. He stopped the car because the traffic lights turned red. 2.Jane didn’t join our programme as she has to take a summer course. 3.Since he behaved very rudely, everyone dislike him. 4.They do volunteer work because they like doing something useful. 5. I won’t be able to attend the meeting since I’ll be on holiday with my family. 6.As it was raining heavily, we decided to stay home and watch TV. 7.He’s training hard because he wants to get fit. 8.Since Sally was ill, she didn’t go to school yesterday. VIII. 1. He went to the dentist’s because he had a toothache. 2.I didn’t take part in volunteer programs because I didn’t have enough time. 3.He doesn’t want to go and see the film because he has seen it already. 4.She is popular in school because she is honest and polite. 5.She scolded Alex because he didn’t complete his homework. 6.I went home late last night because I missed the last bus. IX. 1. because 2. so 3. and 4. because 5. but 6. or 7. because 8. but 9. so 10. and X. 1. as 2. for 3. in 4. to 5. of 6. at 7. in 8. with XI. 1.Community service is a great way to help others. 2.People volunteer because they want to improve their community. 3.We encouraged people to donate books and clothes to street children. 4.What can we do to help clean the environment? 5.Do you do any volunteer work? 6.Joe spent most of his free time doing volunteer work at a local hospital. XII. 1. I’m leaving now, so I won’t/ don’t miss the train.
  7. 2. I last saw my uncle two years ago. 3. I will talk to him when I reach my office. 4.Mom suggests donating our old books, toys and clothes to charity./ Mom suggests we (should) donate our old books, toys and clothes to charity. 5.Jane stayed behind after the class because she wanted to talk to the teacher. 6.They don't have to work 7.When did you join Volunteers in Asia? 8.We encouraged people to recycle glass, cans and paper.