Đề luyện thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 54 (Có đáp án)

Question 4: Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1. She had to do the shopping for her neighbour,...............she ?
a.didn’t b. does c. hadn't d. isn't
2. I suggest Andrea ..........in touch with the organisers.
a.should get b. getting c. to get d. should getting
3. There are some reports .............now.
a. typing b.that should type c. to type d. need to be typed
4. Mary doesn't have ...........money in her purse. It's just enough for a light reakfast.
a.some b.any c.much d.non
docx 3 trang Hải Đông 17/02/2024 1060
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  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 54 Question 1: Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs: be, become, change, come, decide, not do go, have, live, move, stay, stop, tell, wait, not write; Dear Linda, I'm sorry I 1 to you for so long, but I 2 very busy lately. All last month I 3 exams, and I 4 anything else but study for ages. Anyway, I 5 studying now, and I 6 for my exam results. As you can see from the letter, I 7 my address and 8 in Croydon now. I 9 that I wanted a change from centred London because it 10 so expensive. A friend of mine 11 me about this flat, and I 12 here about two months ago. When you 13 to London this summer please visit me. I 14 here until the middle of August then I 15 on holiday to Scotland. Question 2: use the correct form of these words in brackets 1. is a very serious problem in many countries (employ) 2.She always listens to what she is told (attention) 3.I am afraid you have me because that is not what I meant (understand) 4.She had a of joy when hearing his steps outside ( feel) 5.Some singers earn a lot of money. ( profession) 6.Put the ice-cream in the , please. ( freeze) 7. Do you think that man with a gun is a (rob) 8. He spoke English fluently but with some mistakes ( grammar) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word A doctor 1 worked in a village was very annoyed because many people used to stop him in the street and asked for his 2 In this way, he was never 3 for his service and he never managed to earn much 4 . He made up his 5 to put an end to this. One 6 , he was stopped 7 a young man who said to him "Oh, doctor, I've got severe pain in my left side". The doctor pretended to be interested and 8 "Shut your eyes and open your mouth". Then he went away, leaving the 9 standing in the street with his mouth 10 and a large crowd of people laughing at him. Question 4: Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1. She had to do the shopping for her neighbour, she ? a.didn’t b. does c. hadn't d. isn't 2. I suggest Andrea in touch with the organisers. a.should get b. getting c. to get d. should getting 3. There are some reports now. a. typing b.that should type c. to type d. need to be typed 4. Mary doesn't have money in her purse. It's just enough for a light reakfast. a.some b.any c.much d.non 5. All my life I after my home and children a. looked b. will look c. look d. have looked 6. You hardly ever believe him and a.so do I b. neither do I c. I do either d. I believe him) 7. My husband often does with people from Japan. a.business b. economy c.affairs d.finances 8. In order to buy his house he had to obtain a large from his bank.
  2. a. loan b. finance c. capital d.dedt 9 tired, I went to bed early. a. To feel b. Felt c. Feeling d. Having 10.Listen to what I am saying ? a, don't you b, will you . c., do you d, are you Question 5: a/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions. Yesterday we went shopping (1) the morning. (2) 10 o'clock, we felt tired, so we had some drink in a cafe. We had lunch (3) 12 o'clock, and (4) the afternoon we stayed at home. (5) the evening we went to the cinema, and I got to bed (6) 11 o'clock. After breakfast (7) this morning we hired bikes and biked round Brighton. We're having a rest now, but (8) this evening we're going (9) a concert, which begins (10) 8.30. b) fill in each of the blanks with " a, an, the " if necessary 1. I have big supper, I can't sleep at night. 2. Summer is warmest season but summer of 1971 was unusually cool. 3. Love of money is root of all evil. 4. statue of liberty war a gift of frendship from France to United States. Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues 1. I would do anything for you There is 2. The film was so funny that I burst out laughing. It was 3. Why didn't I think of that before ? I should 4.The news of her son’s death was a great shock to her The news that 5.She asked John how he liked her new dress. "How " 6.Women in developed countries no longer bear many children No longer 7."Have you done this sorts of work before" She asked me She asked me 8.Unless you save some money, you will never be able to buy a car. Provided 9. They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them So fierce 10. I didnt see her for five years. Five years
  3. KEYS Question 1: 1. haven't written 6. am waiting 11. told 2. have been 7. have changed 12. moved 3. had 8. live 13. come 4. haven't done 9. decided 14. will be staying/ is staying 5. have stopped 10.has become/ is becoming 15. will be going/ is going Question 2: 1. Unemployment 3. misunderstood 5. professional 7. robber 2. attentively 4. feeling 6. freezer 8. grammatical Question 3: 1. who 2. advice 3. paid 4. money 5. mind 6. day 7. by 8. said 9. man 10. open Question 4: 1. a 2. a 3.d 4. c 5.c(d) 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. b Question 5: a) 1. in 2. at 3. at 4. in 5. in 6 at 7. x 8. x 9. to 10. at b) 1. a - the 3. the 2. the - the 4. the - the Question 6: 1. There is nothing I would do for you. 2. It was such a funny film that I burst out laughing. 3. I should have thought of that before. 4. The news that her son had died was a great shock to her. 5. "How do you like my new dress, John" she asked John. 6. No longer do women in developed countries bear many children. 7. She asked me if/whether I had done that sorts of work before. 8. Provided (that) you save some money, you'll able to buy a car. 9. So fierce was the dog that nobody would visit them. 10. Five years has passed since I last saw her.