Đề luyện thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 58 (Có đáp án)

III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. It is the most ( FRIGHT) . . film I’ve ever seen.
2. After living with him for a month, she found his ( BEHAVE) .. .unacceptable.
3. She is very good at English. She has a/an ( IMPRESS) . . .command of the language.
4. You need a lot of ( PATIENT) . . if you really want to becoe a doctor.
5. He doesn’t look well because he’s suffered from constant (SLEEP)
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Nội dung text: Đề luyện thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 58 (Có đáp án)

  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 58 I. Choose the best answers: 1. When he left school, John decided to ( change to/ become/ train for/ study) a priest instead of studying languages. 2. Take this road and you will ( arrive/ come/ find/ reach) at the hotel in five minutes. 3. I hope you don’t mind me ( to telephone/ telephone/ telephoning/ telephoned) so late at night. 4. Hello. Is that 885811? Please put me ( across/ up/ over/ through) to Janet. 5. I have to leave before seven and so ( leave you/ you have/ you do/ do you) 6. He refused to give up work, ( despite/ however/ even though/ as though) he’d won a million pounds. 7. Give me a word ( begins/ began/ begin/ beginning) with S 8. A chicken can ( lie/ lay/ put/ place) up to three eggs a day. 9. The child was told to ( excuse/ apologize/ forgive/ confess) for being rude to his uncle. 10. I don’t think that the red dress ( suits/ matches/ cheers/ agrees) her. II. Rewrite these sentences without changing their meanings. 1. It was so late that nothing could be done. - It was too 2. I haven’t got enough time to go to the cinema. - If I 3. He could not drive it. He could not sell it. - He could neither 4. I have never seen such a mess in my life. - It is 5. I can’t cook as well as my mother does. - My mother 6. I often get up early. - I am used 7. “ You stole my best cassette, Amanda!” said William - William accused 8. John Speke failed to find the source of the River Nile. - John Speke didn’t succeed III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. It is the most ( FRIGHT) . . film I’ve ever seen. 2. After living with him for a month, she found his ( BEHAVE) .unacceptable. 3. She is very good at English. She has a/an ( IMPRESS) . . .command of the language. 4. You need a lot of ( PATIENT) . . if you really want to becoe a doctor. 5. He doesn’t look well because he’s suffered from constant (SLEEP) 6. She is one of the grestest ( PERFORM) .to appear in this theatre. 7. She left him because of his ( KIND). . .to the children. 8. In the end, Tim left school with very good ( QUALIFY) . . . 9. With a view from Ngu Binh mountain, Huong river looks very ( PICTURE) 10. ( EMPLOY) . . .is very common problem in many country. IV. Use one suitable word to fill in the blank. People have always dreamed of living forever, and although we all know this will (1). happen, we still want to live as long as possible. Naturally, there are some advantages and disadvantages to a long (2) In the first place, people (3) live longer can spend more time with their family and friends. Secondly, people who have busy working lives look forward to a long relaxing (4) , when they can do the things they have never had time for. On the other hand, there are some serous disadvantages. Firstly, many people become ill and consequently have to (5) time in hospital or become (6) on their children or friends. Many of (7) find this dependence annoying or embarrassing. In addition to this, the (8) people get, the fewer friends they seem to have because old friends die or become ill and it’s often (9) to make new friends. To sum up , it seems that living to a very old age is worthwhile for people who stay healthy (10) to remain independent and enjoy life.
  2. V. Use the words given to make a complete letter. 1. This/ most interesting story/ I/ ever read. 2. You/ go / see / new James Bond film / last night? 3. She / go / university / next year / study English 4. We / have / stop / play / tennis/ because it / start/ rain. 5. Alice Hyde / become / first/ Miss World / eighty five years ago. 6. You / nice / help me / my homework. 7. My father / look forward/ hear about/ result / my exams. 8. What/ be /people/ like / island? VI. Match the first half of the sentences in A with the other in B to make complete sentences. A B 1. Tom said that . . . a. . . closed door without a key 2. Do any of you know the answer b. . . but later he became a famous football Player 3. At first Peter was a weak boy c. . . staying in England the following year 4. That he is dead d. . . half of which he gave to his close Friends 5. China is . . . e. . . . is clear 6. we found it difficult to get through. . f. . . much larger than the United Kingdom 7. she said that she was . . . g. . . he couldn’t do it the following week 8. Jack won $ 100.000, . . . h. . . which my father works. 9. Here is the factory in . . . i. . . .because it is important 10. We learn English . . J. . . to that tricky question. VII.Write a short paragraph ( about 100 words ) about one school subject that you like to study best and explain why you like that subject.
  3. KEYS I. Choose the best answer:( 1.5p) 1. become 2. arrive 3. telephoning 4. through 5. do you 6. even though 7. beginning 8. lay 9. apologise 10. suits II. Rewrite these sentences without changing their meaning: ( 1.5p) 1. It was too late to do something 2. If I had enough time, I would go to the cinema. 3. He could neither drive nor sell it 4. It is the first time I have ever seen such a mess in my life 5. My mother cooks better than I do 6. I am used to getting up early. 7. William accused Amanda of stealing his best cassette. 8. John Speke didn’t succeed in finding the source of the River Nile. III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.(1.5) 1. frightening 2. behaviour 3. impressive 4. patience 5. sleeplessness 6. performers 7. unkindness 8. qualification 9. picturesque 10. unemployment IV. Use one suitable word to fill in the blank. (1.5p) 1. never 2. life 3. who 4. rest 5. spend 6. depend 7. people 8. older 9. difficult 10. and V. Use the words given to make a complete letter.(1.5p) 1. This is the most interesting story I have ever read 2. Did you go and see the new James Bond film last night? 3. She is going to university next year to study English 4. We had to stop playing tennis because it started to rain. 5. Alice Hyde became the first Miss World eighty five years ago 6. It was nice of you to help me with my homework/ you are nice to help me with 7. My father is looking forward to hearing about the result of my exams. 8. What are the people like on the island? VI. Match the first half of the sentences in A with the other in B to make complete sentences. ( 1,5p) 1. g 2. j 3. b 4. e 5. f 6. a 7. c 8. d 9. h 10. i VII. Paragraph(1p) - Content: 0.5 p - Dictation: 5 mistakes ( - 0.1p)