Đề luyện thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 10 (Có đáp án)

a. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (100,2=2,0 pts)
1. “ Recycling” means not …………… way.
A.throwing things away B.throw things away
C.blowing things away D. not blowing things away
2. I think it is good to spend time ……….English pronunciation.
A.in B.on C.with D.at
3. Two teams take part in the ………… contest
A.fetching – water B.water – fetching
B.fetched – water D.water - fetched
docx 7 trang Hải Đông 17/02/2024 880
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  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 10 I.PHONETICS: a. Choose one word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B, C, or D: (50,2=1.0 pt) 1. A. Sugar B. Sorry C. Seaside D. Summer 2. A. Page B. Village C. luggage D. Heritage 3. A. Seat B. Great C.Please D. Beach 4. A. Hotel B.Photo C. Move D.Pagoda 5. A. Typhoon B. Goose C. Food D. Flood b. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others (50,2=1,0 pt) 1. A. realize B. improve C. possible D. comfortable 2. A. important B. especially C. prefed D. influence 3. A. general B.opinion C. abroad D.surprise 4. A.comfort B.nation C.apply D.moment 5. A. medical B.advise C.vegetables D. physical II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: a. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (100,2=2,0 pts) 1. “ Recycling” means not way. A.throwing things away B.throw things away C.blowing things away D. not blowing things away 2. I think it is good to spend time .English pronunciation. A.in B.on C.with D.at 3. Two teams take part in the contest A.fetching – water B.water – fetching B.fetched – water D.water - fetched 4. She is not old .to go out alone in the evening. A.enough B.for C. so that D. that 5. Ha Long Bay, one of the most picturesque sights in Viet Nam, was . by UNESCO as world Heritage Site. A.recognized B.signed C.realized D. collected 6. Could you help me this door, please? A.push B.pushing C.pushed D.for pushing 7. At the end of the street there is path . To the river. A.leads B.leasd C.leading D.led 8. All letters .today should arrive tomorrow. A.posted B.post C.to post D.posting 9. When I arrived, there was a big red car outside the house. A.park B.parked C.parking D.parks 10. I live in a pleasant room . The garden. A.overlook B.overlooks C.overlooker D.overlooking b. Write the correct form of the words given in capital letters: (100,2=2.0 pts) 1. Farmers are always faced with brought about by typhoons, floods or droughts. (destroy) 2. They made a decision to close down the factory . (permanence) 3. She was for days after the accident. (conscious)
  2. 4. A few passengers received serious . in the accident. (injure) 5. Children often feel a lot of about their first day at school. (anxious) 6. He drinks a lot of coffee to keep him . (wake) 7. Linda is one of the . from Friends of the Earth. (represent) 8. Attractive . can help to sell products. (package) 9. These products are friendly. (environment) 10. It’s difficult to find . at busy time. (accommodate) c. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets: (50,2=1.0 pt) 1. When the phone rang, I (water) the flowers in the garden. 2. You should practice ( speak) English everyday. 3. It (get) hotter and hotter in June. 4. His doctor advised him (give) . Up somoking. 5. My uncle (not visit) us since he (move) to the new town. d. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: (50,2=1,0 pt) 1. Instead going to the theater, we'll go to the concert. 2. There is nothing to prevent the children playing there. 3. They will be here a few minutes. 4. Most children often participate outdoor activitives in their free time. 5. You are very different your brother. III. READING: a. Read and circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage: (100,2=2,0 pts) There (1) many simple things we can do to stop the (2). of the invironment. First of all, we should not dump our rubbish without (3) which things, such as bottles and paper can (4). . We should put objectives that we can recycle in (5) bins. Secondly, instead of talking our car wherever we go, we ought to leave it at home (6) possible, and go on foot or (7) public transport. When we have to drive to the market (8) our shopping, we should always remember (9) our own bags (10). we don't need to use the supermarket's plastic bags. 1. A. are B.is C.was D.were 2. A. destroy B. destroyed C.destructive D. destruction 3. A. think B.to think C.thinking D. thought 4. A.be recycled B.recycle C.recycling D. being recycled 5. A. recycle B. recycles C. recycled D. recycling 6. A. where B.whenever C.when D. wherever 7. A. on B. in C. by D. to 8. A. to do B. do C. to make D. making 9. A. taking B.to take C. take D. took 10. A.so B. that C. so that D. so as b. Read the passage and fill the suitable word in the blank: (100,2=2 pts) The world's (1) famous clock is Big Ben standing (2). to the Housees of Parliament in London. Big Ben is the (3). of the bell which chimes every hour. The Bell (4). named after Sir Benjamin Hall, the man (5) was given the tast of hauling the bell up the clock tower. The clock (6) four faces and keeps accurate time. It can (7).
  3. adjusted by the removal or addition of coins (8) a stray attached to the clock pendulum. One interesting thing about the clock (9) the light shines above the belfry at night, it (10) that the House of Common is still in session. c. Read the passage and answer the questions. (1.0 pt) TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. It has been the law for about 300 years that all theaters are closed on Sundays. No letters are delivered, only a few Sunday papers are published. To this day an English family prefers a house with a garden to a flat in a modern house with a central heating. English people like gardens. Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little square covered with cement painted garden in inmitation of grass and box of flowers. Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. Christmas is a great English national holiday, and in Scotland it is not kept, except by clerks in banks, all shops and factories are working. 1. How important are traditions in Britain? 2. What do Englishmen do to their traditions? 3. Which does an English family prefer, a house with a garden or a flat? 4. Find sentences in the text which shows that the English people like gardens very much? 5. How is Christmas kept in Scotland? IV WRITING: a. Use the following words and phrases. Make all the necessary changes and additions to write complete and meaningful sentences. (50,2=1,0 pt) 1. I / not / see / him / since / we / leave / school. 2. This / be / first time / Tim / see / rice paddies. 3. compost / make / from / household and garden waste. 4. he / tell / me / that / he / borrow / book / school library. 5. would / you / mind / if / I / sit / here? b. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in brackets so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the words given in any way: (100,2=2,0 pts) I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence 1. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before. → This is the first
  4. 2. My brother started working in that factory five years ago. → My brother has 3. ‘Can I borrow your bike, Nga?’ ,Nam askerd. → Nam asked Nga . 4. This pen belongs to Phong. → This is 5. They haven’t cleaned the streets this weed. → The streets . 6. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges. → Apples are not 7. He’d rather play golf than tennis. → He prefers 8. Mai broke the cup because of her carelessness. → Because Mai 9. How long is it since they built the house? → When 10. You are not allowed to smoke here. → Would you mind c. Write a composition about 130 words about one of the interesting places in your country, using some headlines below. ( 2.0 pts) (don’t show your name, your school or your village): - Name of the place. - Sights/ landscapes. - Acommadation and food. - Available transportation.
  5. Keys – practice 10 I. PHONETICS: a. Choose one word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B, C, or D. (50,2=1.0 pt) 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D b. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others (50,2=1.0 pt) 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: a. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (100,2=2.0 pts) 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. A 9.C 10. D b. Write the correct form of the words given in capital letters to complete the following sentences. (100,2=2.0 pts) 1. destruction 2. permanently 3. unconscious 4. injuries 5. anxiety 6. awake 7. representatives 8. packaging 9. environmentally 10. accommodation c. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. (50,2=1.0 pt) 1. was watering 2. speaking 3. is getting 4. to give 5.hasn't visited - moved d. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: (50,2=1.0 pt) 1. of 2. from 3.in 4. in 5. from III. READING: a. Read and circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage: (100,2=2,0 pts) 1. A. are 2.D. destruction 3.C.thinking 4. A.be recycled 5. D. recycling
  6. 6. B.whenever 7.C. by 8. A. to do 9.B.to take 10.C. so that b. Read the passage and fill the suitable word in the blank: (100,2=2.0 pts) 1. most 2. next 3. name 4. was 5. who 6. has 7. be 8. on 9. that 10. means c. Read the passage and answer the questions. (5 x 0,2=1.0 pt) 1. In Britain, traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries. 2. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. 3. An English family prefers a house with a garden to a flat. 4. " An English people like gardens. Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little square covered with cement painted garden in inmitation of grass and box of flowers". 5. In Scotland, Christmas is not kept, except by clerks in banks, all shops and factories are working. IV. WRITING: a. Use the following words and phrases. Make all the necessary changes and additions to write complete and meaningful sentences. (5 0,2 = 1.0 pt) 1. I have not seen him since we left school. 2. This is the first time Tim has seen (the) rice paddies. 3. Compost is made from household and garden waste. 4. He told me that he borrowed this/ that/ a book from the school library. 5. Would you mind if I sat here? b. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in brackets so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the words given in any way. (100,2=2,0 pts) 1. This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food.
  7. 2. My brother has worked in that factory for five years. 3. Nam asked Nga to lend her bike/ Nam askes Nga if she could lend him her bike/ Nam askes Nga if he could borrow her bike. 4. This is Phong's pen. 5. The streets haven't been cleaned this week. 6. Apples are not usually as expensive as oranges. 7. He prefers golf to tennis/ He prefers playing golf to playing tennis. 8. Because Mai was careless, she broke the cup. 9. When did they begin building the house?/ When did they build the house? 10. Would you mind not smoking here? c. Write a composition about 150 words about about one of the interesting places in your country, using some headlines below. ( 3.0 pts) (don’t show your name, your school or your village): The composition must have at least four ideas below. -Name of the place.(0,5pt) - Sights/ landscapes. (1 pt) - Acommadation and food. (1 pt) - Available transportation. (0,5pt)