Đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề 57

17. What's your birthday, Ann ? - It's ........................ .
A. on the thirty-one of July B. on the thirty-first of July
C. on July the thirty-one D. in July the thirty-first
18. Tommy is a better swimmer than Tony.
A. No one can swim as well as Tommy and Tony.
B. Tommy is the best swimmer of all, apart from Tony.
C. Tony can’t swim so well as Tommy.
D, Tony can’t be better than Tommy.
19. Christine finds it easy to make friends.
A. It is easy to make friends to Christine
B. Christine has no difficulty making friends.
C. Christine has a lot of friends.
D. Christine is fond of making friends.
docx 5 trang Hải Đông 20/02/2024 420
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  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 57 I. Which word is differently pronounced ? Circle the letter A, B, C or D ( 1 point ) : 1. A. business B. send C. noisy D. workers 2. A. hour B. horn C. high D. home 3 A. finished B. stopped C. pronounced D. closed 4. A. few B. threw C. knew D. new 5. A. corn B. carriage C. city D. car 6. A. wear B. where C. hair D. here 7. A. both B. dozen C. close D. so 8. A. shoot B. food C. poor D. mood 9. A. laughter B. caught C. taught D. daughter 10. A. the B. them C. they D. three II. Choose the best by circling the corresponding letter A or B, C, D ( 2.5 points ) : 1. I sometimes stay bed until lunchtime. A. in B. on C. at D. by 2. He has gone abroad. He will return A. for two years B. in two years C. for two years ago D. in next two years 3. Please the radio, it’s too noisy. A. slow down B. turn down C. put down D. let down 4. to swim across a flooded river. A. Dangerous C. Very dangerous is B. There has danger D. It’s dangerous 5. Every car a number at the back and front. A. is having B. have C. has D. are having 6. The singers were at the microphone at the time of the broadcast. . A. It was a successful broadcast C. It was a charity broadcast B. It was an education broadcast D. It was a live broadcast 7. Good morning Susan. This is my sister, Emily. . A. What do you do? B. How do you do? C. What do you like? D. Don't I meet you? 8. , Sir? - Fruit salad, please. A. What would you like for dessert B. What dessert you would like C. How would you like for dessert D. How dessert would like 9. Could you tell me to get to the bank? A. where B. what C. how D. place 10.You did very in your study. A. good B. excellent C. bad D. well 11. Wait a minute I want to a picture of you and the baby. A. take B. give C. make D. do
  2. 12. Airmail is much than surface mail. A. expensive B. very expensive C. more expensive D. most expensive 13. No one can make me my mind ? A. change B. changing C. to change D. changed 14. What are you cooking in that saucepan ? It good ? A. makes B. feels C. smells D. tastes 15. This is my book and . A. that are yours B. those are your C. that are your D. those are yours 16. Lan's got dark hair, but is fair. A. his brother's hair B. his brother hairs C. his brother hair D. his brother hair's 17. What's your birthday, Ann ? - It's . A. on the thirty-one of July B. on the thirty-first of July C. on July the thirty-one D. in July the thirty-first 18. Tommy is a better swimmer than Tony. A. No one can swim as well as Tommy and Tony. B. Tommy is the best swimmer of all, apart from Tony. C. Tony can’t swim so well as Tommy. D, Tony can’t be better than Tommy. 19. Christine finds it easy to make friends. A. It is easy to make friends to Christine B. Christine has no difficulty making friends. C. Christine has a lot of friends. D. Christine is fond of making friends. 20. She started learning English 3 years ago. A. She started learning English 3 years. B. She has learnt English for 3 years. C. She started learning English since 3 years. D. She learnt English since 3 years. 21. Walking a mile a day is good exercise. A. It is good exercise for walking a mile a day. B. It is good exercise walking a mile a day. C. It is good exercise to walk a mile a day. D. It is good exercise to walking a mile a day. 22. We / collect stamps. A. We likes collecting stamps C. We like to colleting stamps B. We likes stamps collect D. We enjoy collecting stamps. 23. What time / you / work ? A. What time you work ? C. What time do you start work ? B. What time do you go work ? D. What time do you go to work ?
  3. 24. I / ski / the winter / sometimes. A. I ski the winter sometimes. C. I sometimes go skiing in the winter. B. I ski on winter sometimes. D. I sometimes go to ski in winter. 25. He / weak / that job. A. He is too weak to do that job. C. He doesn't week to do that job. B. He is weak doing that job. D. He does that job weak. III. Give the correct tense or form of the verb in brackets ( 1 point ) : 1. He couldn't make his motor bike (start ) this morning. 2. I dislike (listen ) to music while (do) my homework. 3. These tigers used (keep) in iron cages . 4. What you (do) when I (phone) you last night ? 5. When we entered his room, we (see) him (sleep) in an armchair. 6. She said that her mother (not be) very well, so she (can not) go to the party. Answers : 1/ 2/ ; 3/ 4/ ; 5/ ; 6/ ; IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct by circling the letter A or B, C, D ( 1 point ) : 1. The new model costs twice more than last year’s model. A B C D 2. Her husband hasn't done anything at home for year. A B C D 3. It's not good for healthy to smoke and to drink wine. A B C D 4. After said good bye to my parents, I went to school with my sister. A B C D 5. Sorry. I'm very tired that I can't stay any longer . A B C D 6. I used to getting up late when I was small. A B C D 7. At first I found it strangely to drive on the left side of the road. A B C D 8. I will intend to go back home when I finish my education. A B C D 9. The phone rung while I was washing the dishes. A B C D 10. Henry's friends told themselves to put his coat on the rack in their hall. A B C D V. Read the passage carefully . Then do the exercises below: ( 1.5 points ) :
  4. Why do people in many countries learn English ? It is not difficult to answer this question. Students learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers learn it for their higher studies because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers and magazines in English. 1. The following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F ). Put T or F at the end of each statement : a/ English is learnt by people in many countries. b/ Students learn English because their parents make them. c/ Teenagers learn English because they want to go abroad. d/ Many adults learn English because it helps them in their work. e/ Books are always in English at the college or university. 2. Answer these questions: a. Why do students learn English at school ? b. What do you often do to improve your English ? VI. Use the correct form of the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence (1p): 1. Paris is ___ for the Eiffel Tower. ( fame ) 2. I think these thick clothes are very ___ for cold weather. ( suit ) 3. It's ___ in England to eat turkey on Christmas Day. ( tradition ) 4. On Christmas Day, I often send my close friends ___ cards. ( greet ) 5. Tam Dao is a wonderful ___ resort in Vietnam. ( mountain ) 6. How ___ of you to break that cup ! ( care ) 7. We hate him because of his ___ to the children. ( Kind ) 8. The boy ate two of the cakes ___ . ( hungry ) 9. I had my bike ___ yesterday. ( repair ) 10. Women nowadays have more ___ to participate in social activities. ( free ) VII. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first . Use the word in brackets ( 2 points ) : 1. Your shoes are as big as mine. ( size ) 2. If you run a lot, you’ll be fitter. ( The ) 3. Could you tell me the way to the nearest Post office, please ? ( mind ) ? 4. She is too young to do that work. ( enough ) 5. Who wrote that poem ? ( by ) 6. Martin said to Susan : " Can you work on Saturday ? " ( could )
  5. 7. When I was young , I regularly walked to school . ( used ) 8. I’m very sorry I don’t remember your birthday. ( wish ) 9. Yesterday’s work was easier than today’s . ( difficult ) 10. Hoa said " Would you like to join me for dinner, Mai ? " ( invited )