Đề luyện thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 8 - Năm học 2019-2020 (Có đáp án)

12. The last time I saw Khang, he looked very relaxed. He explained that he’d been on

holiday the ........................week.

a. earlier b. following c. next d. previous

13. We wonder ........................the tickets are on sales yet.

a. what b. when c. whether d. where

14. When I rang Oanh some time last week, she said she was busy.................day.

a. this b. that c. then d. the

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Nội dung text: Đề luyện thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 8 - Năm học 2019-2020 (Có đáp án)

  1. ĐỀ LUYỆN THI HSG LỚP 6 NĂM 2019 - 2020 MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÓ ĐÁP ÁN I/ Section one: vocabulary and structures Question 1: Choose the best answers 1. Don’t be silly! That possibly be Rivaldo! a. mustn’t b . shouldn’t c. won’t d. can’t 2. No sooner had we started the game, it began to rain. a. than b. then c. that d. and 3. I be interested in playing badminton as a child. a. could b. ought to c. might d. used to 4. They’ve told you time and time not to go out at night. a. to b. over c. again d. before 5. Sorry I’m late, but I feed my little son before leaving home. a. needed b. must c. had to d. was to 6. Smith writes very quickly. He’s finished his essay. a. already b. been c. for d. yet 7. What are you going to do? - I don’t know. I haven’t made my mind yet. a. on b. at c. in d. up 8. I’ve to Paris. I went there in March. a. been b. gone c. just d. yet 9. This is the first I’ve ever lived far from home. a. already b. since c. that d. time 10. What did the girl say ? a. at you b. for you c. you d. to you? 11. Phong rang his friend in Nha Trang yesterday, and he said it raining there.
  2. a. was b. is c. should be d. to be 12. The last time I saw Khang, he looked very relaxed. He explained that he’d been on holiday the week. a. earlier b. following c. next d. previous 13. We wonder the tickets are on sales yet. a. what b. when c. whether d. where 14. When I rang Oanh some time last week, she said she was busy day. a. this b. that c. then d. the 15. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others? a. just b. sun c. put d. bucket 16. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others? a. instead b. head c. heap d. dead 17. Which word has a different stress in the group? a. amount b. inventor c. garbage d. resource 18. This film must be new. We’ve seen it before. a. ever b. never c. since d. yet 19. He hates to do something by others. a. to be asked b. asking c. being asked d. to ask 20. Let’s go camping in the mountain, ? a. do we b. can we c. will we d. shall we Question 2: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses. 1. Phuong Linh arranged flowers the most (attract) in the contest. 2. It is a contest in which (participate) have to read two poems in English. 3. (environment) are concerned about the use of dynamite to catch fish. 4. Years later, she passed me in the street without even a small sign of (recognize). 5. Nam put (press) on that towel to stop the bleeding. 6. After many years of (fail), Edison finally succeeded in inventing the light bulb.
  3. 7. We use first-aid in order to ease the victim’s pain and (anxious). 8. She felt (relief) after she passed the exam. 9. You’ll meet the tour guide on your (arrive) at the hotel. 10. We can take buses or trains to Northern (destine) of Nha Trang. 11. Sapa is considered the most beautiful (mountain) resort in the north of Viet Nam. 12. It’s now high time you knew how to dress and (dress) yourself. 13. We are having a good time here. People on the island are very friendly and (hospitality). 14. The police are interested in the sudden (appear) of the valuable painting. 15. I wrote (end) letters of application but I got no reply. 16. A fairy appeared and ( MAGIC )changed her old clothes 17. The tiger wanted to see the farmer’s ( WISE ) 18. In that story, the prince got ( MARRY )to a poor girl 19. Let me get an ( APPLY ) form and I can fill out 20. He was ( FOOL ) to say that English is helpless II/ Section two: reading comprehension Question 1: Read these passages and match the each passage to its title. There is ONE title you needn’t use A. How I began D. My most frightening experience B. The worst aspect of my hobby E. Why I like my hobby C. My hopes for the future F. When and where I do it 1. ___ For me, every weekday begins the same: I get up at 7.00. I have breakfast, I take the bus to school, I go to lessons I don’t hate this daily routine, but it isn’t very thrilling. In the evenings, however, I drive Formula 1 cars, build enormous cities and defend my planet against aliens. In short, I play computer games. It’s like entering a different world. That’s why I love playing them so much.
  4. 2.___My interest incomputer games has taught me alotabout computer graphics .I want tostudy computing atcollege,and learn how todesign and program games.Eventually ,I’d liketostartmyownsoftwarecompany,creatingandtestingnewgames.Thatway,Icouldspendall daydoingwhatIlovemost. 3.___Computer games are interesting because they often contain stories and characters.Thegames aregetting better allthetime,buttheyarealsogetting moreexpensive.The onlythingIdon’tlikeaboutmyhobbyisthecost!Newgamesareoftenabout$50. 4.___Some ofmy friends from school are interested incomputer games too.We normally meet at my house in the evenings and play for a few hours .We sometimes play at weekends,butiftheweather’sgoodIprefertogocyclingorplaybasketballinstead. 5.___Ifirstbecameinterestedincomputergamesaboutfouryearsago.Iwasstaying withmycousin fortheweekend.Hehadsome games andhetaught mehowtoplaythem.Ibecame hookedimmediately!WhenIgothome,Idecidedtosaveallmymoneyforbuyinggames.NowI’ve gotabouttwentydifferentgames. Question 2: Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each gap Have you ever followed instructions for knitting something or have you read a piece of music? If you have, you have behaved in a similar way(1) a computer. A computer obeys aprogram tocarry outaparticular task.Just (2) aknitting pattern isexpressed in numbersandpieceofmusicinlinesanddots,soacomputerprogramis (3) in the form of programming language. Like the English language (or any other language), there are (4) of grammar, and a program must be correct in every way. There are hundreds of programming language, but only (5) are well-known and widely used .The most popular language which is used in offices (6) Cobol .This languageisusedforprintingpayrollsandkeepingrecordsofgoods.Engineersandscientists use Fortran (7) carry out calculations. (8) neither of these two
  5. programs is very popular with people working on home computers. Basis is the most popular language for home computers, chiefly (9) it is easy to learn and use. (10) these languages are useful for many purposes, it is time that a new simple program was devised. Such a program ought to be not only easy to use but also completely reliable. 1. A. to B. as C. so D. from 2. A. like B. by C. too D. as 3. A. expensive B. expresses C. expressed D. expressing 4. A. rules B. laws C. regulations D. principles 5. A. a little B. a few C. much D. a lot of 6. A. called B. calling C. is called D. is calling 7. A. so as for B. in order that C. so as that D. in order to 8. A. In addition B. Therefore C. Consequently D. However 9. A. because B. if C. because of D. unless 10. A. Even B. Despite C. Although D. In spite Question 3: Find and correct one mistake in each line of the passage below Nam is a student. This year he had a very interested 1 summer holiday. He traveled with him classmates to a 2 mountainous 3 area in Hoa Binh province. They gone there to help make a 4 road through a forest among two villages. “It was very 5 difficult because there had no water to drink and no shops 6 where we could bought food,” said Nam. “It was also cold 7 and wet 8 in the mountains. It is one of the wetter place in the country.” 9
  6. Nam stayed in the mountains since six weeks. It was hard 10 work, but he says it was the best thing he has ever did. He is hoping to return next year to do any more work there. III/ Section three: Writing Question 1: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences 1. exported / many / last year / rice / how / to/ Japan / tons / were / of / ? 2. trees / planting / on / the boys / the hill / group / are / the / in / volunteer / . 3. rain / heavy / from / prevented / the / playing / us / soccer. 4. if / he / me / some / asked / I / money / could / then / lend / him / 5. design / to send / friends / someone / greetings / Englishman / a card / Christmas / to / an / his / had /. 6. Le Lai Street / are/ living / they / in / at / An Giang / their / with /children / 186. 7. uncle / spent / most / their /of /the /violin / practicing / his time / in / room /music /the/. 8. which / us / tells / sentence / that / more / than / is / she / her / beautiful / sister /? 9. his / friends / old / unlike / he / is / impolite / very /. 10. going / fatherland / month / Kenny / his / is / family / next / visit / with / his / to /.
  7. 11. colleagues / go / he / to / to / weekend / and / don’t / have / at / work / the / his /. 12. there / she / near / wanted / a / here / was / museum / know / to / if /. 13. hold / going / their / are / they / tomorrow / party / house / at / to / a /. 14. going / aren’t / are / boys / the / the / they / canteen / to / school /? 15. for / you’ll / meeting / late / be / the / if / bed / to / soon / don’t / you / go Question 2: Rewrite sentences as directed so that it has the same meaning as the sentence given 1. Thinking of making toys from used paper was his interesting idea. It’s interesting that 2. He hasn’t come back to his home village for over 20 years now. It’s 3. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen. I have never 4. Please don’t interrupt me while I am speaking. I’d rather 5. Get up now or you’ll be late for school. If 6. The last time we met each other was ten years ago. We haven’t 7. Finding accommodation at busy time in Da Lat is difficult . It’s 8. Originally, tennis was an indoor game.
  8. Tennis used 9. My father prefers living in the countryside to living in the city. My father likes 10. Nobody in my class is as intelligent as Lan. Lan is 11. Have you ever played a computer game before? Is this 12. France presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1876. The Statue 13. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it. The water wasn’t 14. He hasn’t chatted with his classmates through the Internet for ages. It’s ages 15. People should stop experiments on animals. Experiments ĐÁP ÁN I/ Section one: vocabulary and structures Question 1: Choose the best answers (20 pts) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14B 15C 16 17 18 19 20 D A D C C A D A D D A D C C C B C D Question 2: Supply the correct forms of the word in parentheses. (20 pts) 1. attractively2. participants 3 . environmentalists 4. recognition 5. pressure 6. failure 7. anxiety 8. relieved 9. arrival 10. destinations
  9. 11. mountainous 12. undress 13. hospitable 14. disappearance 15. endless 16. magically 17. wisdom 18. married 19. application 20. foolish II/ Section two: reading comprehension Question 1: Read these passages and match the each passage to its title. There is ONE title you needn’t use(10 pts) 1E/ 2C/3B /4F /5A Question 2: Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each gap.(10 pts) 1A/ 2D/ 3C/4A/5B/ 6C/ 7D/ 8D/ 9A/ 10C Question 3: Find and correct one mistake in each line of the passage below.(10 pts) 1. interested thành interesting 2him thành his 3. gone thành went 4.among thành between 5. had thành was 6. bought thành buy 7. wetter thành wettest 8. since thành for 9. did thành done 10. any thành some III/ section three: writing Question 1: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.(15 pts) 1. How many tons of rice were exported to Japan last year? 2. The boys in the volunteer group are planting trees on the hill. 3. The heavy rain prevented us from playing soccer. 4. If I asked him some money, he could lend me then. 5. An Englishman had someone design a card to send Christmas greetings to his friends.
  10. 6. They are living with their children at 186 Le Lai Street in An Giang. 7. Their uncle spent most of his time practicing the violin in the music room. 8. Which sentence tells us that she is more beautiful than her sister? 9. Unlike his old friends, he is very impolite. 10. Kenny is going to visit his fatherland with his family next month. 11. He and his colleagues don’t have to go to work at the weekend. 12. She wanted to know if there was a museum near here. 13. They are going to hold a party at their house tomorrow. 14. The boys are (aren’t)going to the school canteen, aren’t (are)they? 15. If you don’t go to bed soon, you’ll be late for the meeting. Question 2: Rewrite sentences as directed so that it has the same meaning as the sentence given.(15pts) 1. It is interesting that he thought of making toys from used paper. 2. It’s over twenty years since he last came back to his home village. 3. I have never such a strange film before. 4. I’d rather you didn’t interrupt me while I am speaking. 5. If you don’t get up now, you’ll be late for school. 6. We haven’t met each other for ten years. 7. It’s difficult to find accommodation in Da Lat at busy time.
  11. 8. Tennis used to be an indoor game. 9. My father likes living in the countryside better than living in the city. 10. Lan is the most intelligent (student) in my class. 11. Is this the first time you have played a computer game? 12. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United State by the France in 1876. 13. The water wasn’t warm enough for the children to swim in. 14. It’s ages since he last chatted with his classmates through the Internet. 15. Experiments on animals should be stopped.