Đề ôn thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 26 (Có đáp án)

3. What did Nga’s grandma have to do when she was young? ~____________________.
A. She used to live on a farm B. She had to stay home and help her mom.
C. She had to look after her younger brothers and sisters D. Both B and C are correct
4. Nga’s great- grandma used to do everything without the help of modern equipment because there was no _____________ then.
A. traditional stories B. folktales C. electricity D. lamps
5. What does the word “one” in line 8 mean?
A. A story B. A lamp C. A shoe D. electricity
docx 3 trang Hải Đông 17/02/2024 700
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  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 26 I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. 1. A. meal B. please C. clean D. great-grandma 2. A. life B. lit C. light D. like 3. A. poor B. cook C. look D. book 4. A. folk B. old C. story D. folder 5. A. traditional B. grandma C. tale D. lamp II. The following sentences are incomplete. Choose from the four options given. 1. She___ look after her younger brothers and sisters. A. used to B. use to C. used D. uses 2. Nga’s grandma___ stay home and help her Mom. A. had B. have C. had to D. haved to 3. People didn’t___ talk on the phone 200 years ago. A. use B. used C. use to D. used to 4. The best old folktale was The___ Shoe. A. losing B. lose C. losed D. lost 5. Mom had to do everything___ the help of modern equipment. A. without B. for C. of D. to III. Read the following passage then answer questions below This is Nga’s grandma. She used to live on a farm when she was a young girl. Life was hard then so she didn’t go to school because she had to stay home and help her mom. She used to look after her younger brothers and sisters. Nga’s great- grandma used to cook the meals, clean the house and wash the clothes. That was a hard work and there wasn’t any electricity then so she had to do everything without the help of modern equipment. In the evening, Nga’s great- grandmother and great-grandfather used to stay home. She lit the lamp and he used to tell Nga’s grandma stories after dinner. And the best one Nga’s grandma still remembered was The Lost Shoe. 1. Where did Nga’s grandma use to live when she was a young girl? ~ ___. A. On a farm B. In a city C. In a school D. In a town 2. Was life hard then? ~ ___.
  2. A. No, it was B. Yes, it was C. No, life wasn’t D. Yes, life was 3. What did Nga’s grandma have to do when she was young? ~___. A. She used to live on a farm B. She had to stay home and help her mom. C. She had to look after her younger brothers and sisters D. Both B and C are correct 4. Nga’s great- grandma used to do everything without the help of modern equipment because there was no ___ then. A. traditional stories B. folktales C. electricity D. lamps 5. What does the word “one” in line 8 mean? A. A story B. A lamp C. A shoe D. electricity IV. Choose the correct sentence by circling A, B, C or D according to the given words. 1. After dinner/ Mom /lit/ lamp/ Dad/ used/ tell us / stories. A. After dinner, Mom lit lamp, Dad used tell us stories. B. After dinner, Mom lit the lamp and Dad used to telling us stories. C. After dinner, Mom lit the lamp and Dad used to tell for us stories. D. After dinner, Mom lit the lamp and Dad used to tell us stories. 2. What/ Nga’s great- grandma/ use/ do/? A. What does Nga’s great- grandma used to do? B. What does Nga’s great- grandma use to doing? C. What did Nga’s great- grandma use to do? D. What did Nga’s great- grandma used to do? 3. best/ folktale / be/ Lost Shoe. A. The best folktale was The Lost Shoe. B. A best folktale was A Lost Shoe. C. The best folktale be The Lost Shoe. D. A best folktale was a “The Lost Shoe”. 4. Nga’s grandma / use/ live / farm. A. Nga’s grandma uses to live in a farm. B. Nga’s grandma used to living on the farm. C. Nga’s grandma used to live on a farm. D. Nga’s grandma used live on a farm.
  3. Keys – practice 26 I- 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C II- 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A III- 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A IV- 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.C