Đề luyện thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 55 (Có đáp án)

Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues
1. No matter how hard I tried, I couldnt open the door.
2. Nobody helped me to do this
3. She didnt work hard enough, so she lost the job.
The reason........................
4.What he does is not acceptable.
Nobody ...................................
5. I would love to live in Paris for a year
If only.............................................
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  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 55 Question 1: Supply the correct form of verbs in parentheses 1. By the end of this week my illness (cost) me $ 100 2. I(be) not able to join them in the bicycle ride into the country. I (lend) John my bike the day before. 3.Coming up to the desk he(take) the key that (leave) there by the doorman and (start) up the stairs to his room. Inside he (find) that the letters (be) not where he (leave) them. His room (break) in while he was out. 4.Writing many letters (make) her happy. 5.He (work) on the report when you (arrive) this afternoon 1. I know, but I can't help ( have) a cup of tea afer dinner. It is one of my greatest pleasures since I quit (smoke). Question 2: use the correct form of these words in brackets 1. May I borrow your ? (calculate) 2. Not long ago, I was introduced to a famous (art) 3. The of his wife was a great blow to him. ( lose) 4. She has been worn down by and illness. (poor) 5. The plane arrived after a violent storm. ( safe) 6. Many people find it to advertise. (waste) 7. Our pupils are raising money for the (poor) 8. hunters are killing many elephants for their ivory. (legal) 9. It was the actor's finest (perform) 10. He's the of this machine. ( invent) Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word Many people nowadays have to 1 false teeth when they are middle-aged. Since the beginning of this century, 2 decay has greatly increased. The amount of sugar 3 our food has also increased. Doctors and dentists now know that 4 is the main 5 of tooth 6 Eskimos' teeth, for example, started to decay 7 they began to eat sweeter food. Long ago doctors did not like to treat people's teeth. Hairdressers and blacksmiths looked 8 people's teeth and pulled them 9 when they decayed. Some people thought toothache was a punishment 10 the gods. Question 4: a/ Complete these tag questions 1. I'm right, ? 2. They had to do it, ? 3. Nobody died in that accidents, ? 4. Don’t tell him about this, ? 5. Let's have a picnic on the beach , ? 6. Noone took him back his hotel, ? b/ Put the words in order so as to make up correct sentences. 1. a rule/ o' clock / eight / as / he / at / up / gets. 2. he / ten / ready / minutes / breakfast / in / for / is. 3. the/ stands / on / Thames/ London/ two/ equal / it / into / divides/ which / parts. 4. phone/ there/ our/ be/ must / wrong/ something / with Question 5: Fill in the blanks with a suitable word provided below:
  2. Few a few no many much a lot most all a little none In Sweden there is only 1 cigarette advertising because the government has been successful in preventing 2 cigarette advertisements. Although there are 3 cigarette advertisements in magazines (but not many), there are 4 cigarette advertisements at all in cinemas and also 5 on the radio and television. In Britain and United States 6 of cigarette advertisements show beautiful girls and handsome men smoking cigarettes. In spite of attempts to stop people smoking, there are even more advertisements than before. In Sweden, however, there must be 7 people in cigarette advertisements. The Swedish government wants as 8 people as possible to give up smoking. It tells people that 9 smokers usually die at a 10 earlier age than non-smokers. b) Combine the sentences as directed. 1. Lan has a nice voice. Everybody likes it. ( such that) 2. In spite of all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong (although) 3. Arthur is not in class today. He is ill (because of) 4. I need to get apart time job. I want to earn some money for my school expenses ( in order to) 5. The air is too polluted for us to breath. (so that) Question 6: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues 1. No matter how hard I tried, I couldnt open the door. Try 2. Nobody helped me to do this I 3. She didnt work hard enough, so she lost the job. The reason 4.What he does is not acceptable. Nobody 5. I would love to live in Paris for a year If only 6 Nobody can deny that she is nice. It cant 7. His passport was nowhere to be found. Noone 8.A train leaves at 8 o`clock everymorning There is 9. Rich as he was, he never helped the poor. No 10. What's the weight of your suitcase? How
  3. KEYS Question 1: 1. will have cost 2. was - had lent 3. took - had been left - started - found - weren't - had left - had been broken 4. makes 5. will be working - arrive 6. having - smoking Question 2: 1. calculator 2. artist 3. loss 4. poverty 5. safely 6. wasteful 7. poor 8. illegal 9. performance 10. inventor. Question 3: 1. wear 2. tooth 3. in 4. sugar 5. cause 6. decay 7. when 8. after 9. out 10. from Question 4: a) 1. aren't 2. didn't 3. did they 4. will you 5. shall we 6. did they. b) 1. As a rule, he gets up at eight o'clock. 2. He is ready for breakfast in ten minutes. 3. London stands on the Thames which devides it into two equal parts. 4. There must be something wrong with our phone. Question 5: a) 1. a little 2. most3. a few 4. no 5. none6. a lot 7. few 8. many 9. all 10. much b) 1. Lan has such a nice voice that everybody likes it. 2. Although our plans were careful, a lot of thing went wrong 3. Because of his (the) illness, Arthur is not in class today. 4. In order to earn some money for my school expenses, I need to get a part time job. 5. The air is so poluted that we can't breath it. Question 6: 1. Try as hard as I might, I couldn't open the door. 2. I built this on my own. 3. The reason why she lost the job was that she didn't work hard enough. 4. Nobody accepts what he does. 5. Of only I could live in Paris for a year. 6. It can't be denied that She is nice. 7. Noone found his passport anywhere. 8. There is an eight o'clock train every morning( There is a train leaving at 8 o'clock every morning) 9. No matter how rich he was , he never helped the poor. 10. How much does your suitcase weigh?