Đề thi khảo sát chất lượng các đội tuyển học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 612 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Liễn Sơn

II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (15 pts)
6. In the evening, there is a football match_______ 8.00 and 10.00.
A. in B before C. after D. between
7. She hates_______ in front of everyone.
A. cries B. crying C. to cry D. cry
8. The fresh air in the countryside is good for our _______.
A. healthy B. health C. healthful D. healthily
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Nội dung text: Đề thi khảo sát chất lượng các đội tuyển học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề số 612 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Liễn Sơn

  1. VĨ ÚC I L I N I 6 N -2018 LIỄN ƠN ( ) S 612 I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (5 pts) 1. A. casual B. baggy C. flat D. equal 2. A. occasion B. champagne C. inspiration D. baby 3. A. admire B. hike C. picnic D. sight 4. A. publish B. tunic C. puppet D. subject 5. A. dressed B. carried C. learned D. lived II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (15 pts) 6. In the evening, there is a football match___ 8.00 and 10.00. A. in B before C. after D. between 7. She hates___ in front of everyone. A. cries B. crying C. to cry D. cry 8. The fresh air in the countryside is good for our ___. A. healthy B. health C. healthful D. healthily 9. They___ the new books last weekend. A. published B. ordered C. located D. commented 10. She said she was learning English___. A. now B. then C. here D. today 11. The doctor made the patient___ in bed. A. stays B. stay C. stayed D. to stay 12. I am looking___ my daughter. Because she is ill. A. of B. about C. for D. after 13. Could the boy___ in English? A. speak B. speaking C. speaks D. to speak 14. Minh is going to have his work___ before he went out. A. do B. did C. done D. to do 15. English people are___ on their work. A. interested B. keen C. proud D. famous 16. Let’s play games, ___? A. do we B. did we C. shall we D. have we 17. She wishes she___ a lot of friends. A. makes B. made C. has made D. would make 18. ___ of them wants to go to the theatre. A. Each B. Every C. All D. Any 19. Jean cloth___ completely from cotton in the 18th century. A. were made B. made C. was made D. has been made 20. Today, jeans are___ all over the world. A. famous B. popular C. traditional D. wide III. Put the words in the correct form. (10 pts) 21. He is___ in making the machines. SUCCESS 22. People in the countryside is___. FRIEND 23. My sister speaks English___ than I am. GOOD 24. What is the correct___ of this word? PRONOUCE 25. There is room for further___ in your English. IMPROVE 26. She actively___ in social work. PARTICIPATION 27. Last year we had an___ summer holiday. 28. He was___ of his achievements in the field of politics. PRIDE 29. The___ of the project made me tense. IMPORTANT 30. t’s a very simple question. ou can___ answer it. EASY IV. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. (10 pts) a. What you (31. do)___ if you (32. be)___ in my situation? b. I (33. not see)___ him since last week c. They (34. start)___ learning English when they (35. be)___ 10 years old. d. Each of them (36. sing)___ English songs when I came
  2. e. Mr John is the teacher now. He (37. teach)___ English since he came here in 1999. f. She (38. work)___ here since she left school? g. If everyone (39. come)___ here, wake me up immediately. h. What they (40. do)___ at 7 a.m. yesterday? V. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (10 pts) School exams are, generally (41)___, the first kind of tests we take. They find out how much knowledge we have (42)___. But do they really show how intelligent we are? (43)___ all, isn’t it a (44)___ that some people who are very successful academically don’t have any (45)___sense? Intelligence is the speed (46)___ which we can understand and (47)___ to new situations and it is usually tested by logic puzzles. Although scientists are now preparing (48)___ computer (49)___ that will be able to “read” our brains, (50)___ tests are still the most popular ways of measuring intelligence. 41. A. speaking B. reading C. doing D. singing 42. A. fetched B. gained C. attached D. caught 43. A. In B. Of C. After D. Follow 44. A. case B. fact C. circumstance D. truth 45. A. natural B. bright C. sharp D. common 46. A. on B. to C. in D. at 47. A. accord B. react C. answer D. alter 48. A. advanced B. forward C. ahead D. upper 49. A. technology B. hardware C. software D. screen 50. A. at this age B. for the present C. at the time D. now and then VI. Read the following passage then answer the questions below. (10 pts) On Sunday, Ba invited Liz to join his family on a day trip to his home village about 60 kilometers to the north of Ha Noi. The village lies near the foot of a mountain and by a river. Many people go there on weekend to have a rest after a hard working week. The journey to the village is very interesting. People have a chance to travel between the green paddy fields and cross a small bamboo forest before they reach a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village. Liz met Ba's family at his house early in the morning; and after two hours traveling by bus, they reached the big old tree. Everyone felt tired and hungry, so they sat down under the tree and had a snack. After the meal, they started to walk into the village for about thirty minutes to visit Ba's uncle. Then, they walked up the mountain to visit the shrine of Vietnamese hero and enjoyed the fresh air there. In the afternoon, they went boating in the river and had a picnic on the river bank before going home late in the evening. It was an enjoyable day. Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents. 51. With what topic is the primarily concerned? A. The picture of the countryside B. The farmers and the village C. The air of the countryside D. The life of the countryside 52. Which of the following sentence is NOT true? A. Liz met Ba's family at his house early in the morning. B. Liz had a snack under the tree. C. Liz had a snack at the house of Ba's uncle. D. Liz took a lot of photos. 53. In the line 8, the word "snack" means___. A. lunch B. dinner C. picnic D. meal 54. The air in the countryside is___. A. fresh B. polluted C. dirty D. beautiful 55. What did Liz do to show the trip to her parents? A. She had many photos B. She visited the shrine of Vietnamese hero. C. She met Ba's family at his house. D. She went boating in the river. VII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. (10 pts) 56. ou will be late if you don’t hurry. → Unless 57. I get to work in thirty minutes. → It 58. It took Peter three hours to open the doors. → Peter spent 59. t’s two years since didn’t meet him. → haven’t 60. The garage is going to repair the car for us next week. → We are going ___THE END___ Total .