Đề kiểm tra học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 3 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

I.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently for the rest.

1. a. decorate b. calendar c. celebrate d. clean

2. a. shopping b. sugar c. sure d.summer

3. a. centre b. special c. decide d. rice

4. a. present b. sound c. sweet d. season

5. a. blossom b. chess c. messy d. passion

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  1. Phòng GD-ĐT ĐỀ THI KHẢO SAT HSG NĂM HỌC 2021 -2022 Trường THCS Môn: Tiếng Anh 6 Thời gian : 120 phút (Kể cả giao đề) PART A : LISTENING I. Listen to an interview with an Olympic swimming champion – Jackson Avery. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F. You will listen TWICE. 1. Jackson won in the 500-metre competition. T F 2. Jackson went running every day before the event. T F 3. Jackson ate a normal diet. T F 4. Jackson didn’t have a trainer. T F 5. Jackson needed to balance between training and rest. T F II. Listen to the conversation between a customer and a receptionist at the gym. Answer the questions with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER. You will listen TWICE. 1. What sports are they talking about? ___ 2. What class level is the customer interested in? ___ 3. What class time did the customer choose? ___ 4. What should the customer wear? ___ 5. What does the gym provide? ___ 1
  2. I.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently for the rest. 1. a. decorate b. calendar c. celebrate d. clean 2. a. shopping b. sugar c. sure d.summer 3. a. centre b. special c. decide d. rice 4. a. present b. sound c. sweet d. season 5. a. blossom b. chess c. messy d. passion II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences : 1. We ___ on the Moon in 2050. A. might live B. have lived C. live D. are living 2. My father ___Japan three times. A. visit B. will visit C. visited D. has visited 3. ___watch TV too much . It’s not good for your eyes. A. Do B. Don't C. Please D. Can't 4. Mary could do sums___the age of 7. A. at B. from C. in D. to 5. If we walk and cycle more, there ___ less air pollution. A. are B. was C. have been D. will be 6. “___films have you seen this week?” – “Only one.” A. What B. How much C. How many D. Which 7. What is the most___city in Europe? A. biggest B. smallest C. expensive D. busiest 8. ___ a nice photo ! A. How B. What C. Which D. When 9. The Three Rs ___ for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. A. do B. make C. sit D. stand 10. Van is very good at English,___ her sister isn't. A.so B. but C. and D.although III. Supply the corect tense or form of the verb in parentheses : 1.Vietnamese people ___ (celebrate) the Lunar New Year every year. 2.This Tet, my family ___(not buy) Chung cakes. We will make them. 3.Look! Mr. Quang ___ (repaint) his house to welcome Tet. 4.You shouldn’t ___(wear) white clothes on the first day of Tet. 5.People spend a few days ___(clean) their houses before Tet. 6.Tet ___(occur) in late January or early February. 2
  3. 7.___ (they/ give) a New Year party this weekend? 8.Phong loves ___(eat) traditional food during Tet. IV.Write the correct form of the words in brackets. 1.Tet is coming. It’s our New Year ___. (celebrate) 2.Easter is one of the best times for a family ___. (gather) 3.They wish each other good ___for the New Year. (lucky) 4.You should keep ___by eating well and exercising regularly. (health) 5.Shrimps move backwards and you will not ___ in the New Year. (success) 6. I will help my father with the house ___. (decorate) 7.Everybody around is cheering and singing ___. (happy) 8.Banh Chung is made of ___rice, pork and green bean. (stick) PART C : READING I. Read the following passage and put a word in the box in each of the numbered blanks: different in often play chatting Some students in my school are very sporty. They take part in (1) ___ activities after school. Some students usually(2) ___football, table tennis or badminton. Others go swimming or jogging (3)___the park. Some students don't like sports. They (4)___ go home and watch television. Sometimes, they like listening to music or (5)___ on the Internet. II. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the following passage : Most children love (1)___ activities. They play football, go skateboarding or go (2)___. In countries with snow like (3)___ children go to the mountains with their parents to go skiing. They can make a (4)___ in the playground in front of their house. When the weather is bad, they can stay at home and watch interesting (5)___ on TV. 1. A. outdoor B. indoor C. school D. home 2. A. tennis B. swimming C. karate D. judo 3. A. Stockholm B. Paris C. Bangkok D. Sweden 4. A. snowman B. postman C. sportsman D. cameraman 5. A. channels B. viewers C. programmes D. audience III. Read the following passage and do the tasks below : Roger Federer is probably the best and most famous tennis player in the world today. He was born on August 8th, 1981 in Basle, Switzerland. His parents encouraged him to start playing tennis when he was 8 years old. He won his first Wimbledon title , The Wimbledon Junior, when he 3
  4. was sixteen. Over the next few years, he played all over the world. In Australia he played for his country in the 2000 Olympic Games. Then in 2003 he began to show how good he was. He started the year by winning two tournaments in a row, in Dubai and Marseilles. He also won his first Grand Slam title at the Wimbledon Championships. In 2004 he won 3 out of four grand Slam titles. When he is not playing tennis, Federer is busy with his special project, the Roger Federer Foundation, which helps disadvantaged children A. True ( T) or False ( F) : Statement T F 1. Roger Federer is probably the best tennis player in the world today. 2. He won 4 out of five grand Slam titles in 2004. B. Answer the questions : 1. When was Roger Federer born ? 2. Did he win the Wimbledon Junior when he was sixteen ? 3. What is the name of his special project ? PART D. WRITING I. Rearrange the sentences using the following words : 1. is/ TV MC?/ your/ What/ favorite/ =>___ 2. going/ a/ tomorrow./ are/on/ We/ picnic/ =>___ 3. can/ sick people./Doctor robots/ take care of/ =>___ 4. recycle / If/ will help / people/ the environment./ more rubbish/, they/ =>___ 5. his/won/ seventeen./was/ Pele/ when/ first World Cup/ he/ =>___ II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before : 1. In the future, people will probably go on holiday to Mars. 4
  5. => In the future, people might___ 2. The book store is behind the photocopy store. => The photocopy store is___ 3. Mary is ill today, so she won't go to school. => Mary won't go to school today___ 4. She likes watching television. => She is interested ___ 5. No student in my class is more intelligent than Peter. => Peter is ___ III. Make sentences using the words and phrases given : 1. Michael/ go / swimming/ nearly every day. =>___ 2. We / visit / our grandparents/ Ho Chi Minh City/ last summer. =>___ 3. You/ like / watch / TV/ last week? =>___ 4. If/ it/be/ sunny/ next week/ we /plant /some trees/ the garden. =>___ 5. I/ think/ Sydney / one / most exciting cities / world. =>___ ___The end___ 5
  6. ĐÁP ÁN MÔN ĐÊ 3 PART A : LISTENING I. Listen to an interview with an Olympic swimming champion – Jackson Avery. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F. You will listen TWICE. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T II. Listen to the conversation between a customer and a receptionist at the gym. Answer the questions with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER. You will listen TWICE. 1. yoga 2. beginner(’s) (class) 3. 6:30 (p.m.)/ six-thirty (p.m.) 4. comfortable clothes 5. carpets, towels PART B :LANGUAGE FOCUS I. 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. d II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences : 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B III. 1. celebrate 2.won’t buy 3. is repainting 4. wear 5. cleaning 6.occurs 7. Will they give 8.eating/ to eat IV. 1. celebration 2.gathering 3. luck 4.healthy 5. succeed 6. decoration 7. happily 8. sticky PART C : READING I. Read the following passage and put a word in the box in each of the numbered blanks : 1. different 2. play 3. in 4. often 5. chatting II. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the following passage : 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C III. Read the following passage and do the tasks below : A. True ( T) or False ( F) 1. T 2. F B. Answer the questions 1. He ( Roger Federer ) was born on August 8th, 1981. / on August 8th, 1981. 2. Yes, he did./ Yes. 3. It (The name of his special project ) is The Roger Federer Foundation. / The Roger Federer Foundation. PART D : WRITING I. Rearrange the sentences using the following words : 1. What is your favorite TV MC? 2. We are going on a picnic tomorrow. 6
  7. 3. Doctor robots can take care of sick people. 4. If people recycle more rubbish, they will help the environment. 5. Pele won his first World Cup when he was seventeen. II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before : 1. In the future, people might go on holiday to Mars. 2. The photocopy store is in front of the book store. 3. Mary won't go to school today because she is ill. 4. She is interested in watching television. 5. Peter is the most intelligent (boy/student) in my class./ Peter is more intelligent than all the other students in my class. III. Make sentences using the words and phrases given : 1. Michael goes swimming nearly every day. 2. We visited our grandparents in Ho Chi Minh City last summer. 3. Did you like watching TV last week? 4. If it is sunny next week, we will plant some trees in the garden. 5. I think Sydney is one of the most exciting cities in the world. The end 7