Đề giao lưu học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Phòng GD và ĐT Tam Dương

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
11. A. boot B. school C. choose D. book
12. A. heavy B. leave C. head D. ready
13. A. chemistry B. mechanic C. machine D. chemist
14. A. pens B. hats C. caps D. books
15. A. grow B. bowl C. shower D. elbow
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Nội dung text: Đề giao lưu học sinh giỏi cấp huyện môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Phòng GD và ĐT Tam Dương

  1. PHÒNG GD&ĐT TAM DƯƠNG ĐỀ GIAO LƯU HỌC SINH GIỎI CẤP HUYỆN NĂM HỌC 2017-2018 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC MÔN : TIẾNG ANH 6 Đề thi này gồm 03 trang Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) PART A. LISTENING Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the missing information. Receptionist: Good evening, sir. Mr. Collins: Good evening. My name is Arthur Collins. I believe you have a (1)___ reserved for me. Receptionist: Just a moment, Mr. Collins. Let me see Collins yes, Mr. Collins. You booked a single room (2)___ days ago. Is that right? Mr. Collins: Yes, that’s right. Receptionist: Mr. Collins, your room number is (3)___ on the (4)___ floor. Would you fill in this form, please? Mr. Collins: Certainly. Receptionist: How long do you intend to stay in the hotel, Mr. Collins? Mr. Collins: Let me see today is (5)___ and probably I’m going to leave on Friday (6)___. Receptionist: On Friday morning, I see. Mr. Collins: Oh, excuse me. Where shall I put my (7)___ number? Receptionist: Just at the (8)___. That’s right. Thank you. Mr. Collins: Oh, would you please wake me up at 7:10 in the morning, please? Receptionist: Ten (9)___ seven, certainly. Porter, please take Mr. Collins’s (10)___ to his room. Mr. Collins, please follow him. Mr. Collins: Thank you. Receptionist: You are welcome. PART B. PHONETICS I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. 11. A. boot B. school C. choose D. book 12. A. heavy B. leave C. head D. ready 13. A. chemistry B. mechanic C. machine D. chemist 14. A. pens B. hats C. caps D. books 15. A. grow B. bowl C. shower D. elbow II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words in each group. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. 16. A. begin B. visit C. invite D. destroy 17. A. activity B. appliance C. adventure D. entertain 18. A. television B. suggestion C. vacation D. attention 19. A. intersection B. lemonade C. engineer D. telephone 20. A. chemistry B. biology C. physics D. history PART C. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. Choose the best answer from the four options (A or B, C, D) to complete each of the following sentences. 21. Our family often gets up at six o’clock and eats ___. A. a breakfast big B. the big breakfast C. a big breakfast D. the breakfast big 22. These are Nga’s pens, and those are ___. A. us B. our C. ours D. our’s 23. The movie theater is almost empty. There are ___ people. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 24. People often go to the ___ to sunbathe. A. beaches B. rivers C. mountains D. deserts 25. Dung is the ___ of the two students. A. cleverer B. cleverest C. clever D. most clever 1
  2. 26. Would you mind opening the window? A. No, I wouldn’t B. No, thank you C. Yes, please D. Not at all 27. Ha has ___ friends than Nam. Nam has ___ friends than her. A. fewer/ less B. few/ many C. fewer/ more D. less/ more 28. Sorry to keep you ___ so long. A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waits 29. My brother always helps me ___ a lot of homework at home. A. doing B. does C. to do D. to doing 30. Mrs. Lan ___ go to the market with her husband. A. usually does not B. does usually not C. usually not does D. does not usually II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences. a) My parents (31. save) ___ money now. They (32.buy) ___ a new car next year. b) Tom spends most of his free time (33. listen)___ to music and (34. read)___books. c) You should not talk so loudly. My children (35. sleep)___ in the next room. d) Either Baker or his wife (36. make) ___ breakfast each morning. e) The dark clouds disappear. I am sure that It (37. not rain) ___ . f) He (38. not go) ___ to see the movies on Sunday nights. g) It is expensive (39. travel)___ around the world by plane. h) I can’t help (40. laugh) ___ when I see that clown. III. Find out one mistake in each of the following sentences, then correct it. 41. My friend has less books in English than I do. ___ 42. They often go to bed early and never get up lately. ___ 43. Do you know how much does it cost to fly from Ho Chi Minh to Jakarta? ___ 44. I like watching TV. There are a good film on TV tonight. ___ 45. It is a four-hours train journey from Ha Noi to Lao Cai. ___ IV. Use the word given in CAPITAL letters to form a word that fits in the space. 46. We are very ___ of our parents. PRIDE 47. Do you want to become a famous ___ some day, Hoa ? ACT 48. Of the two houses, my house is the ___. OLD 49. Is Tam Duong a ___ district? MOUNTAIN 50. Marry spent her happy ___ in her hometown. CHILD 51. Talking is the most popular ___at recess. ACT 52. The president made a ___ tonight. SPEAK 53. Nam is sometimes punished for his ___. LAZY 54. It’s unpleasant to meet such a/an ___person. FRIEND 55. There are a lot of yellow ___ under this tree. LEAF PART D. READING I. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the following passage. I have a very close friend. Her name is Lan. She is twelve years (56) ___. She is in grade six. She (57) ___ speak English. She has English (58) ___ Tuesday and Friday. She can also (59) ___ the piano. In her room, (60) ___ is a piano and lots of interesting books. Everyday she gets up at six. She (61) ___ breakfast at 6.30 and goes to school at a (62) ___ to seven. She has her (63) ___ from seven o’clock to eleven thirty. Then she (64) ___ home and has lunch at twelve o’clock. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon now. Lan is in her room. She is (65) ___ the piano. II. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each question below. Food is a store of chemical energy. If you look on the side of food packets you will see the food’s energy content. This is usually measured in kilojoules, kJ. If we eat too little food, we will use up our store of fat and become too thin. If we eat too much food, especially food rich in sugar and fat, we will increase our store of fat and become too fat. So it is important to balance the amount of food we eat with who we are and what we do. The amount of energy we need from our food depends on our age, our height and how much exercise we get. For example, a one-year old baby needs 3,850 kJ each day to continue to grow, whereas an adult Olympic swimmer in training needs 15,600 kJ each day. Someone who sits at a desk all day will need less food than their twin who climbs ladders all day to wash windows. 2
  3. 66. We become fat because ___ . A. we eat too much food B. we eat too little food C. we do exercise much enough D. we don’t sleep well 67. Which food causes fat? A. vegetables B. sugar and fat C. fibre D. water 68. Which of the followings is true according to the passage? A. People can prevent fat from not sleeping. B. People can prevent fat from drinking much wine. C. It is important to balance the amount of food we eat. D. It is not essential to balance the amount of food we eat. 69. The amount of energy we need from our food depends on ___ . A. our age B. our health C. how we sleep D. fat we eat 70. How many kilojoules does a one-year old baby need to continue to grow each day? A. a lot B. 8,350 kJ C. 15,600 kJ D. 3,850 kJ III. Read the following passage then choose the best answer from the four options (marked A, B, C and D) to complete the numbered blanks in the passage. Dear Hanh, I’m writing to invite you to a party we ___ (71) at the flat next Friday, December 14th. As you know, ___ (72) Lan’s 13th birthday next week and my birthday next month, ___ (73) we thought we’d celebrate together and have a joint party. I can’t remember if you know my address or not, but anyway, if you ___ (74) the direction below, you shouldn’t get lost. Take the Number 15 bus from the station and ___ (75) at the Star Hotel. Walk down Long Viet Road, past the Dan Chu Cinema, and then ___ (76) the first turning on the right. That’s Le Loi Road. Turn left ___ (77) the first junction, then go straight past the church as far as the next crossroads. ___ (78) and our block of flats is the second on the right. Do try and come. Of course you’re ___ (79) to bring someone with you if you want to. Look forward ___ (80) you then! 71. A. have B. are having C. going to have D. will has 72. A. it’s B. its C. they’re D. she’s 73. A. too B. that C. because D. so 74. A. to follow B. follow C. following D. follows 75. A. get off B. get by C. get on D. get up 76. A. have B. get C. take D. bring 77. A. in B. at C. of D. on 78. A. Right turn B. To right C. To turn D. Turn right 79. A. welcome B. welcomed C. welcoming D. to welcome 80. A. to see B. for seeing C. of seeing D. to seeing PART E. WRITING: I. Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that its meaning does not change. 81. How much are these bowls of noodle?  What’s . 82. Is this the most difficult test you meet?  Do . 83. Does Mrs. Smith often travel to Viet Nam by plane ?  Does 84. Mai’s younger sister’s hat is more expensive than hers.  Mai’s hat 85. Because Hoa was ill, she couldn’t go to school yesterday.  Because of . II. Write a paragraph of about 80- 100 words to describe a season you like best and what you often do in that season. HẾT (Giám thị coi thi không giải thích gì thêm) Họ tên thí sinh SBD: phòng thi 3